Nuclear Power is a Crime Against Humanity
please post comments below
nobody has the right to shackle future generations with nuclear waste and inevitable radioactive pollution for any reason whatsoever, nor to take the risk of catastrophic accidents which are known to happen
International Criminal Court Rome Statute < (English, Español, Français, عربي)
Article 7: Crimes against humanity
1. For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:….
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
2. For the purpose of paragraph 1:
(a) "Attack directed against any civilian population" means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack; ….
> see letter from Francis Boyle, 20 March 2011 on this page > whats up: Nuclear Power = Crime Against Humanity
here are a few notes to get started - please help - let me know of anything else that you think of! - please post comments below
working towards a complete and legally sound case with a list of specific crimes and claimants, supporting documents, co-signers, etc., to bring before both The International Criminal Court and The United Nations
Given that nuclear power is not safe was definitively proven with The Chernobyl Nuclear Catastrophe, any claims of safety or participation in nuclear power activities afterward should be deemed criminal
Claimants are sought who suffered as the direct result of nuclear power activities, or suffered as a result of any fraud, negligence, dereliction of duties or governmental misconduct
Witnesses and Co-signing Organizations are sought
It should be so noted
• nuclear fuel acquisition and processing pollutes the environment, and is disproportionately detrimental to the indigenous and poor
• nuclear power relies upon inherently dangerous technology - no operator can truly guarantee safety (as has been proven...) - accidents do happen - they have, and they will again in the future if Humanity is allowed to continue exploiting nuclear power
• accidents at nuclear power plants cause great suffering, with serious injury to the mental and physical health of communities and countries; the effects of nuclear accidents are felt far beyond local boundaries and affect the entire ecosystem
• the operation of nuclear plants requires the routine release of radioisotopes into the environment; low level radiation kills - there is no "safe dose"
• the environmental contamination which happens during the entire nuclear fuel cycle and as a result of accidents has far-reaching and long-lasting effects on the health of humans and all living creatures by causing cancers and mutations with resultant suffering, death, and deformations
• there is no way to dispose of nuclear waste; nuclear waste will be a problem for future generations and for many years to come, and will involve the dedication of vast resources due to the short-sighted abuse of this technology during the current era
nobody has the right to shackle future generations with nuclear waste for any reason whatsoever
The ICC and UN will be requested to order levies against the perpetrators of these crimes for continuing environmental remediations, civil compensations, decommissioning and containments:
• dedication of all assets which are currently supporting a continuing crime - activities to be converted from criminal act to environmental remediation efforts with a dollar for dollar budget (also to include some allowance for civil compensations and health programs, etc.)
• dedication of resources equivalent to all profits made (since ____) through the criminal acts - to be used for civil compensations and health programs, etc.(also to include some allowance for environmental remediation programs, etc.)
whats up: my response to survey - "Global Opinion Survey on Japan’s Energy Policy Options"
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Japan has earthquake faults and tsunamis, plus faulty reactors! It is no place to try and use a technology which is inherently unsafe. Nuclear energy is a Crime Against Humanity - human kind's worst mistake - ingenious but deadly! - as it is...
to Japan: a Message from Dr.Helen Caldicott (Dec.2011)
part 1
a Message from Dr.Helen Caldicott _1 -Dec.2011 - YouTubepart 2
a Message from Dr.Helen Caldicott _2 -Dec.2011.m4v - YouTube
via oneworldnonukes's channel - YouTube
中鬼と大鬼のふたりごと 『原子力が答えではない』要点翻訳(1)放射線1ミリシーベルトでも死ぬ、原発は平常時でも放射能をばらまき労働者を殺し温暖化を促進する
whats up: VIDEOS: Over six hundred videos on nuclear issues - atomic history, dangers of radiation, events such as the Chernobyl and Fukushima Catastrophes, anti-nuclear activism, etc.
December 2012
U.S. Sailors Sue Japan Over Fukushima
Breaking News! U.S. Navy rescue workers sue TEPCO for their exposure to Fukushima radiation!
They claim the utility company, "a wholly owned public benefit subsidiary of the government of Japan," misrepresented radiation levels to lull the U.S. Navy "into a false sense of security."
Lead plaintiff Lindsay R. Cooper claims Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) intentionally concealed the dangerous levels of radiation in the environment from U.S. Navy rescue crews working off the coast of Japan after the March 10, 2011 earthquake and tsunami set off the nuclear disaster.
Plaintiffs demand a criminal investigation by Tokyo Prosecutors Office
Plaintiffs demand a criminal investigation by Tokyo Prosecutors Office - YouTube
On February 22, the plaintiffs of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster demanded a criminal investigation of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) by Tokyo Prosecutors Office.
1,324 Fukushima People Filed A Criminal Complaint Against TEPCO and the Government (Jun/11/2012)
1,324 Fukushima People Filed A Criminal Complaint Against TEPCO and the Government (Jun/11/2012) - YouTube
On June 11, 2012, 1324 people from Fukushima Prefecture filed a criminal complaint against Tokyo Electric Power Co. Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata and 32 others, accusing them of professional negligence resulting in death and injury, arguing they were responsible for causing the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant and the exposure of the plaintiffs to radiation.
In the written complaint filed with the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office, the complainants said the 33 neglected to take disaster countermeasures, despite the frequency of earthquakes in Japan and indications by experts of the possibility of tsunami. They also argued that the officials failed to release evacuation information appropriately, which led to residents' exposure to radiation.
The 33 include TEPCO Chairman Katsumata, former TEPCO President Masataka Shimizu, 13 other TEPCO officials, Nuclear Safety Commission Chief Haruki Madarame, and 3 Radiation Health Risk Management Advisors of the prefecture including Shunichi Yamashita, Vice President of Fukushima Medical University.
"By holding them accountable, we will carry out our responsibility to the next generation," says Ms. Ruiko Muto, leader of the complainant organization. "I hope our action will lead to reuniting our bonds disrupted by the disaster."
They plan to file the second complaint where people outside Fukushima Prefecture can join the complainant. The dedline for joining is the end of September 2012.
You can listen to an anti-nuke speech in September 2011 by Ms. Muto, leader of the complainant organization:
The original video( was created by OurPlanet-TV( OurPlanet-TV is an independent net-based media and welcoms donations.
Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.
In the written complaint filed with the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office, the complainants said the 33 neglected to take disaster countermeasures, despite the frequency of earthquakes in Japan and indications by experts of the possibility of tsunami. They also argued that the officials failed to release evacuation information appropriately, which led to residents' exposure to radiation.
The 33 include TEPCO Chairman Katsumata, former TEPCO President Masataka Shimizu, 13 other TEPCO officials, Nuclear Safety Commission Chief Haruki Madarame, and 3 Radiation Health Risk Management Advisors of the prefecture including Shunichi Yamashita, Vice President of Fukushima Medical University.
"By holding them accountable, we will carry out our responsibility to the next generation," says Ms. Ruiko Muto, leader of the complainant organization. "I hope our action will lead to reuniting our bonds disrupted by the disaster."
They plan to file the second complaint where people outside Fukushima Prefecture can join the complainant. The dedline for joining is the end of September 2012.
You can listen to an anti-nuke speech in September 2011 by Ms. Muto, leader of the complainant organization:
The original video( was created by OurPlanet-TV( OurPlanet-TV is an independent net-based media and welcoms donations.
Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.
Nuclear Refugees 「原発避難民」the people of Iitate Village 飯舘村の皆さん, 一年後
Nuclear Refugees 「原発避難民」the people of Iitate Village 飯舘村の皆さん, 一年後 - YouTube
Published on Jun 23, 2012 by DocumentingIan
"Nuclear Refugees, the people of Iitate Village, one year later" (2012/ Japan/ 18 minutes)
producer/ camera Koji Fujita 藤田 浩二
director/ editor Ian Thomas Ash
*** FRENCH-subtitled version can be found here:***
STORY: In May 2011, two months after the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, the entire village of Iitate was evacuated. This documentary combines interviews with the villagers as they are preparing for evacuation, along with footage of the village filmed one year after evacuation.
producer/ camera Koji Fujita 藤田 浩二
director/ editor Ian Thomas Ash
*** FRENCH-subtitled version can be found here:***
STORY: In May 2011, two months after the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, the entire village of Iitate was evacuated. This documentary combines interviews with the villagers as they are preparing for evacuation, along with footage of the village filmed one year after evacuation.
Second mass complaint coming over Fukushima disaster
November 02, 2012
FUKUSHIMA—More than 10,000 people from across Japan are seeking criminal charges against officials of Japan's government and the utility that operates the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, after a similar mass complaint this summer accused 33 officials of causing death and injury through negligence.
FUKUSHIMA—More than 10,000 people from across Japan are seeking criminal charges against officials of Japan's government and the utility that operates the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, after a similar mass complaint this summer accused 33 officials of causing death and injury through negligence.
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In June, complainants walk to the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office to seek criminal charges over the Fukushima nuclear accident. (Asahi Shimbun file photo)
Prosecutors in Fukushima Prefecture are currently examining the earlier complaint, filed in June by 1,324 people who were residents of the prefecture at the time of the accident in March 2011.
Complainants behind the new case plan to file it with the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office on Nov. 15. The group numbers about 10,850 individuals, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south.
The group is led by Ruiko Muto, 59, who traveled around the country seeking support.
Complainants argued that a broadly backed complaint would show that the general public is seeking criminal accountability for those who promoted nuclear power—and hold them responsible for damage from the disaster and for exposing victims to radiation.
The first complaint named 33 individuals, including 15 current and former officials of Tokyo Electric Power Co., the company that operates the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
It said they should be charged with professional negligence resulting in death and injury because they failed to take safety measures and furthermore released wrong information.
Prosecutors have had TEPCO submit video footage of teleconferences conducted between the head office and the Fukushima plant in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami.
They are expected to question concerned individuals before deciding whether to issue indictments.
Prosecutors have asked complainants to submit documents relating to people who died during the evacuation.
In addition to those documents, complainants plan to submit medical certificates for evacuees who were diagnosed as suffering mental trauma as a result of their ordeal.
They have argued that victims suffered "injuries" from radiation exposure. But it is thought to be difficult in law to establish a causal relationship between those purported injuries and the nuclear accident.
Jul. 24, 2012 Prosecutors to accept nuclear accident complaints NHK WORLD English
Prosecutors in Japan have reportedly decided to accept criminal complaints against the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company over the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Sources say the prosecutors made the decision after a government-appointed panel of experts released its final report on the accident on Monday.
About 1,300 people asked prosecutors in Fukushima Prefecture last month to investigate officials who held top positions with the government and the nuclear plant operator. The plaintiffs accuse the officials of professional negligence.
Other groups have filed similar complaints in Tokyo and elsewhere.
The prosecutors have to identify the cause of the accident if they decide to file charges against the officials.
The government panel and 3 other committees that conducted probes were unable to find the cause.
Medical experts say it would be difficult to determine that radioactive materials released from the damaged nuclear plant have inflicted physical harm on residents of Fukushima and other parts of Japan.
Sources say the prosecutors made the decision after a government-appointed panel of experts released its final report on the accident on Monday.
About 1,300 people asked prosecutors in Fukushima Prefecture last month to investigate officials who held top positions with the government and the nuclear plant operator. The plaintiffs accuse the officials of professional negligence.
Other groups have filed similar complaints in Tokyo and elsewhere.
The prosecutors have to identify the cause of the accident if they decide to file charges against the officials.
The government panel and 3 other committees that conducted probes were unable to find the cause.
Medical experts say it would be difficult to determine that radioactive materials released from the damaged nuclear plant have inflicted physical harm on residents of Fukushima and other parts of Japan.
The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights.
"The people that are saying we need nuclear power and we have the technology to safely store nuclear waste for 250,000 years are the same ones who claim that we can't use solar because we have no way to store the electricity overnight! If we have the technology to do one, we ought to be able to figure out the other." ---Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Associates
BBC News - Fukushima child's playtime starts with a fallout check: VIDEO
Ayaka and her family were forced to flee when their home was destroyed in the earthquake and tsunami which devastated parts of Japan in early 2011, killing about 16,000 people. They live outside the 20km (12 mile) exclusion zone surrounding the failed nuclear plant at Fukushima Daiichi, but they still have to live with increased radiation levels which impact their lives. Ayaka is one of several seven to 10-year-old survivors who talk about how their lives have changed forever in BBC Two's "Japan - Children of the Tsunami..."
Lawsuits in Japan (quick pick, 2012)
Shareholders file $67 bln lawsuit against Tepco executives | Reuters: TOKYO, 5 March 5
In the biggest claim of its kind in Japan, 42 shareholders filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court on Monday accusing 27 current and former Tepco directors of ignoring multiple warnings of a possible tsunami and of failing to prepare for a severe accident, lawyers for the shareholders said in a statement.
They want the executives to pay damages to Tepco, which would then use the money to compensate those affected by the disaster...
1,200 join suit against Genkai atomic plant | The Japan Times Online: (1 June 2012)
— Another 1,200 people have joined a lawsuit seeking the closure of the Genkai atomic plant in Saga Prefecture, bringing the number of plaintiffs to around 4,200, the most for any current lawsuit against a nuclear facility.
— Another 1,200 people have joined a lawsuit seeking the closure of the Genkai atomic plant in Saga Prefecture, bringing the number of plaintiffs to around 4,200, the most for any current lawsuit against a nuclear facility.
The suit was initially filed with the Saga District Court on Jan. 31 against both the central government and Kyushu Electric Power Co., operator of the Genkai plant, by 1,700 people. By March, plaintiffs numbered roughly 3,000. The plaintiffs are led by Akira Hasegawa, a former president of Saga University. "I hope we can shed light on problems concerning Japan's nuclear power operations, which are characterized as 'a private-sector business under state policy,' through the court debates," Hasegawa told a meeting of the plaintiffs Wednesday. More plaintiffs are expected to join, possibly in August, lawyers handling the suit said. The plaintiffs argue that restarting the plant's idled reactors would violate their right to "wholesome" living as guaranteed in Article 25 of the Constitution. Another group of around 300 residents around the Genkai plant filed a suit against Kyushu Electric in December, demanding that the utility shut down the plant.
(see updates above)
see also
Robert I want to provide a well thought out answer with precedent. Rakingmuck
ReplyDeleteit could be pretty straightforward - just need someone to draft it up, someone who knows the ropes. i've been in touch with some people about endorsement, possibly moving forward...
Deleteit could be pretty straightforward - just need someone to draft it up, someone who knows the ropes. i've been in touch with some people about endorsement, possibly moving forward...
ReplyDeleteRobert As you know I am getting ready to post as complete a list as possible of current litigation against TEPCO and more importantly Japan. I also want to add that I will also be publishing a list of where the 3 Presidential debates are being held. Perhaps we can marshal forces and get the two candidates to state their position (finally) on nuclear power!RM PS Notimportant used to be my name on the KOS for years !
ReplyDeleteStunning Summary Which Lays Foundation for all lawsuits from Fukushima Disaster. Full Report is long but worth the read.
Deletegreetings,found ur blog while trying to find write ups about the nuc. whistleblowers conferance,3-13-13. Here I want to elaborate on my concerns for future considerations.Russia recently admitted to decades of massive nuclear contamination of the arctic. Said they didnt know!!They lied,they put those who exposed it in prison and confiscated Bellonas files. After they contaminated the world ,thier own people,they continue nuclear proliferation. Subjecting 3rd world countries in billions of loans for Russias nuclear power.Vietnam,Indiaa,China and others. The IAEA cant even stop a small nuc. melt down. They do not protect us,in fact they state thier agenda is to promote nuclear power and arrange for loans. Entering in to fraudulant contrcts that force the citizens liabilities for 1/2 million yrs. Nato countries and the IAEA must be held accountable for crimes against Humanity and the propaganda campaigns that are against the law in this country. It is long past time to hold them liable for crimes against humanity ,for the spread of nuclear materials,contracts that force liabilties against the will of the people,and for permanatly contaminating the planet and food chain. They are the ones who are ultimatly responsible for the horrific consequences,by thier oown actions. Just wanted to add to thoughts for holding them all as committing crimes against humanity. Thank u for the love and time u give to this frustrating ,and most urgent issue. J