Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Steve Zeltzer Visiting Japan / March 10th Broadcast on KPFA | No Nukes Action Committee

Steve Zeltzer, an activist and the director of Fukushima, Never Again goes to Japan during March to document the third anniversary of the ongoing nuclear accident in Fukushima. He will visit Osaka, Tokyo, Fukushima, and Taiwan this time.
His interviews with Prof. Masaki Shimoji and many other activists will be broadcasted on KPFA:
His trip will also be reported on May 3rd, 2014 at Berkeley (1125 University Ave at San Pablo Berkeley, CA 94702). This event will be a potluck event will start from 2:30pm, including report back from the March 11th all Japanese consulates action and Peace Walk against Nukes between Vandenberg Air Force Base to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Details to be announced at

Steve Zeltzer Visiting Japan / March 10th Broadcast on KPFA | No Nukes Action Committee

3.11 三周年 反原発 三月アクション ・ 3/11 Third Year Anniversary No Nukes Action in March | No Nukes Action Committee

3.11 三周年 反原発 三月アクション
まず3/8(土)です。国際婦人の日です。” Bridge Peace Walk” アフガニスタンと福島の女達に敬意を表します。青い服を着るか青いスカーフを身に着けて参加して下さい。わたしの車にあと二人乗れます。一緒に行ける人はすぐにご連絡下さい。
on International Women’s Day
and 3rd Anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Gather at Noon & March to the middle
for the Women of Japan and Afghanistan
On San Francisco side of bridge: meet at Bridge Plaza
Marin side: meet at the top of the stairs to East walkway
Rally on the San Francisco side after the march, around 1:30…
Join Us ! Please wear something Blue
Co-sponsored by: Code Pink, No Nukes Action Committee & Fukushima Response
For More Info on this & other 3rd Anniversary Events around the world
Berkeley, CA
March 11, at 12 noon: Please join us for a silent meditation and prayer, remembering Japan’s victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, on the third anniversary of the meltdowns.  Bring candles, good wishes and outdoor attire: we will convene in Civic Center Parkand form a circle on the grass.  We will speak a few words then sit silently for 20 minutes, then have a discussion.  Later, after lunch, join us at the protest/letter reading at San Francisco’s Japan Consulate at 3 pm. Contact:
時 : 3月11日、火曜日 午後3時から(4時半まで)
場所: サンフランシスコ日本領事館前(50 Fremont Street SF) 集合
BART, Embarcadero駅から歩いて2分
3時50分からMarket St をUnion Squareに向けて行進致します。
子供を守ろう! 再稼動反対! 原発廃炉!
3/11 Third Year Anniversary No Nukes Action in March
SFBay3Arimo   (click here for flyer)
SFBay3 pic
March 8, 12 noon: Bridge Walk ‐ The Golden Gate Bridge will be taken over by Code Pink, Fukushima Response, No Nukes Action and friends; on the SF side of the bridge, meet at Bridge Plaza, Marin side meets at the top of the stairs to the East walkway; from there, both march to the middle, then to SF side for a post‐walk rally. Contact:
March 11, at 12 noon: Please join us for a silent meditation and prayer, remembering Japan’s victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Bring candles and outdoor attire: we’ll convene in Berkeley’s Civic Center Park and form a circle on the grass. We’ll speak a few words then sit silently, until 1 pm (you can leave when you wish). After lunch, BART with us to SF’s Japan Consulate, 3 pm. Contact:
March 11, 3 pm: Protest at the Japanese Consulate, 50Fremont St., San Francisco, near Embarcadero BART. No Nukes Action and friends will speak, then read aloud a letter addressed to PM Shinzo Abe and give it to the Consul for delivery to Mr. Abe, in accord with similar actions at Japan Consulates worldwide. Then a march to Union Square for more speeches.
March 11, 7:309:35 pm: 3.11 Surviving Japan, a powerful film about the tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster’s aftermath, will be shown at AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave., SF 94109. Tickets must be purchased in advance, here:
March 13-18th, High Power, a powerful provoking short film on a nuclear power plant in India by Pradeep Indulkar. Filming includes talk by the director. Details TBA, Contact No Nukes Action or Umi Hagitani:
March 16, at 9:30 am: Reading and lecture: Cecile Pineda, 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature nominee and author of acclaimed Devil’s Tango: How I learned the Fukushima Step by Step, will speak about the consequences of the world’s most catastrophic industrial accident at the Breakfast Forum
hosted by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street (at Geary)

3.11 三周年 反原発 三月アクション ・ 3/11 Third Year Anniversary No Nukes Action in March | No Nukes Action Committee

see also

whats up: 3.11 Fukushima Meltdowns Third Anniversary Events and Actions Complete Listing

whats up: FUKU 3 Event Calendar :: 3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY EVENTS WORLDWIDE

Friday, February 21, 2014

3.11&15 ‪#‎NYC‬ NO NUKES ACTION: Marches at Japanese Consulate & Union Square

March 11: March at Japanese Consulate

March 15: March at Union Square 

Fukushima: Don't forget | Greenpeace International

It is now three years since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began in March 2011. Here are the stories of five of the victims who have struggled over these three long years to rebuild their lives. Like tens of thousands forced to flee the second biggest release of radioactive particles in history, they have been ignored and abandoned by their government and TEPCO, owner of the disaster site. They fear being forgotten and that life will get even worse if they are forgotten. Greenpeace brought six activists to Japan to meet them to help spread their stories and keep them in peoples’ minds.

Fukushima: Don't forget | Greenpeace International

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Obama’s Nuke-Powered Drone Strike on America’s Energy Future | EcoWatch

by Harvey Wasserman

So the “all the above” energy strategy now deems we dump another $6.5 billion in bogus loan guarantees down the atomic drain. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz has announced finalization of hotly contested taxpayer handouts for the two Vogtle reactors being built in Georgia. Another $1.8 billion waits to be pulled out of your pocket and poured down the radioactive sink hole...
A nuke-powered drone strike on fiscal sanity.

While Fukushima burns and solar soars, our taxpayer money is being pitched at a failed 20th century technology currently distinguished by its non-stop outflow of lethal radiation into the Pacific Ocean.

Take that $6.5 or $8.3 billion and invest it right now in wind, solar, sustainable bio-fuels, geothermal, ocean thermal, wave energy, LED light bulbs, building insulation and Solartopian south-facing windows.

The money is to pump up a pair of radioactive white elephants that Wall Street won’t touch. Georgia state “regulators” are strong-arming ratepayers into the footing the bill before the reactors ever move a single electron—which they likely never will.

Sibling reactors being built in Finland and France are already billions over budget and years behind schedule. New ones proposed in Great Britain flirt with price guarantees far above currently available renewables.

The Vogtle project makes no fiscal sense … except for the scam artists that will feed off them for years to come.

Substandard concrete, unspecified rebar steel, major labor scandals, non-existent quality control … all the stuff that’s defined this industry since the Shippingport reactor started construction outside Pittsburgh some six decades ago is with us yet again.

It would be nice to say this is merely $6.5 billion wasted. But that’s the tip of the iceberg. Long Island’s Shoreham and New Hampshire’s Seabrook came in at 5-10 times their original cost estimates.

Shoreham never made it to commercial operation. Neither did Seabrook Unit Two.

Should Vogtle, for which these loans are designated, beat the odds and actually go on line in the years to come, it will multiply its sunk cost by irradiating the countryside and creating radioactive waste nobody can handle.

Nor can it get private insurance to shield future victims and the taxpaying public from the inevitable disaster. The next commercial reactor to explode (joining the five that already have) will do damage in the trillions.

Its owners will not be liable, and the people making this decision will never go to prison.

But many along the way will pocket major fortunes from substandard construction, corner-cutting “safety” scams, black market parts purchasing, mafia-run hiring operations and the usual greasing of radioactive palms that defines all reactor construction projects.

Take that $6.5 or $8.3 billion and invest it right now in wind, solar, sustainable bio-fuels, geothermal, ocean thermal, wave energy, LED light bulbs, building insulation and Solartopian south-facing windows.

THEN we can dent in our climate crisis.
THAT’s where the jobs are.
THERE would be an all-the-above energy strategy that actually makes sense.

Visit EcoWatch’s NUCLEAR page for more related news on this topic.

Obama’s Nuke-Powered Drone Strike on America’s Energy Future | EcoWatch

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


on facebook: February 14 to 19 happened the first International Uranium Film Festival in New York Brooklyn in the Pavilion Theater. The festival attracted filmmakers from India, Brazil, New Mexico, Boston and New York. An international audience watched more than 60 movies and documentaries about nuclear energy, uranium mining, atomic bombs, nuclear accidents, Hiroshima, Chernobyl and Fukushima and about the use of uranium weapons... These are the photos...



Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why the Obama Administration Will Not Admit that #Fukushima #Radiation is Poisoning Americans

Why the Obama Administration Will Not Admit that Fukushima Radiation is Poisoning Americans

Why isn’t GE being held accountable?

Why the Obama Administration Will Not Admit that Fukushima Radiation is Poisoning Americans | Global Research

Saturday, February 15, 2014

3.8-15: 3.15脱原発集会 3.8―3.15はNO NUKES WEEK | さようなら原発1000万人アクション



12:30 開場
13:00 オープニングライブ 真相の噂(コントグループ)、岡大介(カンカラ三線)
13:30 開演 司会:木内みどりさん
       福島からの報告 武藤類子さん(ハイロアクション福島)
       呼びかけ人アピール 内橋克人さん 大江健三郎さん 鎌田慧さん 澤地久枝さん
14:30 デモ出発(銀座方面)
福島原発事故から3年、「6.2 NO NUKES DAY」、「10.13 NO NUKES DAY」に引き続き、「首都圏反原発連合」「さようなら原発1000万人アクション」「原発をなくす全国連絡会」の3者が合同で、統一行動を呼びかけます!
原発ゼロ☆大統一行動 ~福島を忘れるな!再稼働を許すな!~
13:00~ 大集会 *場所:日比谷野外音楽堂
14:00~ 巨大請願デモ/国会大包囲 *日比谷公園出発で「請願デモ」と「国会包囲」を同時に行います。
主催:首都圏反原発連合/さようなら原発1000万人アクショ ン/原発をなくす全国連絡会
15:30~17:00 国会前大集会
一進一退のせめぎ合いの中、我々市民が忘れず諦めず声をあげ続ける事によって、政府に再稼働を断念させ、原発のない未来を1日でも早く実現するために、2014年3月9日に『0309 NO NUKES DAY 原発ゼロ☆大統一行動 ~福島を忘れるな!再稼働を許すな!~』を開催します。また、3月9日を前後した全国のとりくみをつなぐ『NO NUKES WEEK』共同行動をよびかけます。
NO NUKES WEEK にご参加ください!
「NO NUKES WEEK」に参加頂いたアクションは、WEBやフライヤー(全ては掲載できません)で紹介いたします。是非ご参加ください!

3.15脱原発集会 3.8―3.15はNO NUKES WEEK | さようなら原発1000万人アクション

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2.15 BRISTOL UK Make a Nuclear Barrel Workshop.jpg

We are gonna make Barrels!!!!
Bristol Swans have discovered the power of street theatre

We will be assisted in making nuclear barrels
by Bridgwater Carnival artists
Jo and partner
we have enough material for 20 Barrels
we have caught a lot of attention while wearing these
+good conversations and a good laugh

we have visions of meet ups on national scale
did someone say flash mob?
we will be making a small film on the day with instructions for groups all over the country

Below is a rough film of the kind of theatre we have done
with the barrels

Make a Nuclear Barrel Workshop-Bristol (facebook event page)

swanactive - YouTube

southwestagainstnuclear | No Nukes is good news!

Southwest AgainstNuclear on facebook

Saturday, February 8, 2014

2.14 SOMERSET UK: WITCH WATCH Full Moon Vigil :: #stophinkley

Witch Watch is a 24hour vigil - sometimes longer - held on the night of the Full Moon when she is still waxing. WW evolved to defend Mother Earth as part of the Stop Hinkley C campaign and the proposed new build of nuclear power stations in Britain.

The camp glimmers in the hedgerow of the last lay-by, on the main road into the power station, near Bridgwater, Somerset. All are welcome to join us but the camp is women only after daylight hours.
WW provides a meeting place to make connection, share information and to bring your magic. A Sacred Fire is lit and tended through the night.

Witch Watch bears on-site witness and observation of the destruction and construction that is taking place, and holds a positive intention for a different future and the need for balance in the world.
The next date is Monday 16th December. Best to ring 07874 819 608 before you come to check for last minute change of plans.

For more info ring 07874 819608 or email.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Senator Weighs Offering Legislation Ending Liability Limits for Nuclear Disasters -

Senator Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) is considering introducing legislation this year that would overturn the federal law insulating the nuclear power industry from liability in the event of a catastrophe.
The effect could be to put energy companies -- rather than the federal government -- on the hook for any skyrocketing costs that might follow any future U.S. atomic-energy disaster.
Under the Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act, which Congress first passed in 1957 and has since renewed several times, the liability of nuclear power plant operators in the event of a disaster is limited. The industry pays into an insurance account -- estimated to have a current value of $12 billion -- that is intended to underwrite such expenditures as hotel stays, lost wages and replacement of property for people affected by a nuclear power plant incident.
Absent an act of Congress placing additional liability on the companies, any costs that exceed the value of the insurance fund would have to be covered by the federal government using taxpayer dollars...

more > Senator Weighs Offering Legislation Ending Liability Limits for Nuclear Disasters -

50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst from Fukushima | EcoWatch

[This is the first in a two part series]
hwassermanFukushima’s missing melted cores and radioactive gushers continue to fester in secret.
Japan’s harsh dictatorial censorship has been matched by a global corporate media blackout aimed—successfully—at keeping Fukushima out of the public eye.
But that doesn’t keep the actual radiation out of our ecosystem, our markets … or our bodies.

Speculation on the ultimate impact ranges from the utterly harmless to the intensely apocalyptic .

But the basic reality is simple: for seven decades, government Bomb factories and privately-owned reactors have spewed massive quantities of unmonitored radiation into the biosphere.

The impacts of these emissions on human and ecological health are unknown primarily because the nuclear industry has resolutely refused to study them.

Indeed, the official presumption has always been that showing proof of damage from nuclear Bomb tests and commercial reactors falls to the victims, not the perpetrators. 
And that in any case, the industry will be held virtually harmless.

This “see no evil, pay no damages” mindset dates from the Bombing of Hiroshima to Fukushima to the disaster coming next … which could be happening as you read this.
Here are 50 preliminary reasons why this radioactive legacy demands we prepare for the worst for our oceans, our planet, our economy … ourselves.

1. At Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945), the U.S. militaryinitially denied that there was any radioactive fallout, or that it could do any damage. Despite an absence of meaningful data, the victims (including a group of U.S. prisoners of war) and their supporters were officially “discredited” and scorned.

2. Likewise, when Nobel-winners Linus Pauling and Andre Sakharov correctly warned of a massive global death toll from atmospheric Bomb testing, they were dismissed with official contempt … until they won in the court of public opinion.

3. During and after the Bomb Tests (1946-63), downwinders in the South Pacific and American west, along with thousands of U.S. “atomic vets,” were told their radiation-induced health problems were imaginary… until they proved utterly irrefutable.

4. When British Dr. Alice Stewart proved (1956) that even tiny x-ray doses to pregnant mothers could double childhood leukemia rates, she was assaulted with 30 years of heavily funded abuse from the nuclear and medical establishments.

5. But Stewart’s findings proved tragically accurate, and helped set in stone the medical health physics consensus that there is no “safe dose” of radiation … and thatpregnant women should not be x-rayed, or exposed to equivalent radiation.

6. More than 400 commercial power reactors have been injected into our ecosphere with no meaningful data to measure their potential health and environmental impacts, and no systematic global data base has been established or maintained.

7. “Acceptable dose” standards for commercial reactors were conjured from faulty A-Bomb studies begun five years after Hiroshima, and at Fukushima and elsewhere have been continually made more lax to save the industry money.

8. Bomb/reactor fallout delivers alpha and beta particle emitters that enter the body and do long-term damage, but which industry backers often wrongly equate with less lethal external gamma/x-ray doses from flying in airplanes or living in Denver.

9. By refusing to compile long-term emission assessments, the industry systematically hides health impacts at Three Mile Island (TMI), Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc., forcing victims to rely on isolated independent studies which it automatically deems “discredited.”

10. Human health damage has been amply suffered in radium watch dial painting, Bomb production, uranium mining/milling/enrichment, waste management and other radioactive work, despite decades of relentless industry denial.

11. When Dr. Ernest Sternglass, who had worked with Albert Einstein, warned that reactor emissions were harming people, thousands of copies of his Low-Level Radiation (1971) mysteriously disappeared from their primary warehouse.

12. When the Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Gofman, urged that reactor dose levels be lowered by 90 percent, he was forced out of the AEC and publicly attacked, despite his status a founder of the industry.

13. A member of the Manhattan Project, and a medical doctor responsible for pioneer research into LDL cholesterol, Gofman later called the reactor industry an instrument of “premeditated mass murder.”

14. Stack monitors and other monitoring devices failed at Three Mile Island (1979) making it impossible to know how much radiation escaped, where it went or who it impacted and how.

15. But some 2,400 TMI downwind victims and their families were denied a class action jury trial by a federal judge who said “not enough radiation” was released to harm them, though she could not say how much that was or where it went.

16. During TMI’s meltdown, industry advertising equated the fallout with a single chest x-ray to everyone downwind, ignoring the fact that such doses could double leukemia rates among children born to involuntarily irradiated mothers.

17. Widespread death and damage downwind from TMI have been confirmed by Dr. Stephen Wing, Jane Lee and Mary Osbourne, Sister Rosalie Bertell, Dr. Sternglass, Jay Gould, Joe Mangano and others, along with hundreds of anecdotal reports.

18. Radioactive harm to farm and wild animals downwind from TMI has been confirmed by the Baltimore News-American and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

19. TMI’s owner quietly paid out at least $15 million in damages in exchange for gag orders from the affected families, including at least one case involving a child born with Down’s Syndrome.

20. Chernobyl’s explosion became public knowledge only when massive emissions came down on a Swedish reactor hundreds of miles away, meaning that—as at TMI and Fukushima—no one knows precisely how much escaped or where it went.

21.  Fukushima’s on-going fallout is already far in excess of that from Chernobyl, which was far in excess of that from Three Mile Island.

22.  Soon after Chernobyl blew up (1986), Dr. Gofman predicted its fallout would kill at least 400,000 people worldwide.

23. Three Russian scientists who compiled more than 5,000 studies concluded in 2005 that Chernobyl had already killed nearly a million people worldwide.

24.  Children born in downwind Ukraine and Belarus still suffer a massive toll of mutation and illness, as confirmed by a wide range of governmental, scientific and humanitarian organizations.

25. Key low-ball Chernobyl death estimates come from the World Health Organization, whose numbers are overseen by International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations organization chartered to promote the nuclear industry.

26. After 28 years, the reactor industry has still not succeeded in installing a final sarcophagus over the exploded Chernobyl Unit 4, though billions of dollars have been invested.

27. When Fukushima Units 1-4 began to explode, President Obama assured us all the fallout would not come here, and would harm no one, despite having no evidence for either assertion.

28. Since President Obama did that, the U.S. has established no integrated system to monitor Fukushima’s fallout, nor an epidemiological data base to track its health impacts … but it did stop checking radiation levels in Pacific seafood.

29. Early reports of thyroid abnormalities among children downwind from Fukushima, and in North America are denied by industry backers who again say “not enough radiation” was emitted though they don’t know how much that might be.

30. Devastating health impacts reported by sailors stationed aboard the USS Ronald Reagan near Fukushima are being denied by the industry and Navy, who say radiation doses were too small to do harm, but have no idea what they were.

31. While in a snowstorm offshore as Fukushima melted,sailors reported a warm cloud passing over the Reaganthat brought a “metallic taste” like that described by TMI downwinders and the airmen who dropped the Bomb on Hiroshima.

32. Though it denies the sailors on the Reagan were exposed to enough Fukushima radiation to harm them, Japan (like South Korea and Guam) denied the ship port access because it was too radioactive (it’s now docked in San Diego).

33. The Reagan sailors are barred from suing the Navy, but have filed a class action against Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), which has joined the owners at TMI, the Bomb factories, uranium mines, etc., in denying all responsibility.

34. A U.S. military “lessons learned” report from Fukushima’s Operation Tomodachi clean-up campaign notes that “decontamination of aircraft and personnel without alarming the general population created new challenges.”

35. The report questioned the clean-up because “a true decontamination operations standard for ‘clearance’ was not set,” thereby risking “the potential spread of radiological contamination to military personnel and the local populace.”

36. Nonetheless, it reported that during the clean-up, “the use of duct tape and baby wipes was effective in the removal of radioactive particles.”

37. In league with organized crime, Tepco is pursuing its own clean-up activities by recruiting impoverished homeless and elderly citizens for “hot” on-site labor, with the quality of their work and the nature of their exposures now a state secret.

38. At least 300 tons of radioactive water continue to pour into the ocean at Fukushima every day, according to official estimates made prior to such data having been made a state secret.

39. To the extent they can be known, the quantities and make-up of radiation pouring out of Fukushima are also now a state secret, with independent measurement or public speculation punishable by up to ten years in prison.

40. Likewise, “There is no systematic testing in the U.S.of air, food and water for radiation,” according to University of California (Berkeley) nuclear engineering Professor Eric Norman.

41. Many radioactive isotopes tend to concentrate as they pour into the air and water, so deadly clumps of Fukushima’s radiation may migrate throughout the oceans for centuries to come before diffusing, which even then may not render it harmless.

42. Radiation’s real world impact becomes even harder to measure in an increasingly polluted biosphere, whereinteraction with existing toxins creates a synergy likely to exponentially accelerate the damage being done to all living things.

43. Reported devastation among starfish, sardines, salmon, sea lions, orcas and other ocean animals cannot be definitively denied without a credible data base of previous experimentation and monitoring, which does not exist and is not being established.

44. The fact that “tiny” doses of x-ray can harm human embryos portends that any unnatural introduction of lethal radioactive isotopes into the biosphere, however “diffuse,” can affect our intertwined global ecology in ways we don’t now understand.

45. The impact of allegedly “minuscule” doses spreading from Fukushima will, over time, affect the minuscule eggs of creatures ranging from sardines to starfish to sea lions, with their lethal impact enhanced by the other pollutants already in the sea.

46. Dose comparisons to bananas and other natural sources are absurd and misleading as the myriad isotopes from reactor fallout will impose very different biological impacts for centuries to come in a wide range of ecological settings.

47. No current dismissal of general human and ecological impacts—”apocalyptic” or otherwise—can account over time for the very long half-lives of radioactive isotopes Fukushima is now pouring into the biosphere.

48. As Fukushima’s impacts spread through the centuries, the one certainty is that no matter what evidence materializes, the nuclear industry will never admit to doing any damage, and will never be forced to pay for it (see upcoming sequel).

49. Hyman Rickover, father of the nuclear navy, warned that it is a form of suicide to raise radiation levels within Earth’s vital envelope, and that if he could, he would “sink” all the reactors he helped develop.

50. “Now when we go back to using nuclear power,” he said in 1982, “I think the human race is going to wreck itself, and it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it.”

As Fukushima deteriorates behind an iron curtain of secrecy and deceit, we desperately need to know what it’s doing to us and our planet.

It’s tempting to say the truth lies somewhere between the industry’s lies and the rising fear of a tangible apocalypse.

In fact, the answers lie beyond.

Defined by seven decades of deceit, denial and a see-no-evil dearth of meaningful scientific study, the glib corporate assurances that this latest reactor disaster won’t hurt us fade to absurdity.

Fukushima pours massive, unmeasured quantities of lethal radiation into our fragile ecosphere every day, and will do so for decades to come.

Five power reactors have now exploded on this planet and there are more than 400 others still operating.

What threatens us most is the inevitable next disaster … along with the one after that … and then the one after that …

Pre-wrapped in denial, protected by corporate privilege, they are the ultimate engines of global terror.

Harvey Wasserman’s next piece is on how Fukushima threatens our human freedom and material survival. He edits, and wrote Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth. 

50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst from Fukushima | EcoWatch