
Sunday, March 13, 2011

SECOND Fukushima Explosion: Japan Nuclear Plant Rocked By Hydrogen Explosion

SEE UPDATES FOR 3/14 AT Fukushima updates 3/14/11 - THIRD REACTOR EXPLODES

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The "outer building" surrounding Unit 3 of Fukushima I explodes, presumably due to the ignition of built up hydrogen gas, on March 13, 2011. This is the reactor which has the extremely dangerous plutonium-laced MOX fuel. State of the nuclear reactor core remains unknown... (photo enhanced for contrast and enlargement with several layers of noise, sharpening and blurring)

BBC Video:
Second blast at Fukushima nuclear plant
"Not a nuclear explosion"

The authorities are saying that the core containers have remained intact

LA TIMES: Japan's nuclear crisis widens
A fresh explosion rocked a crippled nuclear complex as rescuers from around the world converged on Japan's devastated earthquake zone...
...a hydrogen blast Monday in the containment building of one of its six reactors, similar to one that occurred Saturday in a separate reactor... Cabinet secretary Yukio Edano, speaking in a live TV broadcast, said it was believed that the reactor remained intact and "we think that the possibility of a massive radiation emission is low."

Ace Hoffman's blog -- mostly about nukes - Sunday, March 13, 2011 -
We're not out of the wood, by any means. We're not even out of the demolition derby!
The explosion at the Fukushima MOX plant (unit 3) looks far worse than the explosion yesterday at Fukushima Unit 1, which destroyed the top part of the reactor building...

They are assuming it was a hydrogen gas explosion, but what happened to the spent fuel pool there? These buildings are huge, these are huge explosions. This is awful... May I respectfully take this moment to ask San Onofre and Diablo Canyon to shut down forever? What kind of warning do those guys want, anyway? Acts of God aren't good enough? Man's folly exposed says nothing?

fallout alert (this blog, 3/13/11) - includes info on POTASSIUM IODIDE radiation treatment

Northwest Pacific - Visible Loop
NOAA Satellite and Information Service

StormSurf weather animation > Wave Model - North Pacific Surface Pressure and Wind (180 hr. loop)

Another explosion at Fukushima nuclear power plant Washington: As the scale of Japan's nuclear crisis begins to come to light, experts in Japan and the United States say the country is now facing a cascade of accumulating problems that suggest that radioactive releases of steam from the crippled plants could go on for weeks or even months.

Second Explosion At Fukushima Nuclear Plant
Sky News

Explosion at Japan nuclear plant
BBC: Residents of the coastal city of Sendai are continuing the search for survivors amid the devastationAnother explosion hits the Fukushima nuclear plant in north-eastern Japan which was damaged in Friday's earthquake and tsunami. (Live coverage: Japan earthquake)

Fukushima Explosion: Japan Nuclear Plant Rocked By Hydrogen Explosion (VIDEO) SOMA, Japan – The second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked Japan's stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant Monday, sending a massive column of smoke into the air and wounding six workers. It was not immediately clear how much — if any — radiation had been released.

The explosion at the plant's Unit 3, which authorities have been frantically trying to cool following a system failure in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami, triggered an order for hundreds of people to stay indoors, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano.

The blast follows a similar explosion Saturday that took place at the plant's Unit 1, which injured four workers and caused mass-evacuations...


See also:

fallout alert (this blog, 3/13/11) - includes info on POTASSIUM IODIDE radiation treatment

Japan nuclear power plant - blast, partial meltdown (this blog, 3/12/11)

Nuclear Power Kills; here's how (this blog, 3/12/11)

Japan’s Nuclear Crisis: Lessons for the U.S. (this blog, 3/12/13)

All Things Nuclear - UCS Factsheet: “Nuclear Accident ABCs”

NHK WORLD English (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
GOOGLE RSS FEED FOR "Fukushima + nuclear"

SEE UPDATES FOR 3/14 AT Fukushima updates 3/14/11 or go to TOP OF BLOG

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• recent Fukushima & related updates for nuclear news, background info, links and actions -
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google news ~ "Fukushima + nuclear"
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