Monday, February 27, 2017

#Fukushima311 :: 10 MARCH, NY: Challenges of nuclear waste management & lessons from Fukushima

This is a free and open-to-public educational seminar in NYC on issues associated with management of nuclear wastes during the decommissioning process after the shut down of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. We will hear presentations from a nuclear waste expert, a Fukushima evacuee, and a local activist who has been to Fukushima recently. Please save the date and share widely to your friends. Please RSVP to: august5mp◎ (Please change ◎ to @.)

March 10, 2017, Friday, from 7PM to 9PM

Goddard Riverside Community Center
593 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY
(NE corner of 88th and Columbus Avenue)
Subway: B, C or 1 to 86th Street 

Dr. Gordon Edwards, President, The Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
Ms. Naoko Suzuki
Ms. Yasuyo Tanaka

Almost 6 years have passed since TEPCO's nuclear power plant disaster at Fukushima Daiichi in March 2011, which resulted in a massive leakage of radioactive materials into the environment. Today, TEPCO still does not know how to stop the ongoing radioactive leaks from its facilities. Many people, including children and pregnant women, still live in areas highly contaminated by the nuclear accident, because the Japanese government set the boundary of the evacuation zones based on an exposure level of 20 mSv per year, a threshold 20 times higher than that of the international protection standard and the pre-catastrophe national standard. Those who chose to evacuate from Fukushima Prefecture continue to live with many challenges even 6 years after the nuclear disaster. So-called “voluntary evacuees” (Fukushima evacuees from towns outside the evacuation zones) is a term that was created after the nuclear disaster in order to distinguish them from evacuees whose towns were designated within the evacuation zones and who are entitled to various public assistance and financial compensations from government.

In the United States, there are about 100 nuclear power reactors still in operation. Two of them operate at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, 25 miles from New York City. Nearly 20 million people reside, work or play within a 50 miles radius of these nuclear reactors. In January 2017, New York State and Entergy (owner of the Indian Point) reached an agreement that Indian Point Unit 2 will shut down by April 30, 2020 and Unit 3 by April 30, 2021. What are the challenges and complications associated with nuclear waste management after the closing of the Indian Point? How the AIM pipeline of Spectra Energy which will run near the Indian Point nuclear facility would complicate the decommissioning process of the Indian Point? Why do we have to take the Fukushima nuclear disaster seriously?

Dr. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition of Nuclear Responsibility will talk about challenges and risks associated with management of nuclear wastes from nuclear facilities. We will also hear from an evacuee from Fukushima who will share the challenges that many evacuees face 6 years after the disaster, including housing issues and rising number of thyroid cancer among children from Fukushima. We will also hear a report from a local activist on her recent trip to Fukushima and about her hometown in Japan that is considered to be one of the final disposable sites of radioactive wastes from the Fukushima Daiichi. A Q&A session will follow the presentations.

Dr. Gordon Edwards co-founded Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility in 1975 and rose to prominence as one of Canada’s best known independent experts on nuclear technology, uranium, and weapons proliferation. Dr. Edwards first became involved in the issues of reactor safety, radioactive wastes and plutonium recycling for the Ontario Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning in 1977-78, where he cross-examined industry and government witnesses on a daily basis for three months. He also played a role in public debates that resulted in permanent bans on uranium exploration in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Eeyou-Istchee (Northern Quebec). He has been a consultant to governmental and non-governmental bodies, such as the Auditor General of Canada and United Steelworkers of America. He has worked with aboriginal groups: Assembly of First Nations, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Mohawks of Kanesetake, Inuit Tapiriit Kanitami, Cree Nation of James Bay, and Chippewas of Nawash.

Ms. Naoko Suzuki is a mother of 8-year-old and 13-year-old daughters who used to live in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, a city which is only 31 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Her family became so-called “voluntary evacuees” when they fled from their home in Iwaki and relocated to Saitama Prefecture in the wake of the March 2011 nuclear disaster. In order to financially support her family, her husband remained in Iwaki until 2013. Ms. Suzuki is Director of Koko Cafe@Kawagoe, a support group for people who were affected by the nuclear disaster. She is also a co-founder of “Pororon”, a support group for mothers who “voluntarily” evacuated from Fukushima. She is also an active member of Mothers Against War Saitama.

Ms. Yasuyo Tanaka is a multidisciplinary artist and educator who has been influenced by the history and geography of the U.S. and Japan. Her motivation and subject matter include international disputes, environmental issues, borders, discrimination, identity, media literacy, and self-transformation. After the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, nuclear issues became important in her work, partly because her family in Japan was directly affected by the disaster, and her hometown became a candidate to be a final disposal site of nuclear wastes from Fukushima. In her artistic practice, she has been researching, documenting, and creating artworks on nuclear issues in order to fill the gap between art and journalism. She is a co-founding member of Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World.

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World
Founded in Manhattan, NY in March 2012, the Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World is a group of concerned citizens, educators, health advocates, artists and lawyers with a mission to raise awareness of the costs, risks, and humanitarian consequences of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. We grew out of discussions with representatives of diverse civil society and grassroots groups who gathered in Manhattan to plan hosting events to commemorate the first anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster with evacuees from Fukushima. We chose the name to remind ourselves, that not only had we first met in Manhattan, but our mission is to undo the unconscionable labors of the original Manhattan Project that unleashed nuclear weapons and nuclear power upon the world. We believe that our name is a teachable moment to younger generations who do not know the original Manhattan Project. To achieve our goals, we organize educational events, publish informative material, and support campaigns and projects aimed toward eliminating all nuclear power and nuclear weapons through education and arts. We also reach out to policy makers to advocate the importance of implementing carbon-free, nuclear-free policies in order to protect the most vulnerable group in our society.

The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC)
IPSEC is a coalition of over 70 environmental, health and public policy organizations, was founded in 2001 to address the vulnerability of the nuclear reactors at the Indian Point nuclear power plant. Over 20 million people live within 50 miles of the plant. Our concerns include both existing radiation releases and potential additional releases from human error, aging infrastructure or terrorism, and the flawed, unfixable evacuation plan. Our grassroots efforts have enlisted the support of hundreds of local, state and federal officials.

Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR)
CCNR is a not-for-profit organization, federally incorporated in 1978 in Canada. It is dedicated to education and research on all issues related to nuclear energy, whether civilian or military -- including non-nuclear alternatives -- especially those pertaining to Canada.

Peace Action Fund of New York State
Peace Action grew out of the SANE and Nuclear Freeze movements of the 1980's and is the nation's largest and oldest grassroots peace organization, with over 100,000 members. Peace Action New York State has 18 chapters throughout NY, from Buffalo to Staten Island, with over 3,000 total members. PANYS works to change U.S. policy - foreign and domestic - through education and grassroots lobbying and activism. We support a U.S. foreign policy that promotes human rights, international cooperation and arms control. PANYS actively works to abolish nuclear weapons, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan & bring the troops home, close foreign military bases, and continue a strategy of diplomacy - not war - with Iran. On domestic policy, PANYS participates in the New Priorities Network ( that is working to shift federal budget priorities to fund our communities over the military. PANYS also seeks to end the culture of militarism in the U.S., and end recruitment of junior high and high school students by the military.

(We are still adding more co-sponsors)

(Facebook event page) Challenges of nuclear waste management & lessons from Fukushima

Saturday, February 25, 2017

#Fukushima311: 26 FEB. PARIS – Pokaz filmu 'Pokrywa Słońca. Fukushima' | dyskusja po filmie

(facebook event page) Pokaz filmu 'Pokrywa Słońca. Fukushima' | dyskusja po filmie

Zapraszenie na pokaz filmu 'Pokrywa Słońca' kierujemy do Polonii francuskiej. 

Fukushima, 11 marca 2011

Czy tego dnia media dostarczyły Japończykom wszystkie fakty?
Dlaczego obywatele Japonii byli tak bezsilni wobec kryzysu atomowego?

11 marca 2011 roku Japonia doświadczyła największego kataklizmu od 140 lat. Wielka fala tsunami wdarła się na ląd, powodując zniszczenia w elektrowni jądrowej Fukushima i doprowadzając do najdroższej katastrofy naturalnej w historii kraju. Do atmosfery zostały uwolnione duże ilości materiału radioaktywnego, a promieniowanie na terenie elektrowni wzrosło ośmiokrotnie i zaczęło zagrażać reszcie świata.

Od katastrofy minęło kilka lat. W tym czasie pojawiło się na jej temat wiele książek, artykułów, raportów. Wydawało się, że okoliczności kryzysu są stopniowo wyjaśniane. Tymczasem publikacje okazały się taktycznym posunięciem, które miało na celu pogrzebanie problemu – Japończycy mieli o wszystkim zapomnieć.

Film relacjonuje pięć krytycznych dni po wielkim trzęsieniu ziemi oraz wybuchach w elektrowni jądrowej w Fukushimie z perspektywy biura szefa rządu. Bada napiętą i pełną emocji sytuację w obliczu chaosu i dezinformacji. Ukazuje kontrastujące postawy dziennikarzy i polityków. Dokumentalny charakter filmu przybliża tragedię mieszkańców ewakuowanych z okolic Fukushimy oraz zdezorientowanych Tokijczyków, bombardowanych sprzecznymi doniesieniami. Przedstawiając wydarzenia z różnych perspektyw, film uzmysławia siłę energii atomowej i kwestionuje jej wpływ na przyszłość – „gdzie jest prawda?”

11 marca 2011 roku wschodnia Japonia zostaje zniszczona w wyniku wielkiego trzęsienia ziemi. Tego dnia cały kraj musi stawić czoło skutkom katastrofy w elektrowni jądrowej w Fukushimie. Dochodzi do awarii systemów chłodzenia, a temperatura w reaktorach wciąż rośnie. Japonia staje w obliczu kryzysu porównywalnego z katastrofą nuklearną w Czarnobylu.
Elektrownia zamienia się w wielkiego, groźnego potwora. Naukowcy, zaskoczeni i zszokowani rozwojem wydarzeń, przyjmują błędne założenia i podejmują złe decyzje. Premier zostaje wrzucony w chaos informacyjny.
Tymczasem mieszkańcy są zmuszeni do porzucenia domów. Bomba zegarowa tyka, ale nikt nie potrafi znaleźć rozwiązania kryzysowej sytuacji. Katastrofa rozpoczyna się wybuchem w budynku reaktora 1, po którym następują kolejne, w reaktorze 2 i 3. Obliczanie bilansu zniszczeń trwa do dzisiaj.

kontakt we Francji: +33 688 64 85 15

#fukushima311 hashtag on Twitter

#Fukushima311 :: SF Rally on Saturday March 11 at Japanese Consulate | 3.12 Berkeley Forum "Kindle A Light on The Darkness of Our Time – Militarization, Racism and Nuclear Dangers"

6th Anniversary of Fukushima – Bay Area Action "Defend The Children & Families • Stop Restart of Japanese Nuclear Plants"

• 3.11.17 6th Anniversary Of Fukushima – SPEAK OUT & RALLYSaturday, March 11, 2017; 3:00 PM; Japanese Consulate, 275 Battery St. near California St., SF

• 3.12.17 Berkeley Forum (Free) "Kindle A Light on The Darkness of Our Time – Militarization, Racism and Nuclear Dangers"Sunday, March 12, 1:30 PM Berkeley Public Central Library, Community Room 3rd floor, 2090 Kittredge St (at Shattuck), Berkeley 

– The crisis and dangers of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe continues unabated. While the Abe government has said the crisis is over, the nuclear plants continue to leak radioactive material. They still cannot locate all the melted radioactive rods from Fukushima unit 2 where there was estimated radiation of 650 Sieverts per hour according to noise analysis of the images transmitted by the robot before its camera went dark near the melted core. There also is radioactive material in the other two meltdowns that continues to be a threat.

The Abe government is demanding that mothers and their families return to Fukushima or their subsidies will be eliminated. They are still being subjected to continued government harassment and mental stress. On March 11, 2017, we need to stand with the mothers and their children and demand that they not be forced by the Abe government to return to Fukushima. They have also launched an international petition to oppose the forced relocation to Fukushima.

At the same time, the Abe government is intent on crushing all political opposition with a secrecy law, which has already been passed and a “conspiracy law” that would jail journalists and any investigators of the continued nuclear dangers if the government charged they had conspired to release information about the dangers of nuclear plants. This is completely connected with the drive towards war in Asia as the Abe government pushes for a new military base in Henoko, Okinawa, despite the massive opposition of the people of Okinawa.

It is time to speak out on the 6th anniversary of Fukushima, and unite with the people of Japan who by a vast majority are opposed and want to stop nuclear power and nuclear weapons worldwide. Please contact No Nukes Action if your organiza- tion would like to endorse and speak. It is time to raise our VOICES.

SPONSORS : Earth Gathering, No Nukes Action, CO-SPONSOR: Miho Kim lee of Eclipse Rising
For more information : 415-282-1908

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

URGENT ::: Need support ASAP - website is now offline!

UPDATE: SITE IS LIVE AGAIN THANKS TO A GENEROUS DONOR! – still need support for extended web hosting – please chip in if you are able :)

funding needed as soon as possible - if you can help it would be greatly appreciated! 

the website went offline on February 22.  – we need at least another $150 – every bit helps! thank you!

Support  #OccupyNuclear at GoFundMe

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Nuclear Hotseat #294: NO Radiation Spike at Fukushima – Nancy Foust of Simply Info (It’s still bad, but it’s not suddenly worse)

#NuclearHotseat 294: NO sudden spike in radiation at #Fukushima - mistranslation sets off spike in misinformation: Nancy Foust of Simply Info. AND JOIN THE TWEET THUNDERCLAP AGAINST NUCLEAR WEAPONS BEFORE IT LAUNCHES ON FEBRUARY 10.  

Nancy Foust of Simply Info sorts out truth from confusion regarding last week’s major media echo chamber on Fukushima radiation levels. Like a pebble can start an avalanche, a mis-translation can and did get blown up into a catastrophe. Step away from the hysteria…



    FEBRUARY 10th @1pm “Nuclear weapons are an urgent threat – now states are starting historic negotiations to ban them in March 2017. Join us!” sponsored by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)

  • Join your voice with those of the Hibakusha to say “Never Again.”

    To sign the petition for a new treaty to ban nuclear weapons, CLICK HERE.

Details on Nuclear Hotseat website:

Friday, February 3, 2017

▶ An Introduction to Nuclear Power and the Nuclear Fuel Chain

An Introduction to Nuclear Power and the Nuclear Fuel Chain - YouTube
Published on Feb 3, 2017 by nirsnet
 An overview of the Nuclear Fuel Chain: uranium mining, milling, conversion, "enrichment" (concentrating U- 235), fuel fabrication, nuclear power reactors, waste and routine radioactive emissions, nuclear transportation, storage and "disposal."

Presented Thursday, November 3, 2016 from 8pm to 9:30pm EST. by Mary Olson, Nuclear Information and Resource Service.