Monday, October 29, 2012

DARLINGTON: Flood of public interest prompts nuclear hearing delay

A flood of public interest has prompted Canada’s nuclear regulator to delay hearings into the overhaul of the Darlington nuclear station. Hearings were due to open Nov. 13 before the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in Courtice, near Oshawa. But the commission said Friday that the hearings have been put off until Dec. 3. The delay is because of the “high number of interventions,” according to the notice. A commission spokesman said there have been 200 interventions filed, with 90 groups or individuals requesting time for oral presentations. Ontario Power Generation, which owns and runs the reactors, is proposing to give the reactors a mid-life overhaul.

Flood of public interest prompts nuclear hearing delay -

Sunday, October 28, 2012

CURRENT AT #OccupyNuclear :)

#Occupy Nuclear
• NEWS: The #OcNuke Daily >
• TWITTER:!/search/realtime/%23OccupyNuclear
< #OcNuke #nonukes #ows

10.29 'Witch Watch' at Hinkley Point, Somerset

10.29 Chennai and Trivandrum on October 29 (?)
[check dianuke]

10.30経団連会館前抗議! Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

October 30 URGENT! Protest in Front of KEIDANREN KAIKAN.Following on from the protest held on Sep 25, and Oct 16 the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes will once again protest against Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), a leader of the business community that continues with its unremitting pressure, for ignoring the voice of the people and largely setting back the future path toward zero nuclear power.
DATE/TIME: 10/30 (Tuesday) 6pm – 8pm (planned)PLACE: In front of Keidanren Kaikan (just outside C2b exit of Otemachi station)Organizers: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

10.30 #SaveWhales NO SEISMIC TESTING San Luis Obispo Government Center

10.30 NRC - FOE #SanOnofre petition hearing Oct 30th to be webcast

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. DATES: Week of October 29, 2012. PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland.
STATUS: Public and Closed. ADDITIONAL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED:Week of October 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
8:55 a.m.—Affirmation Session (Public Meeting) (Tentative). Southern California Edison Co. (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station), Docket Nos. 50–361 and 50–362–CAL, Petition to Intervene, Request for Hearing, and Stay Application (June 18, 2012) (Tentative).
This meeting will be Web cast live at
the Web address—

10.31 UK 'From Fukushima to Reading: Public protection or public whitewash?'

11.1-18 see: whats up: 11.1-18 Anti-Nuclear Events in San Diego

11.3 UK Nuclear Trains Action Group stall, Brixton @StopNukePower

11.8 NY Helen Caldicott and Bob Herbert: Loving This Planet

11.11 反原発1000000人大占拠 Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

11.11 PARIS #AntiNuclear Protest

11.13 Efforts to Improve Nuclear Power Safety | UCS web-based briefing

11.13-14 #Darlington Public hearings (registration was 10.15)
*** POSTPONED *** Flood of public interest prompts nuclear hearing delay - A flood of public interest has prompted Canada’s nuclear regulator to delay hearings into the overhaul of the Darlington nuclear station. Hearings were due to open Nov. 13 before the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in Courtice, near Oshawa. But the commission said Friday that the hearings have been put off until Dec. 3. The delay is because of the “high number of interventions,” according to the notice. A commission spokesman said there have been 200 interventions filed, with 90 groups or individuals requesting time for oral presentations. Ontario Power Generation, which owns and runs the reactors, is proposing to give the reactors a mid-life overhaul.

11.14 #SaveWhales NO SEISMIC TESTING Ca Coastal Commission Santa Monica

11.14-16 Calif. Coastal Commission

11.21 INDIA Tamil Nadu and Kerala Work Boycott on World Fisheries Day

12.1-7 Buddhist March and Fast to Decommission #SanOnofre

12.1-3 CHICAGO: A Mountain of Radioactive Waste 70 Years High Ending the Nuclear Age
< #OccupyNuclear #nonukes #antinuclear

12.3 #Darlington Public hearings


VOTE NO + RT: Do You Support Uranium Mining in Virginia??

whats up: Utilities’ nuclear power plants threaten millions

PETITION Nuclear Power - Too dangerous. Too expensive. Not worth it!!

The Great Fallout | One Earthquake Away From a Very Bad Day


Stop the Diablo Canyon Seismic Testing
facebook group

NEWS: 2,830 whales, dolphins and seals of 25 different species will be harassed

Protect whales from dangerous seismic testing @Greenpeace

PETITION CA Coastal Commission #SaveWhales Stop Seismic Testing

PETITION #SaveWhales - Halt Seismic Imaging Project of CA coast

also: The Chumash Nation is speaking out against the Diablo Canyon Seismic project off the Central Coast of California.

whats up: #OccupyNuclear

Thursday, October 25, 2012

11.11 反原発1000000人大占拠 Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

来る11月11日(日)、首相官邸前、国会議事堂周辺をはじめとする永田町・霞が関一帯で、未だかつてない超大規模大占拠! 首都圏のみならず、全国から結集を!!!

• 11.11反原発1000000人大占拠 Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

The Rust-Bucket Reactors Start to Fall |

The US fleet of 104 deteriorating atomic reactors is starting to fall. The much-hyped "nuclear renaissance" is now definitively headed in reverse.
The announcement that Wisconsin's Kewaunee will shut next year will be remembered as a critical dam break. Opened in 1974, Kewaunee has fallen victim to low gas prices, declining performance, unsolved technical problems and escalating public resistance.
Many old US reactors are still profitable only because their capital costs were forced down the public throat during deregulation, through other manipulations of the public treasury, and because lax regulation lets them operate cheaply while threatening the public health.
But even that's no longer enough. Dominion Energy wanted a whole fleet of reactors, then backed down and couldn't even find a buyer for Kewaunee. As the company put it: "the decision" to shut Kewaunee "was based purely on economics. Dominion was not able to move forward with our plan to grow our nuclear fleet in the Midwest to take advantage of economies of scale". Ironically, Kewaunee was recently given a license extension by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Though Kewaunee may become the first US reactor to shut in more than a decade, it won't be the last:
Two reactors at San Onofre, between Los Angeles and San Diego, are down with massive steam generator problems. The potential cost of restarting them could easily run into the hundreds of millions. A new leak of hydrogen gas has just complicated the situation as public hearings have drawn large, angry crowds demanding the reactors not reopen.
Repairs to Florida's Crystal River have been so thoroughly botched by Progress Energy that holes in the containment may cost $2 billion or more to fix. Odds are strong this reactor will never operate again.
Official reports now confirm that Nebraska's Cooper and Ft. Calhoun reactors are at considerable risk from flooding. One or both may soon face decommissioning.
A fierce public confrontation over Entergy's leaky, accident-prone Vermont Yankee may soon bring it down. Vermont's governor and legislature have voted to deny permits necessary under state law, but Entergy has gone to the courts to prolong its operation.
A parallel confrontation at Entergy's Indian Point may turn on whether the state's denial of water permits could force shut a reactor just 35 miles north of Manhattan. That the first plane to hit the World Trade Center flew directly over Indian Point has been a source of serious public tension since 9/11/2001.
New Jersey's Oyster Creek is slated to shut by 2019 as a compromise forced by the state's demand that it add cooling towers to avoid further thermal damage to local marine eco-systems. But this dangerously decrepit reactor could go down early due to technical, economic and political pressures.
Ohio's infamous "hole-in-the-head" reactor at Davis-Besse continues to operate with a compromised containment and a long list of unresolved technical problems. Like Kewaunee, its economic future has been darkened by cheap natural gas.
The list of other reactors with immediate technical, economic and political challenges is long and lethal. The world still has no place for high-level radioactive waste. Renewable energy prices continue to drop while projected cost estimates for new reactors soar out of control---here, in Finland, France and elsewhere.
The two reactors under construction in Georgia, along with two in South Carolina, are all threatened by severe delays, massive cost overruns and faulty construction scandals, including the use of substandard rebar steel and inferior concrete, both of which will be extremely costly to correct.
A high-priced PR campaign has long hyped a "nuclear renaissance." But in the wake of Fukushima, a dicey electricity market, cheap gas and the failure to secure federal loan guarantees in the face of intensifying public opposition, the bottom may soon drop out of both projects.
A proposed French-financed reactor for Maryland has been cancelled thanks to a powerful grassroots campaign. Any other new reactor projects will face public opposition and economic pitfalls at least as powerful.
The announcement that Kewaunee will shut could send the US fleet into free fall. Richard Nixon promised the US a thousand reactors by the year 2000. But in fact there were 104. And with the needle now dropping, it's clear the "Peaceful Atom" is on its way out.
The decline is worldwide. China may still be weighing more reactor construction, as are Russia and South Korea. But public resistance has vastly escalated in India.
Virtually all of Europe is abandoning the technology, with Germany leading the way to a green-powered future. A fuel pool laden with radioactive rods still hangs precariously in the air at Fukushima, casting an even harsher light on the two dozen GE reactors of similar design still operating here. All but two of Japan's reactors remain shut while an angry debate rages over whether any of the rest will ever reopen.
Should the very pro-nuclear Mitt Romney win here in November, another surge may come aimed at reviving this industry.
But the mountains of money, litany of technical fixes and heavy political costs that would be required are staggering to say the least.
In the long run, the real worry is that one or more of these old reactors might just blow before we can get them decommissioned. In that light, the shut-down of Kewaunee and the rest of its aging siblings can't come soon enough.
Harvey Wasserman's SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH is, along with WILL THE GOP STEAL AMERICA'S 2012 ELECTION?, co-authored with Bob Fitrakis. Originally published

The Rust-Bucket Reactors Start to Fall |

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

#SanOnofre: Del Mar takes its position on SONGS to PUC

DEL MAR — Council members reiterated their position on restarting the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, agreeing unanimously at the Oct. 22 meeting to send a previously adopted resolution to the California Public Utilities Commission prior to that group’s scheduled Oct. 25 meeting. 
Last month council adopted a resolution urging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to require plant operator and majority owner Southern California Edison to undergo a public, transparent license amendment hearing before SONGS is allowed to restart.
Correspondence to the PUC will include a letter stating the city opposes a restart until the costs of reduced-power generation can be investigated. The letter will state city support for an Order Instituting Investigation of the costs associated with the prolonged shutdown of the plant and overruns that resulted from the installation of faulty steam generators.
Unit 2 at SONGS was taken offline Jan. 9 for a scheduled inspection. Unit 3 was shut down Jan. 31 after a small leak was discovered in one of its steam generator tubes. The plant has been offline since then.
An NRC investigation revealed several problems with generators, built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which had been replaced a few years earlier.
The report cited issues with fabrication, testing, transportation to California and computer modeling that underpredicted steam velocities in some areas where tube-to-tube rubbing occurred on the new generators.
After the report was released this past summer, many organizations and residents expressed safety concerns. In response the NRC hosted an Oct. 6 meeting featuring a panel that included Del Mar Councilman Don Mosier, a research scientist and professor at Scripps Research Institute.
A few days prior to that meeting plant operator Southern California Edison requested a 70 percent restart of Unit 2 for five months.
“There is a significant safety concern that’s shared by a lot of people about restarting this thing,” Mosier said. “It’s obviously shared by the NRC and Southern California Edison otherwise they wouldn’t do this sort of partial-power restart for five months to see what happens.
“This is basically an experiment with our safety,” he said. “They know that they’ve got a reactor that’s poorly designed and it has the identical design in the one that’s already failed that they don’t propose to restart.
“So they’re going to do this experiment and it only has two outcomes,” Mosier said. “They’re going to have another tube leak and another radiation leak or it will hold together at this reduced power.
“The big problem with this is it’s doing an experiment that exposes 8.5 million people to a safety risk, and secondly it’s spending a lot of money … to run these tests at reduced power,” he added.

more > The Coast News | Making Waves in Your Neighborhood

see also

whats up: San Onofre Nuclear Plant (Sen. Boxer vs. The NRC) • DEL MAR & ENCINITAS CITY COUNCILS

whats up - tag: San Onofre

Nuclear Fallout - Map of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants | NRDC

There are 104 nuclear reactors in the United States. If one of them lost both primary and backup power for even a matter of hours, it could lead to a meltdown and an airborne radioactive plume. See what could have happened if a reactor in your area had a severe nuclear accident on March 11, 2011.

Nuclear Fallout - Map of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants | NRDC


October 23, 2012

Current NIRS Actions! Essential things you can do to help build a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future.

No matter where you live, take action here to help close San Onofre:

US Radioactive Waste policy reaching a Perfect Storm. Major changes ahead will affect everyone!

Join 36 nearly 100 organizations (and growing)--almost 2 million Americans--and support the American Clean Energy Agenda to build a renewable energy reality by 2030.

The single most important action you can take to help stop new nuclear power in the U.S. Act here now: tell DOE Secretary Chu and President Obama to stop a taxpayer loan for new reactors in Georgia.

Tell the EPA: Don't Sacrifice Navajo Water for Uranium Mining! ( petition from our friends at ENDAUM).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10.25 Tell the CA PUC: Not One More Dime for Edison's Mistakes!

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulates the rates and reliability of electric service by SoCal Edison & SDG&E, majority and minority owners of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. The CPUC rarely conducts its "Voting Meetings" outside of its HQs in San Francisco. It is holding its next "Voting Meeting" on Thursday, October 25th in the Irvine City Council Chambers, which gives those affected by the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant a tremendous opportunity to address all 5 of the Commissioners,
 who are appointed by the Governor. The meeting starts at 9a, but we are asking supporters of the Keep San Onofre Shut Coalition to arrive by 8:30a and take seats before the meeting starts. Seating is always at a premium at public meetings on San Onofre, so we want to be sure our Coalition is well-represented in the Council Chambers, which seats 200; the CPUC is also planning an Overflow Room with 100-seat capacity, plus loudspeakers broadcasting the Meeting outside.

The CPUC's published Agenda for this meeting includes opening an Investigation into issues raised by the extended outage of San Onofre Nuclear Plant Units 2 and 3. Again, the CPUC regulates the rates and reliability of electric service by SoCal Edison & SDG&E, majority and minority owners of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant -- NOT nuclear power plant safety, which is the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The CPUC's Draft "Order Instituting Investigation (OII) can be viewed here:

At the beginning of each Commission "Voting Meeting," people may address the Commission about items on the Agenda (except closed session matters and certain other cases). If there are a lot of speakers, each speaker will get a maximum of 1 minute to speak. However, if a group wants to select a spokesperson or two, additional time will be allotted for the spokespeople, rather than having all of the individuals speak. In addition, spokespeople can bring such things as petitions or position statements to leave with the Commissioners. We ask your cooperation in allowing a limited number of spokespeople to sign up to speak for a longer time, to amplify and elaborate on our "Core Message to the CPUC" and "Detailed Message" (see post in Comments).

In addition to, or instead of, attending the Commission Meeting on Oct. 25th, you can also submit your Comment to the Commission via e-mail to the Public Advisor’s Office at The Public Advisor routes comments received to the Commissioners and there is no limit on the number of pages for written comments, so people can be more detailed in their comments, rather than having to get their spoken statement down to 1 minute (for large number of speakers at CPUC Meeting). If you attend the Commission Meeting on October 25th, you can also bring 7 copies of your written statement to submit to the Commission.

In prepping to attend the Commission Meeting, be mindful that "Signs brought by meeting attendees are limited to 8 1/2 x 11 inches in size. Sticks or any other type of handle are strictly prohibited." We CAN have larger signs/banners or signs with handles OUTSIDE -- and we will have these for our Press Conference outside, which we will hold at 11:30am. Please plan to stay through at least our Press Conference.

Please attend to show support for a CPUC investigation into the financial aspects concerning the future of San Onofre, for ratepayer protection from unwarranted expenses and a clear choice about investing in truly clean, safe and sustainable alternatives.


1. Bios of 5 Commissioners appointed by the Governor (confirmed by State Senate) to 6-year terms (sometimes appointed to fill unfinished terms).

2. "Guide to Commission Meeting and Meeting Agenda"

3. "Rules for Public Comments at Commission Meetings"

Carpooling encouraged! Post on this Facebook Page if you have space in your car, or seeking a ride, and note where you are leaving from. Given morning rush hour in Orange County, recommend giving yourself ample time. 

Come join the protest and tell the PUC to take action on San Onofre. Even if you cannot stay all day we need you to come for the Action and Press Conference at 11:30 am Oct 25, outside at the Irvine City Council Chambers, 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92606. Bring your signs and banners. ROSE is calling for Gov Brown to replace Mr. Peevey.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulates the rates and reliability of electric service by SoCal Edison & SDG&E, majority and minority owners of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. The CPUC rarely conducts its “Voting Meetings” outside of its HQs in San Francisco. It is holding its next “Voting Meeting” on Thursday, October 25th in the Irvine City Council Chambers, which gives those affected by the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant a tremendous opportunity to address all 5 of the Commissioners, who are appointed by the Governor. The meeting starts at 9a, but we are asking supporters of the Keep San Onofre Shut Coalition to arrive by 8:30a and take seats before the meeting starts. Seating is always at a premium at public meetings on San Onofre, so we want to be sure our Coalition is well-represented in the Council Chambers, which seats 200; the CPUC is also planning an Overflow Room with 100-seat capacity, plus loudspeakers broadcasting the Meeting outside.

see also

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Anti-nuclear event in Paris - World Network For Saving Children From Radiation

10月13日第一回脱原発パリ・バスティーユ広場アクション - YouTube

A member of World Network for Saving Children from Radiation attended the anti-nuclear event that took place at the Bastille in Paris, France.

Takafumi Honda, World Network for Saving Children from Radiation: On October 13, I attended the anti-nuclear event at the Bastille in Paris, which was organised by Sortir du Nucléaire Paris (Phasing Out the Nuclear Age Paris) and Yosomono (Outsiders’) –Net. During the event, around 400 people were participating to demand a phase-out of nuclear power in France and Japan. The event involved not only the speeches made by the organisers, but a Mikoshi (portable shrine) attraction and Kansho Odori (traditional dance in Fukushima). As a speaker, Haruko Boaglio, a refugee from Fukushima who came to Paris immediately after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, talked about the experience she went through after the crisis and the activities of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Plaintiffs. Haruko said she had recently joined the Plaintiffs. I also made a speech, on behalf of Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation, about the current health condition of Fukushima Children. In the speech, I attempted to stress the importance of collective evacuation of Fukushima children, as the recent data shows the increasing proportion of children having abnormalities in their thyroids. (More information can be found on the Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trail blog) When I was making the speech, despite pouring rain, the patience and enthusiasm of French audience were remarkable. They also seemed to have enjoyed the Mikoshi attraction and the strange traditional dance of Fukushima, which the organisers said they sought to respond to Kansho Odori, symbolically danced by the women of Fukushima at a number of anti-nuclear events in Japan... (more)
Anti-nuclear event in Paris - World Network For Saving Children From Radiation


My Greenpeace colleagues aboard our new flagship the Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Ocean shared a heartwarming experience when a frolicking group of humpback and minke whales put on quite a show. The excitement of their encounter just reverberated through their email and I can see from these photos why they were so pumped. It’s not a stretch to say these whales were happy and playful. Why wouldn’t they be as the entire Indian Ocean is a whale sanctuary where they can live in peace? What a contrast this is to other parts of the world where whales not only don’t have protections but face a myriad of direct threats from humans. One huge emerging threat to whales, dolphins and other marine wildlife is happening now in the coastal waters of California... (more)

*** ALERT ***
11.14 #SaveWhales
NO SEISMIC TESTING :: Ca Coastal Commission, Santa Monica

• another petition:

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is posed to conduct seismic testing in a grid pattern over a large area off the Central Coast of California from Cambria to the Santa Maria River. Tests could begin as early as September 2012 and last until the end of the year. The research ship would emit blasts of very loud noise into the ocean. Streamers four or five miles long would be towed behind the vessel, which would pick up the sound waves as they penetrate several miles into the Earth’s crust and reverberate back to the surface...

 another petition:
The goal of the seismic imaging project is to attempt to measure the three major earthquake fault lines which run along our coast. The existence of these fault lines, especially after the continuing disaster at Fukushima, Japan, call into question the advisability of maintaining the Diablo Canyon nuclear power facility, operating near Avila.

•  another petition:

Protect Central Coast Wildlife from Seismic Testing - Sierra Club
Protect Our Marine Wildlife and Fisheries from Seismic Testing

This November, PG&E plans to begin the seismic testing program required by regulators to determine whether the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant can continue to operate safely.Environmental reviews for this project have already found “significant and unavoidable” impacts on marine life like whales and porpoises. Previous seismic testing has even been linked to whale strandings, disorientation in marine mammals, and fish kills.Seismic testing could also have devastating effects on our fisheries and local economies. Local fisherman will not be allowed to work in waters while they are being surveyed and the noise could threaten rockfish, a lucrative species for central coast fishermen.Tell the California Coastal Commission to require PG&E to fully account for and minimize all threats to our marine wildlife from seismic testing.

• and another petition:

Petitioning Central Coast District Office
 Protect Sea Life, Sacred Chumash Cultural Sites, and Religious Beliefs from Seismic Testing.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant also known as PG&E is attempting to get approval for 3D Geophysical Seismic Testing.  If approved Marine Life living between Point Buchon and Guadalupe will be under seriouse attack by Air Cannons booming 250 decibles into 580 square nautical miles of the ocean.  These powerful Air Cannons will blast every 10 to 20 seconds for 42 days straight.  These booms will travel into the water and 10 miles into the earth's crust, destroying fragile and sensitive Sacred Chumash Cultural Sites.  These blasts are so powerful that PG&E suggests fisherman, divers, kayakers, boaters (including our tomol paddlers), and surfers remain out of the water due to cause of illness and even death.  In PG&E's own Environmental Impact Report it states a large list of animals that will be killed and the negative impact on submerged Chumash Cultural Resource Sites.

Chumash Nation speaks out against seismic testing off California coast

The Chumash Nation is speaking out against the Diablo Canyon Seismic project off the Central Coast of California.
The California-based energy company Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) wants to carpet bomb approx. 580 square nautical miles of sea floor with powerful Air Cannons that will blast every 10 to 20 seconds for 42 days straight.
The Chumash warn that these 260db sonic blasts, which will travel through the water and 10 miles into the earth's crust, will devastate the local marine ecosystem and possibly destroy fragile and sensitive Sacred Chumash Cultural Sites.
PG&E itself suggests that fisherman, divers, kayakers, boaters (including our tomol paddlers), and surfers remain out of the water during the tests due to the possibility of illness and even death. PG&E's Environmental Impact Report also lists a number of animals that will be unavaoidably impacted... (more)