STOP Oh-i Nuclear Plant !!! :: Huge Action at Prime Minister Official Residence
#NuclearFreeCarbonFree #PeoplesClimate #ClimateMarch team; April 29 Washington, DC
FACE BOOK GROUP – facebook.com/groups/nukefreeclimatefreemarch/
This is the Facebook group page for the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Hub to the People's Climate march 2017. Whether you are mobilizing for the major march in Washington, DC, or organizing for an event close to home, this page is for you!
Please join our weekly planning calls for the march - contact Tim Judson at NIRS* for the details: timj@nirs.org
You will find old postings and photos from previous nuclear-free, carbon-free mobilizations. This page is used as the Facebook site for the nuclear-free, carbon-free contingents to climate and clean energy marches since the September 21 2014 People's Climate March in NYC. It was an organizing tool for the nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent to the massive international climate rally in Paris in December 2015 at the critical COP 21 conference. And for the July 2016 March for a Clean Energy Revolution.
We will continue to post, and accept relevant posts, related to building a safe, sustainable, clean, and affordable energy system.
you can't nuke global warming!
Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to the People's Climate March on Facebook
* Nuclear Information and Resource Center (NIRS)
MARCH 11, 2017 ::: 6th Anniversary of the _beginning of the ONGOING #FUKUSHIMA CATASTROPHE
image by Gail Payne paynestudios@gmail.com
...have been adding some event links on Facebook in the #OccupyNuclear group – click HERE
★0805 再稼働反対!首相官邸前抗議 | 首都圏反原発連合 (FRIDAYS, WEEKLY)
every Friday!
August 9, 2016 Action at Livermore Lab 8 AM
August 9, 2016 Action at Livermore Lab 8 AM (Facebook page)
7.13 NIRS National Telebriefing: Dangerous Drinking Water
Register to join NIRS's next national telebriefing:
Dangerous Drinking Water
Wednesday, July 13 @ 8pm Eastern
(7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific)
Join us on July 24 as we join thousands in the streets of Philadelphia marching for a Clean Energy Revolution!
We are forming a Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent, and we want you to join us. We will demand an end to nuclear power and fossil fuels, and a just transition to a 100% renewable energy world. We will march with thousands from coast to coast on the eve of the Democratic National Convention, calling on all of our political leaders to take immediate action.
whats up: Make 2016 the Year for a Clean Energy Revolution! March with the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent on July 24
6.28 Shut Down Diablo Nuke Plant MAJOR Event! | #DiabloCanyon – SHUT DOWN NOT MELTDOWN!
(link for tag "311" on this blog)
(link for tag "Chernobyl" on this blog)
The 26th of April appealFor an artistic, intellectual, scientific and people’s insurrection against the pursuit of radioactive contamination of the planet!
The 26th of April appeal | brut-de-beton.net –
Between the 11th of March and the 26th of April 2016, for seven weeks, let texts be staged, others simultaneously read in different locations, films be screened, photographs be exhibited, debates and seminars be organised in university amphitheatres, schools and libraries, town halls, industrial wastelands. Let an insurrection of artists, intellectuals and scientists convince citizens to prevent a future that is further contaminated by radioactivity. And let a thousand shows, books, pictures/paintings, ballets, concerts, report, balls, academic seminars, carnivals, poems, exhibitions and researches thrive!
whats up: 311 :: 26th of April Appeal – Planned Events (we heard of) for the commemoration of #Chernobyl & #Fukushima in March and April 2016 | #OccupyNuclear
311 :: Never Again - events | Wise International
Planned events in 2016 for the commemoration of Chernobyl & Fukushima. This are not (all) events that are organised by WISE international. If you would like your event in this list, please get in touch with us.
3.11 Fifth Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Events and Actions Worldwide
2.13 - 3.4 ARNIE GUNDERSON Japan Speaking Tour | Fairewinds Energy Education
★0311再稼働反対!首相官邸前抗議 | 首都圏反原発連合
3.26 NO NUKES DAY– Yoyogi Park (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) | 原発のない未来へ!3.26全国大集会 つながろう福島!守ろういのち!
Place: Yoyogi Park (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Main stage : Yoyogi Park soccer grounds
Outdoor Music stage
Keyaki Namiki stage
NO NUKES DAY 原発のない未来へ!3.26全国大集会
ー 福島原発事故から5年・チェルノブイリ事故から30年 ー
Feb. 27 Stop Trident March & Rally; LONDON | CNDUK, Medact, ICAN, ICRC
安倍政権NO!☆0214大行進in渋谷 | 首都圏反原発連合
Dr Caldicott to speak in South Australia, on Nuclear Waste
Indigenous representatives from the Northern Great Plains & Southwest are traveling to DC for meetings and presentations to address radioactive impacts in their communities.
3.9 planning meeting for August 6 Hiroshima Commemoration and Action at Livermore Lab | Tri-Valley CAREs
– In an act of solidarity C.A.N. is requesting members and groups to use this banner as your cover image on or before 3.11.2015 and during the month of March. Please post your actions and events commemorating 3.11 here and on the general event page here: facebook.com/groups/3.11fukushimafourthanniversaryactions
C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes
3.11 >> NO NUKES WEEK 2015 | Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, Japan
NO NUKES WEEK 2015 coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=5796 【3月11日を中心にその前後を「ノーニュークスウィーク」とし全国で行われるアクションをつなぎ、共同行動を呼びかけていきます。】 pic.twitter.com/vwifk9i3pK
[March 11 as "no new nuke Week" to connect the action that takes place across the country, we will call for joint action . ]
NO NUKES WEEK 2015 coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=5796 【3月11日を中心にその前後を「ノーニュークスウィーク」とし全国で行われるアクションをつなぎ、共同行動を呼びかけていきます。】 pic.twitter.com/vwifk9i3pK
3.8 TOKYO :: NO NUKES DAY 反原発★統一行動 ~福島を忘れるな!再稼働を許すな!~ | 首都圏反原発連合
0308 NO NUKES DAY 反原発★統一行動 ~福島を忘れるな!再稼働を許すな!~ | 首都圏反原発連合
March 8 NO NUKES DAY -Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts!
0308 NO NUKES DAY 反原発★統一行動 ~福島を忘れるな!再稼働を許すな!~ | 首都圏反原発連合
March 8 NO NUKES DAY -Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts!
Four years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. As the government pushes for the restart of nuclear facilities, we, the three groups of Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai, call for unified action to aptly demonstrate popular opinion against nuclear power.
• 311 NYC: End Nuclear Power - NY Metro Anti-Nuke Events | Radiation Truth
Four years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. As the government pushes for the restart of nuclear facilities, we, the three groups of Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai, call for unified action to aptly demonstrate popular opinion against nuclear power.
• 3月11日、フクシマ核複合災害4周年 第4回「311原発いらない! 地球のつどい」開催!| 3.11 Fukushima nuclear complex disaster 4th anniversary - do not need nuclear power plants! Global gathering event
Please post your actions and events commemorating 3.11 here (in comments below) and on the Facebook event page here: facebook.com/groups/3.11fukushimafourthanniversaryactions
3.11 Worldwide Emergency Action To Stop Japanese Abe Government Release Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific | No Nukes Action Committee
3/11/15 Emergency Action Worldwide To Stop Japanese Abe Government Release Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific
Emergency Action On Wednesday March 11 At All Japanese Consulates And Embassies
The No Nukes Action Committee And Fukushima Response are calling for emergency demonstrations
and rallies at all Japanese Consulates and Embassies throughout the world on March 11, 2015, the fourth
anniversary of the nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima. The Japanese Abe government has ordered the
release of thousands of tons of highly radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean threatening
the health and safety of people and the environment throughout the Pacific Rim.
Please contact us with your plans and video tape your actions at Japanese consulates throughout the world.
We need to put the Abe administration on notice that this release of radioactive water into the Pacifica is
opposed by people throughout the world.
Emergency Action On Wednesday March 11 At All Japanese Consulates And Embassies
The No Nukes Action Committee And Fukushima Response are calling for emergency demonstrations
and rallies at all Japanese Consulates and Embassies throughout the world on March 11, 2015, the fourth
anniversary of the nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima. The Japanese Abe government has ordered the
release of thousands of tons of highly radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean threatening
the health and safety of people and the environment throughout the Pacific Rim.
Please contact us with your plans and video tape your actions at Japanese consulates throughout the world.
We need to put the Abe administration on notice that this release of radioactive water into the Pacifica is
opposed by people throughout the world.
Petition To Stop Release Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into Pacific Ocean
– written by NNA member Steve Zeltzer
3/11/15 Emergency Action Worldwide To Stop Japanese Abe Government Release Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific | No Nukes Action Committee
4.14-16 Symposium mondial sur l'uranium à Québec
Science | Health | Environment | Human rights | Economy | Society
Symposium mondial sur l'uranium - 14-15-16 avril 2015 à Québec
2.28 - 3.1: NYC Top Anti-Nuclear Authorities to Convene
Symposium: The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction l February 28-March 1, 2015 at The New York Academy of Medicine
2.28-3.1 The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction, NYC
The Helen Caldicott Foundation
12.16-18 Uranium Film Festival in Jordan, Amman
Uranium Film Festival in Jordan, Amman, Rainbow Theater, 16 to 18 Dec, 2014 www.uraniumfilmfestival.org/en
International Uranium Film Festival
Urânio em Moviemento - Uranium Film Festival
Urânio em Moviemento - Uranium Film Festival
1205 再稼働反対!首相官邸前抗議
→ http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=789
→ http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=789
Fight for Our Nature and Future
National Campaign for ‘Nuclear-Free India’
Train Yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, November 7 to 17, 2014
Let us make it very clear at the outset that we are for the development of the country and all our peoples including the poor and oppressed. So we do support energy generating plans and projects.
We only say that let us generate required energy from renewable sources such as the Sun, wind, waves, wastes and so forth without spoiling our land, water, air, sea and sea food, cattle and crops etc. After all, food security, nutrition security, water security and air security are far more important than energy security.[more]
11.14-17 National Summit for a Nuclear Free Future; Chevy Chase, MD
via @Sierra Club
The EPA is blatantly promoting nuclear power as one solution to cutting carbon. Nuclear is NO solution, and we need to push to end any campaigns to encourage more nuclear, and instead promote clean renewable technologies. Come help us plan strategies to move towards a future free of nuclear power.
11.16 "Uranium? Leave It In the Ground!" film showing & discussion
-A Film Screening & Discussion About Uranium Mining-
Sunday November 16
@ Busboys & Poets (5th & K)
1025 5th St. NW Washington, DC 20001
Metro: Gallery Place/Chinatown
Join the discussion with experts and activists fighting the Nuclear Fuel Chain from Cradle to Grave. What can we learn from the history and what is at stake with uranium at this moment?
@ Busboys & Poets (5th & K)
1025 5th St. NW Washington, DC 20001
Metro: Gallery Place/Chinatown
Join the discussion with experts and activists fighting the Nuclear Fuel Chain from Cradle to Grave. What can we learn from the history and what is at stake with uranium at this moment?
Film: The River That Harms
(Dir. Colleen Keane, 45 mins, 1987, United States)
This film documents the largest radioactive waste spill in U.S. history - a national tragedy that occurred on Diné (Navajo) lands that received little attention. With the sound of a thunderclap, 94 million gallons of radioactive waste broke through a United Nuclear Corporation storage dam in 1979 and poured into New Mexico’s Puerco River, the main water supply for the Diné people and a tributary of the major source of water for Los Angeles, California. To the Diné people, this event impacted their lands, their health and their economy and sends a prophetic warning for all humanity.
Co-sponsored by: Beyond Nuclear, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Diné No Nukes, S.A.N.S., and Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Sticker designed by Yuko Tonohira of S.A.N.S., as is the Nov. 16th event flier
11.2 SEA Pulse films presents A2-B-C the true story of Fukushima now – San Pedro CA
SEA Pulse films will feature a new extraordinary award-winning documentary film, called A2-B-C (directed by Ian Thomas Ash), which focuses on the health effects many children in Fukushima, Japan are experiencing in the aftermath of the radiation exposures from the March 2011 triple nuclear meltdown. The film shows radiation hot spots in school yards, thyroid cysts diagnosis, radiation detectors on children’s backpacks, and government officials and even doctors who do not seem to care. [more]
9.15 NYC: HRN New York presents a seminar “Nuclear Power is NOT the answer to Climate Change”
9.18 Livermore, CA: COMMUNITY MEETING – Toxic & Radioactive Wastes are leaking at Livermore Lab | Tri-Valley CAREs
Find out about the contaminants, how they impact the Tri-Valley and Tracy, and what cleanup is being proposed for the Livermore Lab’s main site and Site 300 high explosives testing range. Both locations are on the EPA Superfund list of most polluted sites in the nation.
Learn about the Superfund Law and how its public involvement provisions can be used to improve cleanup and safeguard our health and environment.
You are invited to this very special meeting. You will hear from environmental scientist Peter Strauss and other experts. There will be ample time for questions. And, we will craft a plan to ensure that the community has a voice in cleanup decisions. Snacks and refreshments provided.
A short report on other Tri-Valley CAREs priorities will follow at 8:30 PM.
9.21 PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH, NYC: nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent | Nuclear-Free Carbon-Free
SIGN UP: Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to People's Climate March
- 350.org's Bill McKibben on nuclear power and climate. "Nuclear power is counterproductive, for economic reasons alone, in dealing with our climate crisis. Clean energy solutions are cheaper and faster to implement."
Join the nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent September 21!
People's Climate March: nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent (facebook)
Nuclear Power and Climate: Why Nukes Can't Save the Planet.
NIRS' basic 1 sheet factsheet: Perfect for downloading, printing, and distributing (pdf format).http://www.nirs.org/factsheets/nukesclimatefact614.pdf
Just $10 will buy a flag for nuke-free contingent to People's Climate March Sept 21. http://t.co/IEvTTwR2fX
People's Climate March: nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent (facebook)
Nuclear Power and Climate: Why Nukes Can't Save the Planet.
NIRS' basic 1 sheet factsheet: Perfect for downloading, printing, and distributing (pdf format).http://www.nirs.org/factsheets/nukesclimatefact614.pdf
Just $10 will buy a flag for nuke-free contingent to People's Climate March Sept 21. http://t.co/IEvTTwR2fX
whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!
you can't nuke global warming!
9.23 NO NUKES DAY 川内原発再稼働するな!フクシマを忘れない! さようなら原発☆全国大集会&大行進 | 首都圏反原発連合
★0822 再稼働反対!首相官邸前抗議!
8.30 TOKYO :: Halt Restart of Sendai Power Plant! Big Demo In Front of Diet Building | Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
8.30 川内原発再稼働やめろ! 0830再稼働反対★国会前大集会
8月 31日(日) 川内行動 韓国参加者を募集 | No Nukes Asia Actions - Korea
止めよう! 核発電所!
8月31日(日)九州・鹿児島 川内行動、韓国参加者を募集します
行こう! 韓半島から九州反核集会へ “希望バス”で
8.6 Hiroshima Day Action in Livermore, CA
Save the Date - August 6th Hiroshima Action in Livermore
We hope you can join us for this year's Hiroshima Day rally, march and action planned for the morning of Wednesday, August 6th. We are still deep in the planning stage of the event, so check back soon for more details...
Click here to download the Save the Date flier...
8.6 BERKELEY, CA: HIROSHIMA DAY - From Hiroshima to California, From Nuke Nightmare to Solartopia! with Harvey Wasserman and Cecile Pineda
Wednesday, August 6 (Hiroshima Day) at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall—1924 Cedar St.
8.10 Point Reyes Station, CA: From FUKUSHIMA to SOLARTOPIA w Harvey Wasserman, EON, Dan Sythe and John Bertucci
Cultural Potholes Institute and EON cordially invite you to a discussion about Fukushima and its on-going local effects you won't hear about in the mainstream media...
Creating a post-nuclear, post-carbon future
Sunday August 10 at 5:30 pm
At the Dance Palace, Church Space in Point Reyes Station
At the corner of 5th & B Streets
Harvey Wasserman
Author, journalist, historian,
Co-founder of MUSE - Musicians United for Safe Energy
Editor: nukefree.org Solartopia advocate: solartopia.org
Mary Beth Brangan & Jim Heddle
Co-Directors of EON, will present
A Sneak Preview of their forthcoming documentary
SHUTDOWN: The California - Fukushima Connection
( ShutdownDoc.tv )
DNA & Health Protection Post-Fukushima
Science-based tips for increasing your and your loved ones' resistance to the ongoing Fukushima fallout
Dan Sythe
Founder and CEO of International Medcom
John Bertucci
Co-Founder, Fukushima Response Campaign
Citizen Monitoring of Fukushima Fallout
Hors D'oeuvres, wine & beverages - Donations gratefully accepted
RSVPs are advised to: Mercede Ramjerdi
mercede415@gmail.com 415-488-7081
6.28 NO NUKES DAY 川内原発を再稼働させるな! さようなら原発★首都大行進 首都圏反原発連合
31 MAY; PETALUMA, CA: Citizen Science: Monitoring Fukushima Radiation
Two leading world experts in radiation monitoring will be speaking at 7:00pm on Saturday, May 31, in Carole Ellis Auditorium located on the Petaluma campus of Santa Rosa Junior College, 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway.
This important public information event is sponsored by the SRJC Physics Program and Chemistry Department. Admission is free and Q&A will follow.
The on-going radiation releases from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant constitute a serious threat to our ocean, natural environment and society.
Dr. Buesseler’s presentation, "The View from the Ocean" will provide an overview of studies of Fukushima radionuclides in the ocean, its uptake by fish and potential impacts on fisheries in Japan and the U.S. West Coast.
In the second presentation, “Community Monitoring Systems,” Dan Sythe will discuss his extensive work in developing and manufacturing radiation monitoring devices and his efforts to equip, educate and protect communities faced with the threat of radioactive fallout.
John Bertucci of Fukushima Response, a Sonoma County community group working since 2012 to inform the public about the Fukushima nuclear disaster, will moderate.
4.27 GARDENA, CA: Childhood in Fukushima: Hope in Adversity
Please join Families for Safe Energy for a special first-hand account of the situation of children in Fukushima by Mr. Sensuke Shishido, a former Fukushima school principal, and child advocate. Mr. Shishido will share his experience in protecting the children of his school in the wake of the triple disaster, as well as ongoing efforts to help improve the educational environment. He has been involved in securing government recognition and funding for "traveling classrooms," which will allow Fukushima children to have much-needed outdoor experiences in safe areas outside of Fukushima Prefecture. The advocates of this effort celebrated a milestone this week, winning $3 million in government funding.
Suggested Donation: $10.00
For more information: fforseca@gmail.com
Suggested Donation: $10.00
For more information: fforseca@gmail.com
Open as FULL PAGE: FUK 3 Event Calendar
LIST VIEW at Upcoming Events | Radiation Truthother places where this is found and can be viewed on a larger page -
2014-04-03: Study on Cancer Risks near Nuclear Power Plants
Subject: Impt. Public meeting 4/3/14!
National Academy of Sciences' Pilot Planning Study of Cancer Risks in Populations Near Seven Nuclear Facilities:
Public Meeting, April 3, 2014, Irvine, CA
National Academy of Sciences' Pilot Planning Study of Cancer Risks in Populations Near Seven Nuclear Facilities:
Public Meeting, April 3, 2014, Irvine, CA
4.3 ALAMEDA, CA: Film Screening: Atomic Mom
Film Screening: Atomic Mom - Thursday, April 3rd at 8pm at Rhythmix Cultural Works in Alameda, CA
Directed by M.T. Silvia, Atomic Mom invites viewers to confront American nuclear history in a completely new way … Pauline Silvia, the filmmaker’s mother, was the only female scientist present during atomic detonations in the Nevada desert. After a long silence and prompted by her daughter, she finally reveals grim secrets of working in the U.S. atomic testing program.
In an attempt to reconcile with her own mother’s past, the filmmaker meets Emiko Okada, a Hiroshima survivor trying to resolve her own history in Japan. The film follows these survivors, each on a different end of atomic warfare, as they “meet” through the filmmaking process and, with startling honesty, attempt to understand the other.
Atomic Mom director M.T. Silvia will lead a Q&A following the film.
For further information, please visit: www.rhythmix.org or call: 510.865.5060
Saturday, April 5 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA
4.5 SF: Remembering the 3 yr anniversary of Fukushima & Regeneration | Mission Arts Performing Project
This MAPP is the dedicated to recognizing the 3 year anniversary of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima Japan.
We stand in solidarity with the Japanese communities and global communities surviving and healing from this
nuclear disaster.We also raise our voices in opposition to the continuing misuse of nuclear power and
honor the activists, healers and plants working for regeneration and rebirth of our earth and oceans.
Hopes healing and creation
no radiation
MAPP Website:
http:// mappsf.bandzoogle.com/ home.cfm
nuclear disaster.We also raise our voices in opposition to the continuing misuse of nuclear power and
honor the activists, healers and plants working for regeneration and rebirth of our earth and oceans.
Hopes healing and creation
no radiation
MAPP Website:
3.8-15: 3.15脱原発集会 3.8―3.15はNO NUKES WEEK | さようなら原発1000万人アクション
3.9 International Protest down Upper Rhine Valley (9 March)
3.9 NO NUKES DAY 原発ゼロ★大統一行動 首都圏反原発連合
3.11&15 #NYC NO NUKES ACTION: Marches at Japanese Consulate & Union Square
March 11: March at Japanese Consulate
March 15: March at Union Square
The International Uranium Film Festival goes in February to Washington DC (Goethe-Institute) and New York City (The Pavilion Theater Brooklyn). All together the festival will screen more than 60 films about nuclear power, uranium mining, atomic bombs, radioactivity, about Chernobyl and Fukushima. Several filmmakers are present at the screenings in Washington DC (February 10 -12) and in NYC (February 14 – 19).
Goethe-Institute Washington DC
The Pavilion Theater Brooklyn
2.10-12 WASHINGTON DC: International Uranium Film Festival
2.14-18 #NYC: International Uranium Film Festival
2.12-18: Dr. Jeff Patterson's mid-Feb. speaking tour through MI: "Nuclear Power: What You Need to Know about Price, Pollution and Proliferation"
Beyond Nuclear is honored and privileged to coordinate the tour, as well as co-sponsor it alongside such allies as: WMU Lee Honors College; WMU Environmental Studies program; WMU Institute of Government and Politics; Michigan Safe Energy Future (both Kalamazoo and South Haven chapters); Don't Waste Michigan; PSR Michigan Chapter; Alliance to Halt Fermi 3; and Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes.
Following are the particulars for each stop on the tour. Please print up hard copies of the flier for the event(s) nearest you, and post them in good places, as well as spread the word electronically and to your social media networks!
7:00pm, Thurs., Feb. 13, WMU, Sangren Hall, Room 1910, Kalamazoo, MI (flier);
6:30-9:00pm, Fri., Feb. 14, Lake Michigan College, Rm. 141, 125 Veterans Blvd., South Haven, MI 49090 (flier);
3:00-5:00pm, Sat., Feb. 15, Ferndale Public Library, 222 E. Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220(flier);
1:00-3:00pm, Sun., Feb. 16, Ellis Library & Reference Center, 3700 S. Custer Rd., Monroe, MI 48161 (flier; and library e-calendar link, including link to map of library's location);
6:00-7:30pm at the 339 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor, Ecology Center, hosted by Michigan Physicians for Social Responsibility 339 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor, 48104.
★0131 再稼働反対!首相官邸前抗議!
2.1 FLAGSTAF AZ Public planning meeting for #Fukushima Solidarity Event
Common Good Café - Jordan Van Voast facilitates meditation classes at the King County Jail, and a Buddhist center. He will present a briefing of the current situation of the human health/environmental/planetary dangers presented by Fukushima.
Afterwards he will lead a meditation enabling everyone to get in touch with their sense of interconnection with all life, etc. And from their transition into the small group discussions to see what wisdom and coordinated action can emerge.
- Resistance at Black Mesa -
A fundraiser to maintain logistical and physical support to mostly elderly Dineh (Navajos) and community members who resisted and continue to resist threats of removal and coal mining expansion, as well as uranium and natural gas extraction.
WHERE: The Hive, 2222 N 16th St, Phoenix, Az
WHEN: Saturday, January 25th, at 4P
Featuring speaker Bahe Kat Keediniihii; from Big Mountain, long time translator for traditional Dineh
...and more (TBA)
Film screening of "Dine Bikeyah" and a segment of "Broken Rainbow"
Since 1974, a congressional mandate authorized 18,000 Dineh to vacate their ancestral homelands in northeastern Arizona. Over 4,000 more were displaced. This law is a practice of genocide according universal to Human Rights doctrines. Southwestern energy companies conspired to have this law passed to gain access to natural resources of Black Mesa - enough coal to mine until 2060, billions of acre feet of aquifer depleted, and potential for shale fracking.
For more information, visit www.supportblackmesa.org
2014-01-25 Santa Monica CA USA:
Can Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Lead to Abolishing War?
The SGI-USA Culture of Peace Distinguished Speaker Series is proud to welcome
Dr. Tad Daley
to discuss the question:
Can Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Lead to Abolishing War?
Saturday January 25, 201[4]
4:00 PM
SGI-USA Culture of Peace Resource Center
606 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Free parking will be available at the parking structure at 1212 7th Street between Wilshire Blvd. and Arizona Ave.
Please RSVP to dhall@sgi-usa.org
This event is free and open to the public.
Download the flyer here.
<http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1109004614313-85/COPJan2014Flyer_lowres.pdf >
Can Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Lead to Abolishing War?
The SGI-USA Culture of Peace Distinguished Speaker Series is proud to welcome
Dr. Tad Daley
to discuss the question:
Can Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Lead to Abolishing War?
Saturday January 25, 201[4]
4:00 PM
SGI-USA Culture of Peace Resource Center
606 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Free parking will be available at the parking structure at 1212 7th Street between Wilshire Blvd. and Arizona Ave.
Please RSVP to dhall@sgi-usa.org
This event is free and open to the public.
Download the flyer here.
<http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1109004614313-85/COPJan2014Flyer_lowres.pdf >
Come one, come all who want to participate or just learn more.
This is a public planning meeting for an event to be held in Phoenix on March 11 2014, in tribute to the third year anniversary of the ongoing Fukishima diaster.
Stop the nuclear chain, from Japan to Arizona!
Since the early 20th century, uranium mining has devastated the Four Corners region, specifically on or near the Navajo Nation. Communities in the area, the water, and the land have all reaped the consequences of the U.S.’s quest for “energy sufficiency” and nuclear weapons. The threat of uranium mining still looms near the Grand Canyon, Supai Village, and on the Navajo Nation, in spite of hundreds of abandoned mines and high rates of cancer in communities near abandoned mines.
NO to the Canyon Mine, Roca Honda Mine, White Mesa Mill, Yucca Mountain, Palo Verde power plant, and to Resolution 0373-13!
Protect the Colorado River, Respect all life!
Can't make it to the meeting? Suggest times and locations in the comment section, or email us at nauagainsturanium@gmail.co m. Similar meetings to be held in Flagstaff and potentially Tucson.
This is a public planning meeting for an event to be held in Phoenix on March 11 2014, in tribute to the third year anniversary of the ongoing Fukishima diaster.
Stop the nuclear chain, from Japan to Arizona!
Since the early 20th century, uranium mining has devastated the Four Corners region, specifically on or near the Navajo Nation. Communities in the area, the water, and the land have all reaped the consequences of the U.S.’s quest for “energy sufficiency” and nuclear weapons. The threat of uranium mining still looms near the Grand Canyon, Supai Village, and on the Navajo Nation, in spite of hundreds of abandoned mines and high rates of cancer in communities near abandoned mines.
NO to the Canyon Mine, Roca Honda Mine, White Mesa Mill, Yucca Mountain, Palo Verde power plant, and to Resolution 0373-13!
Protect the Colorado River, Respect all life!
Can't make it to the meeting? Suggest times and locations in the comment section, or email us at nauagainsturanium@gmail.co
1.20 STUTTGART, GERMANY: AKW Neckarwestheim Vorbereitungstreff Fukushima-Aktion 2014
AKW Neckarwestheim Vorbereitungstreff Fukushima-Aktion 2014 | Stuttgart 20.01.2014 19.30 h
Der Neckarwestheimer Trägerkreis ruft zur Unterstützung der Fukushima-Aktion 2014 auf und lädt zu einem Vorbereitungstreffen dazu ein.
Das erste offene Demo-Vorbereitungs-Teffen findet am Montag, den 20.01.2014, von 19.30- 21.00 Uhr im Umweltzentrum Stuttgart, Rotebühlstrasse 86/1, statt. Hierzu laden wir herzlich ein!
02.02.2014 Sonntagspaziergang | AKW Neckarwestheim
09.03.2014 Fukushima außer Kontrolle | Demo zum AKW Neckarwestheim 13:00h
AKW Neckarwestheim Vorbereitungstreff Fukushima-Aktion 2014 | Stuttgart 20.01.2014 19.30 h
1.11 UK: London Region CND AGM, Annual Conference
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