Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
3.01 大飯原発を停止せよ!首相官邸前抗議 首都圏反原発連合
★ Stop The Oiigenpatsu 0301! Protest Before Prime Minister's Office (Oii NuclearPowerPlant)
★0301 大飯原発を停止せよ!首相官邸前抗議
日時:2013年3月01日(金)18:00~20:00 予定
★0301 大飯原発を停止せよ!首相官邸前抗議 首都圏反原発連合
Create Your Own Flash Mob 'Die-in' to Remember Fukushima Victims on March 11 @ 12:45 PM
Here’s how it works:
A minimum of 4 people plan to meet at 12:15 in a popular park, playground, or mall – anywhere pedestrians will be walking back to work or school after lunch. Everyone spreads out among the pedestrians, then all collapse in unison at 12:45 and ‘play dead’ for about 2 minutes. A few seconds after people fall, the designated poster-bearer walks among the fallen, carrying a Nuclear Fallout poster (download ours free or make your own), which explains to onlookers what they are witnessing and why. Read 'how-to' Fallout Guide.
Tell President Obama: Don't appoint Dr. Moniz as Energy Secretary
Numerous published reports indicate that President Obama is leaning toward appointing Dr. Ernest Moniz of MIT to be the next Secretary of Energy. An announcement could be made as early as next week.
Dr. Moniz is the wrong choice for this job.
Dr. Moniz wrote in Foreign Affairs after Fukushima that it would be a “mistake” to allow Japan’s nuclear disaster to “cause governments to abandon nuclear power and its benefits.”
The National Journal described Dr. Moniz as a "Proponent of Good, Old-Fashioned Nuclear Energy."
Dr. Moniz has testified in favor of "small, modular reactors" before Congress and was part of the Energy Department's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future that recommended centralized "interim" storage of lethal radioactive waste.
Dr. Moniz has testified in favor of "small, modular reactors" before Congress and was part of the Energy Department's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future that recommended centralized "interim" storage of lethal radioactive waste.
America needs an energy secretary who understands the need to address our climate crisis, to move aggressively to develop renewable energy sources, and to take the necessary steps to build a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future. Dr. Moniz is not that person. President Obama can and should do better.
Tell President Obama: Don't appoint Dr. Moniz as Energy Secretary
Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS
Radiation Truth
Mission of Radiation Truth
Our goal is share the latest information on nuclear power, and its health effects. We want to encourage our readers to share information and be active!
Visit our blog for the latest News
More reasons:
- We see that environmental toxins are epidemic and a major factor in disease.
- We can have a green lawn, eat healthy foods, but we can not avoid nuclear radiation.
- Our research has shown that nuclear power and nuclear accidents have contributed much more to cancer, birth defects and other diseases than the powerful nuclear industry wants us to know.
- We believe that doing nothing about the extra radiation we face from nuclear power plants is immoral; and that we must switch to safe renewables as fast as possible.
What happened in Japan was the catalyst, but we have been following the off-the-radar effects of supposedly “safe” nuclear power — both normal operation and accidents — for over twenty years. As Rachel Maddow pointed out around April 2, 2011, close calls and relatively small accidents happen quite often. Isn’t it time to cut our losses and demand an end to this dangerous technology?
Besides the health and environmental effects, nuclear power does not even make economic sense. Subsidies, tax incentives, and other financial support to the nuclear industry over the course of the last 50 years amount to more than $500 billion (1). Furthermore, in the U.S. the industry has gotten legislation that limits their liability in any accident to US$12.6 billion (current estimate for Fukishima is US$152 billion). Even without an accident, taxpayers will be paying to deal with the dangerous spent fuel for generations.
We hope Radiation Truth encourages dialogue, provides useful information and raises awareness. Ultimately, we hope to help motivate people to take action and quickly move our country off nuclear power completely, as Scotland (2) and Germany are doing now. Both Denmark and Italy have not built nuclear power plants and have no plans to do so.
“The only nuclear reactor we need is 93 million miles away.”
–Source unknown
(1) Beyond Nuclear
(2) “SNP pledges more help for cities and new green target”, The Scotsman, 14 April 2011.
Radiation Truth
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
3.11-18 NY & LA screening '311 Surviving Japan'
The film '311 Surviving Japan' is screening March 11-18 in NYC, LA & selected cities. It's an insider's account of the Japanese Tsunami and Fukushima disaster by an American volunteer worker.
Tickets by advance sale here:
- - check this page for additional locations
Tickets by advance sale here:
- - check this page for additional locations
311: Surviving Japan - YouTubeInside story 2011 Japanese Tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear disaster cover-up discovered by an American volunteer.
Hotseat Remix: Chris Noland talks about Surviving Japan - YouTubeEpisode 89 of Nuclear Hotseat with Libbe HaLevy, interviewing Christopher Noland, producer & director of "Surviving Japan"
3.10 OAKLAND antinuclear power poetry afternoon | No Nukes Action Committee
Monday, February 25, 2013
3.9 MONGOLIA Fukushima Anniversary | The “Golomt” Anti-Nuclear Movement
english below
Улаанбаатар, Монгол улс. Голомт-Цөмийн Эсрэг Хөдөлгөөнийхөн (Анти Нуклеар Мүвмент) Фукушимагийн ослын хоёр жилийн ойг тохиолдуулан багт жагсаал зохион байгуулна. Тус өдөр Франц, Герман, Япон зэрэг дэлхийн олон улс орнуудад цөмийн эрчим хүчнээс татгалзахыг уриалсан олон нийтийн жагсаал цуглаан болж, цөмийн аюулын эсрэг хүн гинж болон зогсох юм. Монголын цөмийн эсрэг үзэлтнүүд дэлхий нийттэй эв нэгдлээ илэрхийлж, "Цөмийн циклийг эсэргүүцье" уриан дор жагсахаар бэлдэж байна.
Голомт-ЦЭХ нь 2011 оны 6 сард байгуулагдсан цөмийн эсрэг үзэлтэй эх оронч Монголчуудын нэгдэл билээ. "Голомт" хөдөлгөөнийхэн Монгол улсад цөмийн хаягдал булшлах, АЦС барихын эсрэг, уран олборлож экспортлоод цөмийн хаягдлыг эргүүлж авах Монголын Цөмийн санаачлагын эсрэг тууштай тэмцсээр ирсэн түүхтэй. Анх 2011 оны 8 сард "100 мянган цаасан шувуу" зургийн үзэсгэлэн хийж, цөмийн аюулын талаар нийгэмд сануулснаар тус хөдөлгөөн үйл ажиллагаагаа эхэлсэн.
Голомт хөдөлгөөнийхэн нь 2012 оны 3 сарын 11нд Фукушимагийн ойгоор багт жагсаал, 2012 оны 4 сарын 26-нд Чернобылийн 26 жилийн ойг тохиолдуулан "Бүү Март! Бүү давт!" жагсаалуудыг амжилттай зохион байгуулсан туршлагатай. 2011 оны 3 сараас хөтөлж буй голомт.орг блогоор цөмийн хор хөнөөлийн тухай мэдээ мэдээлэл түгээхийн сацуу арав гаруй баримтат кино орчуулж телевизээр гаргаж, орон нутагт тараасан. Хөдөлгөөний идэвхтнүүд ураны уурхайнуудад очиж, цацрагийн хэмжилт хийж байсан. "Голомт" сониныхоо анхны дугаарыг 2012 оны 11 сард гаргаж, хот хөдөөд үнэгүй тарааж байна.
Голомт-ЦЭХ нь 2011 оны 6 сард байгуулагдсан цөмийн эсрэг үзэлтэй эх оронч Монголчуудын нэгдэл билээ. "Голомт" хөдөлгөөнийхэн Монгол улсад цөмийн хаягдал булшлах, АЦС барихын эсрэг, уран олборлож экспортлоод цөмийн хаягдлыг эргүүлж авах Монголын Цөмийн санаачлагын эсрэг тууштай тэмцсээр ирсэн түүхтэй. Анх 2011 оны 8 сард "100 мянган цаасан шувуу" зургийн үзэсгэлэн хийж, цөмийн аюулын талаар нийгэмд сануулснаар тус хөдөлгөөн үйл ажиллагаагаа эхэлсэн.
Голомт хөдөлгөөнийхэн нь 2012 оны 3 сарын 11нд Фукушимагийн ойгоор багт жагсаал, 2012 оны 4 сарын 26-нд Чернобылийн 26 жилийн ойг тохиолдуулан "Бүү Март! Бүү давт!" жагсаалуудыг амжилттай зохион байгуулсан туршлагатай. 2011 оны 3 сараас хөтөлж буй голомт.орг блогоор цөмийн хор хөнөөлийн тухай мэдээ мэдээлэл түгээхийн сацуу арав гаруй баримтат кино орчуулж телевизээр гаргаж, орон нутагт тараасан. Хөдөлгөөний идэвхтнүүд ураны уурхайнуудад очиж, цацрагийн хэмжилт хийж байсан. "Голомт" сониныхоо анхны дугаарыг 2012 оны 11 сард гаргаж, хот хөдөөд үнэгүй тарааж байна.
Nuclear Labor Issues
They are called Nuclear Nomads, Glow Boys, Radium Girls, Atomic Gypsies, Gamma Sponges, Liquidators, Luminizers, Jumpers, and Bio-Robots. They are the disposable laborers and migrant workers of the Nuclear Military/Industrial Nexus. An entire class of essentially undocumented workers travel from nuclear plant to plant. When they exceed their RAD (radiation exposure) limit at a facility, they migrate to another. This practice is tacitly accepted by the industry for as long as it has existed. Although warnings have been issued, the industry could not function without them. The labor laws that exist are not enforced.
Slipping through holes in the system. Records are required to be kept, but frequently they are not. Personnel were not properly trained resulting in their own exposure to toxic amounts of radiation. There are ongoing failures to perform required radiological screenings or to implement corrective actions. Tragically, the questions that are raised go unanswered, and with the exception of a few whistleblowers, the vast majority of laborers - underpaid, overworked and exploited, have few incentives to share their stories. Below is a list of films, books, and articles concerning these unseen workers of the nuclear industry.
more: Nuclear Labor Issues |
3.9. SF Nuclear Whistleblower Conference | No Nukes Action Committee
3/9 SF Forum On The 2nd Anniversary Of The Fukushima Meltdown
Nuclear Whistleblowers, Health And Safety, Workers and Our Communities
Saturday March 9, 2013
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
San Francisco Community College Mission Campus, Rm 201
1125 Valencia St. between 22nd St. and 23rd St.
San Francisco, California
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
San Francisco Community College Mission Campus, Rm 201
1125 Valencia St. between 22nd St. and 23rd St.
San Francisco, California
Donation Requested
The growing dangers and systemic health and safety problems at nuclear plants in the US, Japan and around the world are a threat to the workers and communities. On March 9, 2012 there will be a national conference in San Francisco to focus on the issue of health and safety at nuclear plants and the systemic retaliation against nuclear plant whistleblowers. If the 1% stops whistleblowers from reporting on the dangers of nuclear plants, it’s only a matter of time till we’ll be having Fukushima in California.
It will also look at the failure of government agencies to do proper oversight of the retaliation of whistleblowers at these nuclear plants and how this failure to protect these health and safety whistleblowers needs to be addressed. It will also look at how the communities have been affected including Fukushima and California where San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear plants continue to threaten the environment and nuclear plant workers.
Speakers will include nuclear plant whistleblowers, health and safety experts and advocates and others who are seeking justice, transparency and accountability. The lawyer for the
Initial Speakers:
Dale Bridenbaugh, nuclear whistleblower who visited Fukushima
Paul Garner, Lawyer for injured service people from Japan who were involved in Tomadachi
And USS Reagan Sailors
Dr. Larry Rose, Former Medical Officer in Charge of Medical Unit Ca-Osha
Video From Fukushima Mothers
Dale Bridenbaugh, nuclear whistleblower who visited Fukushima
Paul Garner, Lawyer for injured service people from Japan who were involved in Tomadachi
And USS Reagan Sailors
Dr. Larry Rose, Former Medical Officer in Charge of Medical Unit Ca-Osha
Video From Fukushima Mothers
Initial sponsors
No Nukes Action
Injured Workers National Network
California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
Co-Sponsor San Francisco Community College Labor Studies Program
Nuclear Free California
Tri-Valley Cares
OccupySF Environmental Justice Working Group
For more information call (415)867-0628
No Nukes Action
Injured Workers National Network
California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
Co-Sponsor San Francisco Community College Labor Studies Program
Nuclear Free California
Tri-Valley Cares
OccupySF Environmental Justice Working Group
For more information call (415)867-0628
Nuclear Whistleblower Conference March 9th in San Francisco | No Nukes Action Committee San Francisco will be live streaming this event. However, there is always a slight possibility that partial or entire event won’t be available as live streaming due to a technical problem. Even in that case, however, a recorded footage should be available to view later on that day.
URL for IWJ-SF Live Stream channel is:
Sunday, February 24, 2013
2.27-28 Shut Down CGS | No Nukes NW | Beyond Nuclear
For Immediate Release
February 27, 2013
Tom Buchanan, WA Physicians for Social Responsibility, 206-947-6832
Chuck Johnson, OR Physicians for Social Responsibility, 503-777-2794
Leslie March, Sierra Club, 503-547-5479
Renowned Nuclear Expert to Speak in Seattle and Vancouver on Columbia Generating Station.
Northwest’s Only Boiling Water Reactor and Nuclear Power Plant
Seattle - Paul Gunter, renowned expert on nuclear issues and director of Beyond Nuclear will speak in Seattle and Vancouver, WA this week. Gunter has been focusing on the lessons we should have learned from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan nearly two years ago. This includes supporting a shutdown of GE Boiling Water Reactors like the Northwest’s only nuclear power plant, the Columbia Generating Station (CGS) located on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation along the Columbia River. Gunter will identify the risks and future consequences if we don’t protect our own Fukushima-style boiling water reactor from containment failure. (
A coalition of environmental and citizen action groups including WA/OR Physicians for Social Responsibility, Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign, and No Nukes NW are holding public meetings in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, WA with Gunter as the keynote speaker. The coalition is asking the ratepayers of Energy Northwest (a group of NW utilities including the City of Seattle and Clark County formerly known as the Washington Public Power Supply System or WPPSS) to call for a shutdown of the Columbia Generating Station nuclear plant in favor of renewable energy and efficiency.
Miriam German, an organizer with Portland based No Nukes NW, brings up the question of whether the CGS could survive a Fukushima like event. “The plant is located in an area that has seismic activity, wildfires and according to the Nuclear Regulatory could be vulnerable to floods, how will this plant hold up in an emergency? Do we want to find out?“
The coalition cites the boiling water reactor as dirty, dangerous, and expensive. “This is an irresponsible risk to the people, the environment, and the economy of the Pacific Northwest. Rather than courting disaster in return for less than 4% of the region’s electricity,” says Tom Buchanan, Vice President of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. “The CGS nuclear plant should be shut down as rapidly as possible and its highly radioactive wastes stabilized.”
“It begs the question whether we are truly committed to renewable energy and efficiency when we continue to commit the public’s dollars to a dirty and dangerous boiling water reactor” remarks Leslie March, Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign.
Public meetings will be held in:
Seattle, February 27, 2013 7:30 p.m. University Lutheran Church, 1604 NE 50, Seattle, WA 98115;
Vancouver, February 28, 2013 7:00 p.m. Clark Public Utility, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way Vancouver, WA 98663
Columbia Generating Station Fallout Plume!
Posted on November 12, 2012 by No Nukes NW

Columbia Generating Station 25 Mile Radius Fallout Plume Map
The center of this Toxic Plume is located approximately 160 miles southeast of Seattle, Washington. This plume is produced by 1 reactor located at the Columbia Generating Station.
“They plan to bring in an experimental fuel made from surplus weapons plutonium. Not only is the plant not designed for this MOX type fuel, using the plutonium based fuel will spread plutonium radiation downwind of the plant. This plant has the worst unexpected shutdown record of all Nuclear Power Plants in the US. Ground leaks have been reported from its elevated Radioactive Spent Fuel Pool.”
~ NO NUKES NW ~ | No Excuses! No Apologies! No Nukes!!!
New website - Shut Down CGS!!!
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CGS FACTSHEET from new website page 1 (go to website for complete PDF) |
Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive:
The Columbia Generating Station, which produces less than 4% of the region’s electricity, is an irresponsible risk to the people, the environment, and the economy of the Pacific Northwest. The CGS nuclear plant should be shut down as rapidly as possible.
Who are we?
Beginning the fall of 2011, a number of environmental groups in the region began to organize against extending the operation of this demonstrably dangerous nuclear plant, the Columbia Generating Station. These groups included the Oregon and Washington Chapters of Physicians for Social Responsibility, local chapters of the Sierra Club, Heart of America Northwest, Hanford Challenge, Columbia Riverkeeper, the Alliance for Democracy, and a new group – No Nukes NW – forged of the Portland Occupy movement.
Through a series of conferences, rallies, meetings and strategy sessions, we have coalesced around a multipronged effort to demonstrate the unsafe nature of operating this nuclear plant and the manageable consequences of shutting it down. We are now beginning the process of seeking support throughout the utility districts of the State of Washington, which collectively own the nuclear plant, and to present our findings to appropriate decision-makers and opinion leaders in the region in order to shut down CGS.
The campaign has begun and we are in it to win it!
Beyond Nuclear,
Sierra Club,
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Tell It: Nuclear Power NOT "Carbon Free" Nor "Low-Cost", and CAN be replaced w/ no-to-low emission sources
I have compiled the following information on the 3 Talking Points most often heard from SoCal Edison/San Onofre boosters: San Onofre's Nuclear Power is "carbon free" and "low cost", can't be replaced by "intermittent" solar and wind power, and natural gas plants will increase CO2/greenhouse gas emissions. Please make use of these documented nuggets of truth to counter the ignorance spread by SoCal Edison, a monopoly to which its customers are chained by California law. WE pay for SoCal Edison's and SDG&E's shareholders' profit on OUR investment paid through our electricity bills. "Privatize profit, socialize losses", indeed.
Martha Sullivan, Organizer
Coalition to Decommission San Onofre
1. Whenever nuclear power plants are talked about as "carbon free", point out the TRUE carbon footprint of nuclear power. "
A life cycle analyses (LCA) carried out by Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen and Philip Smith came to the following result: Electricity from atomic energy emits 90 to 140 g CO2 per kWh of electricity produced.
A life cycle analyses (LCA) carried out by Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen and Philip Smith came to the following result: Electricity from atomic energy emits 90 to 140 g CO2 per kWh of electricity produced.
"The relatively high range of uncertainty is due to the different grade of ores used. It depends on how rich the ores are that are used to obtain the Uranium. For poor ores, the higher value does apply and for rich ores, the lower value does apply. This leads to an interesting issue: The world-wide reserves for Uranium are a very limited resource. It is estimated to last for about 50 to 70 years with the current demand. If additional nuclear reactors are built, the supply will last correspondingly shorter. The higher the demand for Uranium, the more and more poor ores will have to be processed. This however will lead to a CO2 balance for atomic power, which gets worse and worse over time.
"Storm and Smith in the above mentioned life cycle analysis came to the conclusion, that between the years 2050 (if additional nuclear power stations are built) and 2075 (no additional nuclear reactors) the CO2 emissions of electricity from atomic energy will be higher as the same electricity produced by a gas burning plant! So nuclear energy can definitely not be the solution to mitigate the effects of global warming!
"Let's compare the CO2 emissions to produce 1 kWh of electricity by different technologies:
Technology/ g CO2 per kWh electricity
Solar power, water power and wind power
10 - 40
Nuclear power plants
90 - 140
Combined heat and power in private houses
220 - 250
Gas burning plants
330 - 360
New coal burning plants
1'000 - 1'100"
2. Whenever nuclear power plants are talked about as providing the "lowest-cost electricity", point out the TRUE cost of nuclear power.
"The efforts to consolidate the radioactive waste of one nuclear power plant in a safe manner will require investments of energy, materials and economic power of the same order of magnitude as the investments during the operational lifetime of the reactor. After closedown of a nuclear power plants a massive energy debt is left to society, increasing over time due to the unavoidable deterioration of the temporary storage facilities and increasing leaks.
"The efforts to consolidate the radioactive waste of one nuclear power plant in a safe manner will require investments of energy, materials and economic power of the same order of magnitude as the investments during the operational lifetime of the reactor. After closedown of a nuclear power plants a massive energy debt is left to society, increasing over time due to the unavoidable deterioration of the temporary storage facilities and increasing leaks.
"This debt cannot be written off as incollectable, like a financial debt, because the health of millions of people is at stake. If it goes wrong with the radioactive heritage of a nuclear power plant - and it will go wrong if nothing is done - it will go terribly wrong. We just cannot move millions of people to another, not contaminated region. Obviously the economy will also suffer a heavy setback in case of a severe accident. The chance of such accidents increase with time.
"Nuclear power delivers energy on credit."
3. Whenever SoCal Edison/San Onofre boosters talk about how they need their electricity rates to "stay low", point out the TRUE rates being paid by SoCal Edison customers compared to others in California.
SoCal Edison's electricity rates (with 80% ownership of San Onofre) are 50% higher than those of L.A. Dept. of Water and Power (which owns less than 7% of Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant) and Sacramento Municipal Utility District (which decommissioned Rancho Seco over 20 years ago after a public referendum).
SoCal Edison's electricity rates (with 80% ownership of San Onofre) are 50% higher than those of L.A. Dept. of Water and Power (which owns less than 7% of Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant) and Sacramento Municipal Utility District (which decommissioned Rancho Seco over 20 years ago after a public referendum).
4. Whenever nuclear power boosters say, "Replacing nuclear power means increasing CO2 emissions and solar/wind is intermittent," point out the TRUE state of the current energy marketplace, which is DISTRIBUTED generation near the point of use, for greater reliability and efficiency.
a. Fuel Cells
"Fuel cells are fundamentally more efficient than combustion systems, achieving 40% to more than 50% fuel-to-electricity efficiency when using hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas or pure hydrogen, depending on the type of fuel cell and the application. High efficiency is an inherent advantage for fuel cells because they use the chemical energy of a fuel directly, without combustion. Hybrids, such as systems that combine high temperature fuel cells with a turbine, can operate at electrical efficiencies estimated at more than 60%, higher than even the most efficient combined cycle turbine plants now available.
"Fuel cells are fundamentally more efficient than combustion systems, achieving 40% to more than 50% fuel-to-electricity efficiency when using hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas or pure hydrogen, depending on the type of fuel cell and the application. High efficiency is an inherent advantage for fuel cells because they use the chemical energy of a fuel directly, without combustion. Hybrids, such as systems that combine high temperature fuel cells with a turbine, can operate at electrical efficiencies estimated at more than 60%, higher than even the most efficient combined cycle turbine plants now available.
"When the fuel cell is sited near the point of use, waste heat can be captured for cogeneration, where it can be used to provide hot water, space heating, or cooling. This combined heat and power (CHP) installation can deliver 80% to 90% overall fuel efficiency. Heat can also be used for refrigeration using absorption chillers, as supermarkets installing fuel cells are opting to do. In buildings, fuel cell cogeneration units can reduce facility energy service costs by 20% to 40% compared to conventional energy technologies."
b. Solar Rooftops
As of the Summer of 2012, the CA Public Utilities Commission reported that California is generating 1,255 MW of electricity from 122,516 rooftops (more than one of the San Onofre Units). Rooftop solar installation can be done in a matter of months, not the years that power plant construction requires. The CA Air Resources Board estimated in June 2010 that 150 permanent jobs are created for each 100 megawatt (MW) of local solar added. As an indication of the growth potential of this job sector, in San Diego County, we have only installed 2% (or 140 MW) of rooftop and parking lot capacity -- this is a GROWTH industry!
As of the Summer of 2012, the CA Public Utilities Commission reported that California is generating 1,255 MW of electricity from 122,516 rooftops (more than one of the San Onofre Units). Rooftop solar installation can be done in a matter of months, not the years that power plant construction requires. The CA Air Resources Board estimated in June 2010 that 150 permanent jobs are created for each 100 megawatt (MW) of local solar added. As an indication of the growth potential of this job sector, in San Diego County, we have only installed 2% (or 140 MW) of rooftop and parking lot capacity -- this is a GROWTH industry!
c. "Intermittent" Solar and Wind Power
Southern California experiences about 290 days of sunshine per year, and "peak use" of electricity occurs from 10 am to 6 pm, which happens to be the peak time for sunshine, too (noting November-February shorter daylight, also lower electricity demand) . Wind tends to rise overnight, which complements solar's daytime production, as well as during stormy weather. A microcosm of this symbiotic relationship can be found in a suburban tract home in Oceanside, CA (north San Diego County), which is nearing 1 Year completely off the grid, using solar rooftop to charge batteries during the day, a micro-wind turbine to charge batteries overnight, and energy efficient appliances.
Southern California experiences about 290 days of sunshine per year, and "peak use" of electricity occurs from 10 am to 6 pm, which happens to be the peak time for sunshine, too (noting November-February shorter daylight, also lower electricity demand) . Wind tends to rise overnight, which complements solar's daytime production, as well as during stormy weather. A microcosm of this symbiotic relationship can be found in a suburban tract home in Oceanside, CA (north San Diego County), which is nearing 1 Year completely off the grid, using solar rooftop to charge batteries during the day, a micro-wind turbine to charge batteries overnight, and energy efficient appliances.
d. Re-THINK Not Re-Start
We need to update our electricity grid to reflect the innovations in electricity production, which are DISTRIBUTED, not centralized. Electrical engineers know how to do this, and THIS should be a focus of our technological innovation, NOT making our future fit the constraints of the archaic technologies of the 20th Century. For example, from the trade journal Power Engineering: "Converting an obsolete synchronous generator to a synchronous condenser is a viable, economical alternative to retiring the unit. As the condenser is a rotating device, it can also provide short circuit support in addition to reactive power capacity. While converting the unit requires a system-level approach and custom engineering, the result can greatly extend the generator’s useful lifespan. For the community, a conversion to a synchronous condenser can provide electrical system voltage support resulting in a stable source of electric power."
> Tell It: Nuclear Power NOT "Carbon Free" Nor "Low-Cost", and CAN be replaced w/ no-to-low emission sources (facebook note)
see also
whats up: "Nukes are not carbon-free" | C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes
whats up: NO NUKES • #RE_TOOL NOW
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Gary Shaw photo |
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C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes at #ForwardOnClimate Rally |
#BustTheMyth :: You can't Nuke Global Warming :: C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes
Nukes are NOT clean, #green, safe, or affordableC.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes
whats up: photos: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C.
anti-nukes at #ForwardOnClimate recognized by New York Times
whats up: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C. | whats up: 2.17 #BustTheMyth :: Forward on Climate Rally
#BustTheMyth (twitter)
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