Saturday, November 25, 2017

#Fukushima: A million tonnes of radioactive water still in storage after nuclear disaster – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs

To dump into the ocean a million tonnes of radioactive water should be considered by the international community a crime against humanity and an ecocide against the environment. Whatever they say, whatever they lied, it will never be totally decontaminated and it will never be safe, no matter how many shills on the mainstream media are paid by the nuclear lobby to spin fairy tales in order to brainwash the public about ‘safety’.

… Japan cannot agree on what to do with a million tonnes of radioactive water being stored at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant — and there is a chance it could spill if another major earthquake or tsunami were to strike.

The water is being stored in about 900 large and densely packed tanks at the plant, which was overwhelmed by a devastating tsunami more than six years ago.Making matters worse, the amount of contaminated water held at Fukushima is still growing by 150 tons a day.

The stalemate is rooted in a fundamental conflict between science and human nature.Experts advising the government have urged a gradual release of the water to the nearby Pacific Ocean. Treatment has removed all the radioactive elements except tritium, which they say is safe in small amounts.

Conversely, if the tanks break, their contents could slosh out in an uncontrolled way.Local fishermen are balking — they say the water, no matter how clean, has a dirty image for consumers …

more: Fukushima: A million tonnes of radioactive water still in storage after nuclear disaster – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

★1111 GENPATSU ZERO 反原発☆国会前集会 | 首都圏反原発連合


【主催】首都圏反原発連合 -Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes-
 森友・加計問題などにより内閣改造に追い込 まれ、安倍一強体制が崩れた政府ですが、大義のない理不尽な衆院解散を決めました。野党は「脱原発」を与党との対立軸にして闘い、1日も早く、与党に代わり、脱原発を打ち出す政権を樹立すべきです。北朝鮮ミサイル問題下で危険な原発を放置し、世界中で原発建設がキャンセルされる中で原発輸出を推進する政府から、舵を取り上げなければいけません。

★1111 GENPATSU ZERO 反原発☆国会前集会 | 首都圏反原発連合

Sunday, November 5, 2017

11.11 NO! to Trump’s Threat of Nuclear War NO! To “America First” • CHICAGO • NEW YORK • PHILADELPHIA • SF ... | #RefuseFascism | #RESIST

Saturday November 11 at 2pm 
NO! to Trump’s Threat of Nuclear War NO! To “America First”
Meet at State & Jackson (SE corner) CHICAGO

We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…


Friday, November 3, 2017

#DontNuketheClimate #COP23 | Rally on 11.11, Bonn, Germany

The solutions to the climate crisis are clear: A rapid, just transition to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system. The only sure way to stop the global warming impacts of energy use is to transition as quickly as possible from antiquated energy models of the 20th Century and their polluting nuclear power and fossil fuel technologies … to the safe, clean, affordable and sustainable renewable, efficient, and smart technologies of the 21st Century.

The International Anti-Nuclear campaign "don't nuke the climate" – On 03.11.2017 October 03.11.2017, at a press conference in bonn, its agenda for the approaching Conference " Cop23".

Nuclear power in particular cannot solve the climate crisis. Indeed, its continued use exacerbates global warming by preventing the deployment of clean energy systems.

Among a myriad of other problems, nuclear power is:
Rooted in human rights violations and environmental racism: First Nations, people of color and low-income communities are targeted for uranium mining and radioactive waste. Radiation harms women and girls at twice the rate as their male counterparts. And radioactive pollution indiscriminately harms future generations, poisoning the environment for hundreds to thousands of years.
Too Dirty: Nuclear reactors and the nuclear fuel chain produce vast amounts of lethal radioactive waste, which grow whenever nuclear power is used. The nuclear fuel chain is responsible for far more carbon emissions than renewable energy generation and improved energy efficiency. All reactors routinely emit radiation and radioactive waste. Scientific bodies agree have confirmed that there is no “safe” level of radiation exposure.
Too Dangerous: Continued use of nuclear power will inevitably lead to more Fukushimas, Church Rocks, and Chernobyls. The technology and materials needed to generate nuclear energy can be diverted to nuclear weapons programs.
Too Expensive: Nuclear power is the costliest means possible of reducing carbon and methane emissions; its use crowds out investment in clean energy sources.
Too Slow: Use of nuclear power to reduce fossil fuel emissions would require an unprecedented nuclear construction program, beyond the capability of the world’s manufacturers within an acceptable time frame.
Clean energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, energy efficiency, distributed generation, electricity storage and other advanced technologies can meet the world’s energy needs without carbon and methane emissions, radioactive waste, and other pollutants.



Nuclear Information and Resource Service

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