7.29脱原発国会大包囲 | facebook gallery of 福島を救え! 大震災義援! ウシトラ旅団
photos by teppei
photos by teppei
最後尾を確認して,こちら側はどうも面白いことが起きそうにないと思い,引き返すことにした。途中,上半身ペインティングした方にも出会う。ちょっと興味があったが,そうこうしているうちに,6.29官邸前抗議で出会った Know New Kiss の女性たちがやってきた。「最後尾に行ってもたぶん面白くないよ」,「知らん顔してどんどん戻ればいいよ」と彼女たちに言って,一緒に引き返す。
なにせ,目立つものだから,途中やんやの喝采を受けたりする。Know New Kiss の人文字をデザインした No Nukes のシールを配りながら,「再稼働反対」と刻印された手作りの大きなパンを掲げて前へ前へと進撃。私もウシトラの幟を目指してメインステージに近づこうとした。議事堂前のメインステージは溢れ返る熱気に包まれすでに警察の阻止線は意味をなさなくなっていた。
7時25分頃,わっというような音とともに阻止線が突破された。今回も一瞬だった。あれよあれよという間に議事堂前の車道は人で埋め尽くされていく。くだんの Know New Kiss の女性たちもズンズン国会前に進んで行く。警察の阻止線が間に合わない。
多少,危険な状況も生まれた。慌てて興奮した警官が一人,無理に制圧しようしたのだ。ところが多勢に無勢,路上を占拠した人たちに気圧されてしまった。Know New Kiss の女性たちは健気に,というか無鉄砲というべきか,動じる気配も見せない。私は数人に聞いてみた。「怖くないの」,口々に「怖いですー」。と言っている顔がどういうわけか晴れ晴れとしている。
via google translate:
Candle chain of demonstrations and large siege 7.29 Diet primary de-
This time to introduce a large number of photos. I patiently look.
Flow can not help anymore Todomeyo press. In the demo before passing through the TEPCO from Hibiya Park is overflowing self-confidence of the demonstrators. Liberated areas has emerged once again, in the candle-chain of the night. In fact, it was topped cutout of line blocking by some people, like swirling rapids, road in front of the Houses of Parliament was immediately filled by the people. What a smile. What a feeling of freedom. You are going to try to reach the torrent will no longer Todomeyo press.
On this day, I took part in the demonstration starting at 4:00. Doramudemo sits at the beginning of anger is already close to full throttle engine. Your horses. Aspect of the advance of starting with raging. Doramudemo before Mr. N's and U of Crown Army is chevy. TEPCO before bouncing like a butterfly's met this day "dancer of the blue hat." Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry performance in front of the Crown Army. When you arrive at the Hibiya Park again, it can see, the festival surrounding the fountain.
After a moment of rest, for the siege of parliament to move. On the Ministry of Finance, to the rear of the Houses of Parliament around the clock from the front gate opposite the Houses of Parliament before the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Before the main stage of the National Assembly and that they have already Muto came from Fukushima. Quietly in the air to go around it that Hurley is also here as a matter of course anonymous. I walked from there to the end. It will increase over time in succession by twos and threes gathered a lot of people already.
Check the tail end, I think this side is unlikely to interesting thing happens very much, I decided to turn back. Also meet the middle who was painting the upper body. There was little interest, in the meantime, the women I met in protest Know New Kiss of residence before 6.29 came. She said to us, "I more and more that it would be alright to go back to indifference," "probably no fun even after the end", go back together.
何 SE, because it stands out, or to obtain the applause of the middle Yan Ya. Previous to the previous advance and raised a large homemade bread while distributing the seal of the No Nukes who designed the character of human Know New Kiss, has been engraved with the "opposite running again." Tried to get closer to the main stage of Ushitora I also aim to banners. Police arrest line was already no longer make sense wrapped in hot air before the main stage of the Capitol is Flooded.
About 25 minutes at 7, line blocking is topped with a sound like it broke. This time was instant. Carriageway go before Parliament is filled with people while someone is looking on in blank amazement. Go on before the Diet also Zunzun Women Know New Kiss of Kudan. Arrest line of police can not keep up.
Was that of one minute until the beginning of the standoff situation at the forefront of police blocking barely crawling on the line.
Somewhat, was born also a dangerous situation. One policeman was excited in a hurry, he was trying to subdue it by force. Keosare to those who had occupied Buzei, on the road to the great number however. Women Should Know New Kiss or reckless say that, to the brave, does not seem to be any sign to show unmoved. I asked a few people. "That is not scared," severally "ー is scary." That you are somehow Harebare face saying that.
Mr. K's case and say there was a leader "who do not want to end up with more nasty behind doing dressed like this" after. Mr. K complacently say this, look at the aerial photo and 6.29! "I still do not have enough." Its spirit and good. That's right.
Stalemate situation lasted for several tens of minutes. I asked the staff of the anti-nuclear coalition metropolitan area was walking down the other side of the line blocking "This,? It to do and". "The announcement of the dissolution should come at 8:00", calm thing.
I cheated somehow, go to the other side of the line blocking, the status of the security taken. In short guard can not do anything.
They were just waiting for eight o'clock.
We are trying to head to the torrent will no longer Todomeyo press.
photos by teppei
photos by teppei
via google translate:
Candle chain of demonstrations and large siege 7.29 Diet primary de-
This time to introduce a large number of photos. I patiently look.
Flow can not help anymore Todomeyo press. In the demo before passing through the TEPCO from Hibiya Park is overflowing self-confidence of the demonstrators. Liberated areas has emerged once again, in the candle-chain of the night. In fact, it was topped cutout of line blocking by some people, like swirling rapids, road in front of the Houses of Parliament was immediately filled by the people. What a smile. What a feeling of freedom. You are going to try to reach the torrent will no longer Todomeyo press.
On this day, I took part in the demonstration starting at 4:00. Doramudemo sits at the beginning of anger is already close to full throttle engine. Your horses. Aspect of the advance of starting with raging. Doramudemo before Mr. N's and U of Crown Army is chevy. TEPCO before bouncing like a butterfly's met this day "dancer of the blue hat." Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry performance in front of the Crown Army. When you arrive at the Hibiya Park again, it can see, the festival surrounding the fountain.
After a moment of rest, for the siege of parliament to move. On the Ministry of Finance, to the rear of the Houses of Parliament around the clock from the front gate opposite the Houses of Parliament before the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Before the main stage of the National Assembly and that they have already Muto came from Fukushima. Quietly in the air to go around it that Hurley is also here as a matter of course anonymous. I walked from there to the end. It will increase over time in succession by twos and threes gathered a lot of people already.
Check the tail end, I think this side is unlikely to interesting thing happens very much, I decided to turn back. Also meet the middle who was painting the upper body. There was little interest, in the meantime, the women I met in protest Know New Kiss of residence before 6.29 came. She said to us, "I more and more that it would be alright to go back to indifference," "probably no fun even after the end", go back together.
何 SE, because it stands out, or to obtain the applause of the middle Yan Ya. Previous to the previous advance and raised a large homemade bread while distributing the seal of the No Nukes who designed the character of human Know New Kiss, has been engraved with the "opposite running again." Tried to get closer to the main stage of Ushitora I also aim to banners. Police arrest line was already no longer make sense wrapped in hot air before the main stage of the Capitol is Flooded.
About 25 minutes at 7, line blocking is topped with a sound like it broke. This time was instant. Carriageway go before Parliament is filled with people while someone is looking on in blank amazement. Go on before the Diet also Zunzun Women Know New Kiss of Kudan. Arrest line of police can not keep up.
Was that of one minute until the beginning of the standoff situation at the forefront of police blocking barely crawling on the line.
Somewhat, was born also a dangerous situation. One policeman was excited in a hurry, he was trying to subdue it by force. Keosare to those who had occupied Buzei, on the road to the great number however. Women Should Know New Kiss or reckless say that, to the brave, does not seem to be any sign to show unmoved. I asked a few people. "That is not scared," severally "ー is scary." That you are somehow Harebare face saying that.
Mr. K's case and say there was a leader "who do not want to end up with more nasty behind doing dressed like this" after. Mr. K complacently say this, look at the aerial photo and 6.29! "I still do not have enough." Its spirit and good. That's right.
Stalemate situation lasted for several tens of minutes. I asked the staff of the anti-nuclear coalition metropolitan area was walking down the other side of the line blocking "This,? It to do and". "The announcement of the dissolution should come at 8:00", calm thing.
I cheated somehow, go to the other side of the line blocking, the status of the security taken. In short guard can not do anything.
They were just waiting for eight o'clock.
We are trying to head to the torrent will no longer Todomeyo press.
more! 7.29脱原発国会大包囲
photos by Teppei Sato
facebook gallery of 福島を救え! 大震災義援! ウシトラ旅団