
Monday, July 18, 2011

Diablo Canyon | Need To Know | It Can Happen Here

PBS Video:Diablo Canyon | Need To Know (CA) • Fukushima Update | Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain"Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to KnowAnti-nuclear movement | California NukesNO NUKES RE-TOOL NOW - Flyer | Shut San Onofre | Code KillersAce Hoffman's Nuclear Failures Reports: San Onofre (CA) • LINKS PAGE - anti-nuclear organizations and campaigns, nuclear information resources • Regarding Chernobyl: 25th Anniversary of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster | NUCLEAR "SAFTEY" = NUCLEAR THREAT - A full quarter of a century after Chernobyl, the world is faced with a new nuclear catastrophe, this time in Japan | Chernobyl's Children, Charity Groups

PBS Video: Diablo Canyon | Need To Know

Watch the full episode. See more Need To Know.

Could a Fukushima-style disaster happen at one of California's nuclear power plants? The Diablo Canyon nuclear plant is near two California fault lines, and at least one critic, a Republican state senator, is questioning whether the utility that owns the plant, PG&E, is doing all it needs to to ensure that it can safely withstand the kind of earthquake some seismologists believe is possible.

Fukushima Update

Status on 7/19 | Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain"

Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain" from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

While many radioactive cattle have been discovered large distances from Fukushima, what is more important is where their feed is coming from. "It's not only about the radioactive cattle in Fukushima Prefecture; its also about the radioactive straw the cattle eat that was grown elsewhere". Straw found 45 miles from Fukushima is highly contaminated with radioactive cesium, which is an indication that radiation has contaminated large portions of Northern Japan. More than half a million disintegrations per second in a kilogram of straw are comparable to Chernobyl levels. This proves that the American Nuclear Regulatory Commission was correct when it told Americans to evacuate beyond 50 miles and that the Japanese should have done the same. An Ex-Secretariat of Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission blames this contamination on "Black Rain". Rather than minimize the information the Japanese people receive, Gundersen suggests minimizing their radiation exposure.

Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain"
Fairewinds updates on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Fairewinds videos

AFP: Fears mount in Japan over radioactive beef: "Meat from 11 cows at the farm was found at the weekend to be contaminated with up to six times the legal limit of caesium and the farmer has since admitted he fed the animals straw exposed to radioactive fallout."

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

The well-known safety flaws of Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors have gained significant attention in the wake of the four reactor accidents at Fukushima, but a more insidious danger lurks. In this video nuclear engineers Arnie Gundersen and David Lochbaum discuss how the US regulators and regulatory process have left Americans unprotected. They walk, step-by-step, through the events of the Japanese meltdowns and consider how the knowledge gained from Fukushima applies to the nuclear industry worldwide. They discuss "points of vulnerability" in American plants, some of which have been unaddressed by the NRC for three decades. Finally, they concluded that an accident with the consequences of Fukushima could happen in the US.

With more radioactive Cesium in the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant's spent fuel pool than was released by Fukushima, Chernobyl, and all nuclear bomb testing combined. Gundersen and Lockbaum ask why there is not a single procedure in place to deal with a crisis in the fuel pool? These and more safety questions are discussed in this forum presented by the C-10 Foundation at the Boston Public Library. Special thanks to Herb Moyer for the excellent video and Geoff Sutton for the frame-by-frame graphics of the Unit 3 explosion.

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know
Fairewinds updates on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Fairewinds videos


whats up: Anti-nuclear movement | California Nukes

This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons | info page

From Nuclear Power Plants in California: "Diablo Canyon Power Plant is an electricity-generating nuclear power plant at Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo County, California. It was built directly over a geological fault line, and is located near a second fault. The plant has two Westinghouse-designed 4-loop pressurized-water nuclear reactors operated by Pacific Gas & Electric. The facility is located on about 750 acres (300 ha) in Avila Beach, California. Together, the twin 1,100 MWe reactors produce about 18,000 GW-h of electricity annually, supplying the electrical needs of more than 2.2 million people, sent along the Path 15 500-kV lines that connect to this plant."

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace - Protest against Diablo Canyon Nuke, CA, April 16, 2011 - Petition to President Obama

whats up: NO NUKES | RE-TOOL NOW - Flyer | Shut San Onofre | Code Killers

"The Diablo Canyon plant near San Luis Obispo and the San Onofre plant on the southern California coast are vulnerable to meltdowns from earthquakes and threaten both residents and the environment."
- Norman Solomon

- includes: Japan's Nuclear Scare - Crisis in Fukushima underscores need for truth about nuclear power's danger, by Norman Solomon

- includes: Call to Action, by Dr. Helen Caldicott

In 1947 Albert Einstein wrote:

"Through the release of atomic energy, our generation has brought into the world the most revolutionary force since the prehistoric discovery of fire. This basic power of the universe cannot be fitted into the outmoded concept of narrow nationalisms. For there is no secret and there is no defense, there is no possibility of control except through the aroused understanding and insistence of the peoples of the world.

"We scientists recognize our inescapable responsibility to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding of the simple facts of atomic energy and its implications for society. In this lies our only security and our only hope—we believe that an informed citizenry will act for life and not death."


click here for print-quality PDF

call, write, and email media, legislators, banks, utility companies, EPA, NRC, IAEA

sign petitions (greenpeace, friends of earth, etc.)

boycott nuclear investors, banks, manufactures, institutions which invest (check your portfolio!)


and reduce demand for electricity

something to keep in mind

anyone who tells you that nuclear energy is safe is either lying, making money, misinformed and/or delusional

Ace Hoffman's Nuclear Failures Reports: San Onofre: A trillion-dollar threat to SoCal; Tritium 101

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
San Onofre: A trillion-dollar threat to SoCal; Tritium 101
July 12th, 2011
Dear Readers,

San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station (SONWGS) is a pair of aging Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) in the midst of Southern California's burgeoning, vibrant, forward-thinking, technologically advanced, interconnected, health-conscious population.

It doesn't belong here at all, and it's well past time to get rid of it.

Conceived in the 1950s, the two units that still operate were designed in the 60s, built in the 70s, went online in the 80s, and have been falling apart ever since. And they have been piling up nuclear waste along our coast ever since, too -- at the horrific rate of 500 pounds per day, with nowhere to put it. There are over eight million pounds of so-called 'spent fuel' at the site right now -- making it potentially worse than Fukushima in an accident.

And 'spent fuel' is quite a euphemism, considering that after use, it is about 10 million times MORE hazardous than before it went into the reactor. And it will remain so for tens of thousands of years. After use, it's full of biological-systems targeting fission products...

whats up: LINKS PAGE

Links for anti-nuclear organizations and campaigns, nuclear information resources

Regarding Chernobyl

25th Anniversary of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster | NUCLEAR "SAFTEY" = NUCLEAR THREAT

Chernobyl Children International

"A full quarter of a century after Chernobyl, the world is faced with a new nuclear catastrophe, this time in Japan..."

TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2011 - " It was 25 years ago today when a deadly explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet state of Ukraine led to what was then the worst nuclear disaster in history. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe... "
"Children born in the plant’s vicinity continue experiencing high levels of birth defects, especially severe brain damage. In this clip from the 2003 documentary Chernobyl Heart, a nurse at a children’s care facility applies medication to the severely infected and mutated hands of a little boy..."

"...A million people have died so far as a result of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant accident, explains Janette Sherman, M.D., toxicologist and contributing editor of the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Published by the New York Academy of Sciences, the book, authored by Dr. Alexey Yablokov, Dr. Vassily Nesterenko and Dr. Alexey Nesterenko, examined medical records now available--which expose as a lie the claim of the International Atomic Energy Commission that perhaps 4,000 people may die as a result of Chernobyl."

Chernobyl's Children

A video dedicated to those still suffering from the Chernobyl disaster.

Chernobyl Charity Groups

See also
TOP OF BLOG for more recent posts
• recent Fukushima & related updates for nuclear news, background info, links and actions -
You can't see it, and you can't smell it either | Nuclear Nightmare Unfolding
Three Nuclear Meltdowns, Radiation Leaked into Sea; U.S. Waste Poses Deadly Risks
Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe Update | Related News
Nuclear Safety is an Oxymoron | How will broken-melting-fuming-leaking Fukushima Daiichi weather Monster Typhoon?
What's going on at Japan's damaged nuclear power plant?
End the nuclear loan program now | Quaint Vermont fixer-upper
Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed
abolish atomic - new art | news from Beyond Nuclear | TAKE ACTION
Learning from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster? | Unsafe at Any Dose
We do not want atom!
Fallout? | Delay Licensing! | Evacutation? | Taxes?
Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 | Downwinders | Nuclear Law
25th Anniversary of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster | NUCLEAR "SAFTEY" = NUCLEAR THREAT
Anti-nuclear movement | California Nukes
Arnie Gundersen on Current Fukushima Daiichi Situation
Deepak Chopra homebase: Fukushima ~ Indian Point, NY
Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
Fukushima a "Ticking Time Bomb"
Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan “Not Equal to Chernobyl, But Way Worse”
Nuclear Power = Crime Against Humanity
Obama: No Money for Nukes!
Pacifica Nuclear Teach-in | The Code Killers by Ace Hoffman
Nuclear Obama, Radioactive Boars & Frogs of Fukushima
fukushima plutonium
Fukushima still fuming - nuclear catastrophe update

google news ~ "Fukushima + nuclear"
news feeds below

-!- california nuke diablo canyon san onofre earthquake fault fukushima nuclear power plant japan nuclear crisis nuclear disaster radiation catastrophe radioactive fallout nuclear energy safety hazard environment ecology pollution -!-


Sunday, July 3, 2011

You can't see it, and you can't smell it either | Nuclear Nightmare Unfolding

Rankin & Dub Ainu Band "You can't see it, and you can't smell it either "

english subtitles

Radiation is scary, radiation is dangerous, you can't see or smell it, and you can't run from it

Look out! Look out! Nuclear...

Look out! If anything goes awry...
Look out! Look out! Fukushima...
Look out! Look out! They've really screwed up...

Radiation is strong, Radiation is powerful, it doesn't discriminate, and you can't beat it
Radiation is strong, Radiation is powerful, it doesn't discriminate, and you can't beat it...

Video: Japan's Post-Fukushima Nuclear Protest Music - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic: "In the U.S., the phrase 'protest song' is synonymous with the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War and its draft, and the nuclear arms race of the Cold War. More recently, that same protest song paradigm has been sporadically adapted to the war in Iraq. But, in Japan, protest music can tend to be associated with something much more specific: nuclear power."

From Fukushima to disarmament
Opinion – ABC Environment (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

In our rush to find a solution to climate change, nuclear energy has again been promoted. But the disaster at Fukushima reminds us of just how devastating nuclear can be.

MONTHS AFTER THE devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima compounds the humanitarian tragedy and impedes recovery. The damaged reactors and spent-fuel ponds contain around 10 times as much nuclear fuel as did the Chernobyl reactor that exploded in 1986. In three reactors, the fuel has melted, almost certainly through the reactor vessels; primary containment structures have been breached; explosions have torn away the secondary containment (the buildings); radioactive releases continue; and closed-loop cooling has not been re-established...

Radioactive water leaks from Japan's damaged plant

(Reuters) - Tonnes of radioactive water were discovered on Tuesday to have leaked into the ground from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, the latest in a series of leaks at the plant damaged in a March earthquake and tsunami, the country's nuclear watchdog said.

More than three months after the disaster, authorities are struggling to bring under control damaged reactors at the power plant, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo.

About 15 tonnes of water with a low level of radiation leaked from a storage tank at the plant on the Pacific coast, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.

New nuke accident radiation map released

A map of Japan indicating the levels of estimated accumulated external radiation exposure (0.01 millisievert or higher) in the two months after the crisis erupted at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. (Provided by Japan Atomic Energy Agency) - - The original caption continued: "Radiation spread over the sea in the map is not scientifically significant because radioactive substances that fall in the sea become diluted" - BUT we all know that the substances are accumulated in the food chain!

AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
"When the 00.1 millisievert standard is applied, the central and eastern areas of the Kanto region as well as the southern part of the Tohoku region fall into the exposure zones."朝日新聞社):
Radiation levels rose above 0.01 millisievert in the central and southern areas of the Tohoku region as well as the Kanto region. The results are largely in line with the measurements taken by the science ministry. - When it comes to internal exposure of iodine-131, only part of eastern Fukushima Prefecture shows more than 1 millisievert of estimated exposure.

Nuclear Nightmare Unfolding

a nice collection of images - many have great descriptions and links to more -

A pellet of plutonium, illuminated by the glow of its own radioactivity. Plutonium (Atomic number 94, symbol Pu) does not occur in nature except in minute quantities from the decay of Uranium-238, the heaviest naturally-occuring element.

Nuclear Nightmare Unfolding
Facebook album
By Swami Neelamber

Swami Neelamber's Photos - Nuclear Nightmare Unfolding (1)

Atomic Deserts: A Survey of the World's Radioactive No-Go Zones - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
By Michail Hengstenberg, Gesche Sager and Philine Gebhardt

Everyone knows about Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and, now, Fukushima. But what about Semipalatinsk, Palomares and Kyshtym? The world is full of nuclear disaster zones -- showing just how dangerous the technology really is.

The area around Fukushima will likely remain contaminated for decades, if not centuries. And many are once again wondering if the returns from nuclear technology justifies the risks. How can anything be considered under control which can so quickly mutate into an apocalypse?

Sadly, though, disasters like Three Mile Island and Fukushima are not as rare as one would hope. There have been plenty of atomic accidents resulting in significant radioactive leaks, spills and explosions. And the Chernobly Exclusion Zone, for all the attention it gets, is far from the only nuclear no-go area on the planet. A look at some of the worst incidents is enough to demonstrate just how high the price of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons truly is.

OpEdNews - Article: Atomic Energy: Unsafe in the Real World

Nuclear power requires "perfection" and "no acts of God," we were warned years ago. This has been brought home by the ongoing disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami that struck the Fukushimi Daiichi nuclear plant complex, the flooding along the Missouri River in Nebraska now threatening two nuclear plants, and the wildfire laying siege to Los Alamos National Laboratory, the birthplace of atomic energy.

Fukushima Disaster Shows Nuclear Power Is Never 'Safe' - Energy Intelligence (

Nuclear power is never 'safe.' Splitting atoms to produce heat, boil water, and generate electricity is an inherently dangerous activity. Splitting atoms can be made less dangerous, but it can never be 'safe.' The 104 nuclear power plants in the United States and the 440 operating around the world all carry the threat of a catastrophic meltdown with devastating consequences. To claim this technology is safe is no more than atomic hubris. Nuclear power plants will fail, and when they do, the consequences are catastrophic for individuals and society. As the codiscoverer of the DNA molecule once put it, 'the idea that the atom is safe is just a public relations trick.'

As we saw at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and now Fukushima, nuclear power is never "safe." The improbable happens, and regulations put in place by nuclear bureaucrats are insufficient to the catastrophe. Probability will not protect the public from the consequences of a nuclear meltdown. The nuclear industry's practice of lulling regulators into complacency based on low probability of a meltdown is irresponsible at the least. Rather than promoting the expanded use of nuclear power, government regulators will be lucky if they can manage the end of the nuclear age and secure deadly radioactive wastes without more Black Swan events like the fiasco at Fukushima.

Beyond Nuclear - "National crime" and "graveyard governance" in wake of Fukushima catastrophe

Hokkaido Cancer Center director Nishio Masamichi, a radiation treatment specialist, has published a very hard hitting critique of the Japanese government and nuclear power industry's performance regarding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe. The Asia-Pacific Journal's Japan Focus has published a review.Masamichi expresses grave concerns for the health of residents downwind and downstream of the catastrophic radioactivity releases, and offers suggestions of critical changes that need to be made to thus far incompetent and confused emergency response.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Safe Nuclear Power
by Stephen Lendman

In any form, nuclear power is inherently unsafe. For decades, nuclear expert Helen Caldicott warned it must be abandoned, saying:

'As a physician, I contend that nuclear technology threatens life on our planet with extinction. If present trends continue, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactive pollutants to pose a potential health hazard far greater than any plague humanity has ever experienced.'

Anti-nuclear activist/expert Professor Karl Grossman agrees, calling 'Atomic Energy: Unsafe in the Real World' in his June 29 article, saying:

'Nuclear power requires perfection and no acts of God' to avoid accidents that may become catastrophes. Humans and technology aren't perfect. Natural and other type disasters happen. '(W)e can't eliminate them. But we can - and must eliminate atomic energy' or it will eliminate us.

On March 18, Bloomberg said Japan's Fukushima disaster 'follows decades of falsified safety reports, fatal accidents and underestimated earthquake risks in Japan's atomic power industry.'

The same is true in America and elsewhere - governments, regulators, and power companies suppressing vital truths, instead of shutting down inherently unsafe plants, making all of them ticking bombs...

Lies, Damn Lies, and Safe Nuclear Power
Independent Media Center | | ((( i )))

See also
TOP OF BLOG for more recent posts
• recent Fukushima & related updates for nuclear news, background info, links and actions -
Truth About Nuclear Power | Lethal Levels of Radiation
Diablo Canyon | Need To Know | PBS Video
>You can't see it, and you can't smell it either | Nuclear Nightmare Unfolding
Three Nuclear Meltdowns, Radiation Leaked into Sea; U.S. Waste Poses Deadly Risks
Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe Update | Related News
Nuclear Safety is an Oxymoron | How will broken-melting-fuming-leaking Fukushima Daiichi weather Monster Typhoon?
What's going on at Japan's damaged nuclear power plant?
End the nuclear loan program now | Quaint Vermont fixer-upper
Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed
abolish atomic - new art | news from Beyond Nuclear | TAKE ACTION
Learning from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster? | Unsafe at Any Dose
We do not want atom!
Fallout? | Delay Licensing! | Evacutation? | Taxes?
Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 | Downwinders | Nuclear Law
25th Anniversary of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster | NUCLEAR "SAFTEY" = NUCLEAR THREAT
Anti-nuclear movement | California Nukes
Arnie Gundersen on Current Fukushima Daiichi Situation
Deepak Chopra homebase: Fukushima ~ Indian Point, NY
Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
Fukushima a "Ticking Time Bomb"
Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan “Not Equal to Chernobyl, But Way Worse”
Nuclear Power = Crime Against Humanity
Obama: No Money for Nukes!
Pacifica Nuclear Teach-in | The Code Killers by Ace Hoffman
Nuclear Obama, Radioactive Boars & Frogs of Fukushima
fukushima plutonium
Fukushima still fuming - nuclear catastrophe update

google news ~ "Fukushima + nuclear"
news feeds below
-!- fukushima nuclear power plant japan nuclear crisis nuclear disaster radiation catastrophe radioactive fallout nuclear energy safety hazard environment ecology pollution -!-