
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fukushima still fuming - nuclear catastrophe update


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Live camera footage released by Japanese Fukushima nuclear plant operator Tepco on March 23 shows black smoke rising from the Unit 3 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan.


Radioactive water hampering efforts and injuring workers as radiation spreads from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, contaminating food and water supplies, and the sea. Bottled water in short supply across Tokyo - tap water too dangerous for consumption by infants. Nuclear industry reels. See latest headlines from numerous feeds.

three reactor cores and their fuel damaged with possible melting of fuel - at least one containment breach suspected - half the fuel exposed - pressure in reactors dubious with unreliable data for some - radioactive vapor vented into the atmosphere because of spikes in reactor pressure - major to extreme damage to four reactor buildings and equipment - status of overheating and fuming fuel ponds also a critical issue following fires - extremely dangerous radioactivity being released directly into the atmosphere - - workers evacuated on and off due to high radiation levels with some injured...

I have to say that (higher level meltdown or not) this is an extremely terrible event which will have major consequences for Japan, the entire Pacific Region, and the world over the coming days, weeks, years, decades... Do not believe otherwise.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan addressed the nation Friday evening, stating the situation at the Fukushima plant remained "grave and serious."

"We are not in a position where we can be optimistic," Kan said. "We must treat every development with the utmost care."

Mar. 25, 2011 5:54 PM ET:
Breach suspected at troubled Japanese power plant

TOKYO (AP) — A possible breach at Japan's troubled nuclear plant escalated the crisis anew Friday, two full weeks after an earthquake and tsunami first compromised the facility. The development suggested radioactive contamination may be worse than first thought, with tainted groundwater the most likely consequence...

The uncertain nuclear situation again halted work at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex, where authorities have been scrambling to stop the overheated facility from leaking dangerous radiation. Low levels of radiation have been seeping out since the March 11 quake and tsunami knocked out the plant's cooling system, but a breach could mean a much larger release of contaminants. The most likely consequence would be contamination of the groundwater.

"The situation today at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is still very grave and serious. We must remain vigilant," a somber Prime Minister Naoto Kan said. "We are not in a position where we can be optimistic. We must treat every development with the utmost care."

FRIDAY 1:00 AM PDT, MARCH 25 - breaking -

Japan reactor nuclear core may have breached

TOKYO (AP) Mar. 25, 2011 2:12 AM ET — Japanese nuclear safety officials said Friday that they suspect that the reactor core at one unit of the troubled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant may have breached, raising the possibility of more severe contamination to the environment.

"It is possible that somewhere at the reactor may have been damaged," said Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for the nuclear safety agency. But he added that "our data suggest the reactor retains certain containment functions," implying that the damage may have occurred in Unit 3's reactor core but that it was limited.

Officials say the damage could instead have happened in other equipment, including piping or the spent fuel pool.

Operators have been struggling to keep cool water around radioactive fuel rods in the reactor's core after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami cut off power supply to the plant and its cooling system.

Damage could have been done to the core when a March 14 hydrogen explosion blew apart Unit 3's outer containment building.

This reactor, perhaps the most troubled at the six-unit site, holds 170 tons of radioactive fuel in its core. Previous radioactive emissions have come from intentional efforts to vent small amounts of steam through valves to prevent the core from bursting. However, releases from a breach could allow uncontrolled quantities of radioactive contaminants to escape into the surrounding ground or air.

Operators stopped work Friday at units 1 through 3 to check on radiation levels.

See also:
previous update for background info and links - Fukushima Nuclear Energy Emergency Update (including US Pacific "West Coast" fallout update )
fallout alert with some info on radiation exposure remedies and warnings - (rosemary, potassium iodide)

• news feeds on right, and links at top of previous posts
more news feeds below

The "outer building" surrounding Unit 3 of Fukushima I explodes, presumably due to the ignition of built up hydrogen gas, on March 13, 2011. This is the reactor which has the extremely dangerous plutonium-laced MOX fuel. State of the nuclear reactor core remains unknown... (photo enhanced for contrast and enlargement with several layers of noise, sharpening and blurring)

(main page now includes → Chronology of Daily Updates)

(25 March 2011, 15:30 UTC): At Unit 3, radiation exposure of three TEPCO subcontracting workers has been confirmed. They were working in the basement, with contaminated water on the floor. Two of them were transferred to hospital with contamination of their feet.
...Measurements in the marine environment have been carried out 30 km off-shore and 330 metres from the discharge points on 23 March and repeated the next day. The results made available up to 25 March indicate concentrations of iodine-31 (some 80 becquerel/litre) and caesium-137 (about 26 becquerel/litre). This contamination is most likely due to atmospheric fallout rather than just ocean currents. Dilution in the ocean is expected to decrease rapidly this initial surface contamination. Caesium-137 will be more important over the long term owing to its half-life (30 years) compared to that of iodine-131 (8 days). Modelling of the dispersion of these radionuclides has been started, and the first results are becoming available. Marine dispersion will of course be much slower than atmospheric transport.

(Thursday evening, 3/24):
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update (25 March 2011, 05.15 UTC)
Update on Conditions of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

At Unit 1 workers have advanced the restoration of off-site electricity and lighting in the Unit's main control room was recovered as of 24 March, 11:30 UTC. They are now checking the availability of the cooling system.

While the pressure in the reactor vessel remains high, Japanese authorities are reporting that it has stabilized.

At Unit 2 engineers are working for the recovery of lighting in the main control room, and the instrumentation and cooling systems.

At Unit 3, around 120 tonnes of seawater was injected in the spent fuel pool via the cooling and purification line. The operation was carried out between 23 March, 20:35 UTC and 24 March, 07:05 UTC.

Work was under way for the recovery of the instruments and cooling systems. However, it had to be suspended because three workers were exposed to elevated levels of radiation on 24 March.

At Unit 4, the spent fuel pool was sprayed with around 150 tonnes of water using concrete pump truck. The operation was carried out between 24 March, 05:36 UTC and 06:30 UTC of the same day.

At Units 5 and 6, repair of the temporary pump for Residual Heat Removal (RHR) was completed as of 24 March, 07:14 UTC, and cooling started again 21 minutes later.

At the Common Spent Fuel, the power supply was restored as of 24 March, 06:37 UTC and cooling started again 28 minutes later. Work is now under way for the recovery of the lighting and instrumentation systems.

As of 24 March, 09:40 UTC, the water temperature of the pool was around 73 °C.

As of 24 March, 10:30 UTC workers continue to inject seawater into the reactor pressure vessels of Units 1, 2 and 3 and are preparing to inject pure water.

IAEA Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident Update (24 March, 17:30 UTC)

Japanese Seawater Samples Show Signs of Radioactive Materials

Japanese authorities today provided the IAEA with data on seawater samples they collected on 22 and 23 March, after detecting iodine and cesium in the water near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. (visit IAEA page for details)

A vessel from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) collected water samples at several points 30 kilometres from the coastline and found measurable concentrations of iodine-131 and cesium-137. The iodine concentrations were at or above Japanese regulatory limits, and the cesium levels were well below those limits.

They have now added an archive of daily logs

from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident Update (24 March 17:25 UTC) -
Japanese Workers Treated for Radiation Exposure

Japanese authorities today reported that three workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were exposed to elevated levels of radiation. The three were working in the turbine building of reactor Unit 3 and have received a radiation dose in the range of 170-180 millisieverts.

Two of the workers have been hospitalized for treatment of severely contaminated feet, which may have suffered radiation burns. The workers had been working for about three hours in contact with contaminated water.
CLICK HERE FOR Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log - Updates of 24 March 2011-

From Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident Update (23 March, 20:00 UTC) -
"Monitoring of the marine environment is being undertaken by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT). High levels of iodine-131 and caesium-137 were measured close to the effluent discharge points Units 1 to 4 of Fukushima Daiichi (i.e. before dilution by the ocean). Future monitoring will cover eight locations 30 km off the coast at 10 km intervals. Results for seawater and the atmosphere above the sea should be available in the next few days. IAEA experts from the Marine Environment Laboratory, Monaco will assess this data..."

Greenpeace statement on radioactivity levels in Japan’s food and water
Tokyo, 23 March 2011: Greenpeace responded today to reports of increased radiation in food from areas surrounding the Fukushima/Daiichi nuclear plant, and the detection of radioactivity in the Tokyo water supply by calling for more effective protection of public health an immediate and transparent availability of information.
“This alarming rise in reports of radioactive contamination in Japan’s food chain and water supply once again demonstrates that the government’s constant reassurances and downplaying of the Fukushima nuclear crisis and risks public health are at best unreliable,” said Greenpeace energy campaigner Dr Rianne Teule.”

“A few days ago, Tokyo Metropolitan Government stated that radiation levels had decreased in the city, yet today warns that babies should not be given Tokyo tap water. The authorities may be trying to brave about the current crisis by trying to avoid causing panic, but are they risking people’s health in the process?”

“The Fukushima disaster once more demonstrates that it is impossible to guarantee public safety in the event of nuclear accident”, continued Teule. “Over the last two weeks, we’ve had inconsistent and unclear information from Japanese authorities, and often contradictory advice from international nuclear regulators.”

“Any attempt to throw the nuclear industry a climate change lifeline in the wake of the Fukushima crisis is a dangerous deceit. The only smart response to this nuclear wake up call would be for governments around the world would be to heavily invest in energy efficiency and to redouble their efforts to harness safe and secure renewable energy sources.

links at top of previous post + news feeds on right and more news feeds below
See also:
previous update for recent background info and links - Fukushima Nuclear Energy Emergency Update (including US Pacific "West Coast" fallout update )
fallout alert with some info on radiation exposure remedies and warnings - (rosemary, potassium iodide)

Radioactivity in Food, Water Sparks Fears of Widespread Contamination in Japan
Democracy Now! video interview
Japan is facing growing fears as radiation leaking from the badly damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station has contaminated food and water supplies. Bottled water was in short supply across Tokyo after Japanese authorities warned that tap water is too dangerous for consumption by infants. Thousands of people remain without potable water in areas of northern Japan ravaged by the earthquake and tsunami. We speak with Aileen Mioko Smith of Kyoto-based Green Action, one of Japan’s leading voices challenging the production, commerce and transport of nuclear material, and calling for sustainable energy policies. [includes rush transcript]

spent fuel pools a critical problem in addition to reactors

rc's NUCLEAR Playlist @YouTube, includes Democracy Now! video reports and interviews

Neutron beam observed 13 times at crippled Fukushima nuke plant
TOKYO, March 23, Kyodo News: Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was crippled by the massive March 11 quake-tsunami disaster.

TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant, said the neutron beam measured about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the plant's No. 1 and 2 reactors over three days from March 13 and is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02 microsieverts per hour and that this is not a dangerous level.

The utility firm said it will measure uranium and plutonium, which could emit a neutron beam, as well.

In the 1999 criticality accident at a nuclear fuel processing plant run by JCO Co. in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture, uranium broke apart continually in nuclear fission, causing a massive amount of neutron beams.

In the latest case at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, such a criticality accident has yet to happen.

But the measured neutron beam may be evidence that uranium and plutonium leaked from the plant's nuclear reactors and spent nuclear fuels have discharged a small amount of neutron beams through nuclear fission.

Physicians for Social Responsibility

PSR Statement on Radiation Exposure in the United States from the Japan Nuclear Accident
March 21, 2011
The unknown and changing situation in Japan regarding radiation releases is continuing to cause concern and confusion here in the United States. PSR National and our Chapters are receiving many questions regarding radiation effects and requests for medical advice. It is not possible for PSR to provide specific case-by-case medical advice. This should be given by individual health care providers and public health officials.

Currently, the primary public health risk from radiation exposure is to people closest to the plant site in Japan and in particular the workers. At this time, it is not known how much radiation may reach the US. It will depend on the amount of radiation released and how the wind blows. Given the long distance across the ocean between the US and Japan, much smaller amounts are likely to reach the US and will likely not require any special treatment. However, avoiding radioactively contaminated food and water is strongly recommended.

For those people who are close by and directly affected by the radioactive plume, protective measures include staying indoors, moving to safer areas, and having children, pregnant women and lactating mothers take potassium iodide (KI). Pregnant mothers should do this only in consultation with their physician. Patients with known thyroid disorders should also consult a physician.

At this time, we do NOT recommend that people in the US purchase or take potassium iodide (KI). We do not recommend further preventive measures at the present time. We will continue to monitor the situation as best we can.

Additional Information
Potassium Iodide fact sheet (CDC)
FAQs About Radiation (California Department of Public Health)

Ace Hoffman
Nuclear power reports.

Friday, March 25, 2011
Slowly but inexorably worse and worse...
March 25th, 2011
Dear Readers,

We are two weeks into the Fukushima Daiichi tragedy. Now the Unit 3 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) has apparently breached. That is, it's leaking. Oh, no. This may make it impossible to keep coolant covering the damaged reactor core, greatly increasing the likelihood of a meltdown or even an RPV explosion -- a very violent steam explosion or steam/hydrogen explosion, which would release huge amounts of radioactivity all at once.

In typical Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs), the control rods are inserted into the RPV from the bottom. Just one more stupid part of a stupid design, like the spent fuel pools being above the reactors. (But don't go thinking other reactor designs are much better. They each have their own problems.)
...And yet, the mainstream media can still present "experts" who will tell the public that the U.S. nuclear industry is somehow different. That it is more "safety-conscious." It reacts faster to problems. It's taking the "lessons learned" from Fukushima Daiichi very seriously. They'll always say things like that.

The public has to demand that the plants be shut down. (Or they can just demand that the illogical and immoral Price-Anderson Act be abolished and put the liability for an accident where it belongs -- that would work, too.)

OPINION: From Hiroshima to Fukushima and back
By Tilman Ruff
TOKYO, March 19, Kyodo News: Settled agriculture began about 12,000 years ago. If human children are still born and play on a hospitable planet in another 12,000 years, it will be because we succeeded in eradicating the terror of nuclear weapons and preventing runaway climate change. Twelve thousand years is not very long really.

Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. 400 human generations; one half of one half-life of plutonium-239, among the most potent radioactive carcinogens, produced in every nuclear reactor, present in large amounts in the mixed uranium/plutonium fuel in the Fukushima Daiichi No.3 reactor, and one of the two fuels for nuclear weapons.

If people can look back in 12,000 years, they will scratch their heads at the unrivalled folly of the 20th and 21st centuries. Very cleverly packaging the primordial energy that powers the stars into nuclear weapons in their tens of thousands, about 2,000 still ready to be launched in minutes. Weapons by which a self-selected few claim the right to threaten the birthright of all. Weapons able to unleash temperatures hotter than the sun, and radiation which can deliver a lethal dose with little more energy than the heat in a cup of coffee.

The same awesome power dispersed in hundreds of nuclear reactors to boil water for electricity in the most hazardous way possible, amplifying the radioactivity of the starting fuel around one million times. After a few decades the reactors themselves become radioactive waste, needing absolute isolation for hundreds of thousands of years on a small interconnected planet, with 11 earthquakes of magnitude 8.5 or greater in the 20th century, and 5 in the first 11 years of the 21st, almost all of them followed by tsunamis. More nuclear reactors raising further the danger of nuclear war have been justified on the pretext of slowing climate change.

Our paramount shared responsibilities are clear: first, negotiate an irreversible, verifiable global treaty to outlaw and eliminate nuclear weapons, urgently. This will require enrichment of uranium to be very tightly restricted, and extraction of plutonium from spent nuclear fuel to cease. Second: prevent rampant global warming by massively and speedily scaling up energy efficiency, demand reduction and benign, renewable energy production.

In our ordinary, fallible, uncontrollable world, there are already enough primordial forces capable of great destruction. We don't need any more. The power of nuclear fission and fusion belong in the stars. And that is where they should stay. The recent catastrophe in Fukushima is a strong vindication of this truth.

(Tilman Ruff is chair of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and associate professor in the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia.)

Ace Hoffman - Nuclear power reports.
I'm not impressed when people tell me they think something has been "over-engineered." Here's why not.

• "The terrible disaster in Japan has revealed dangers world wide..."

Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site

thanks to Ace Hoffman Nuclear power reports - see Godzilla, Cutzilla, and other monsters from the deep blue sea
recent at Ace's blog:
I agree with the enclosed letter, which was written yesterday by Lorna Salzman. All nuclear power plants are extremely hazardous, replaceable technology. Our voice should be united: SHUT 'EM DOWN!
>Respectful suggestion:
>All groups facing relicensing proceedings or new ones should be contacting each other to exchange information and coordinate responses. Some groups may have technical information that other groups night need but dont yet have. I would even suggest that a national strategy meeting be held, or at least one or two, one in the east or at least northeast (Vermont Yankee, Millstone, Indian Point, Oyster Creek), and the others in California. There are also two nukes in upstate NY (Ginna, near Rochester). Oyster Creek is the oldest in the country, and Vermont Yankee...just relicensed. Are we up for a blockade?

(more news statement, video & opinion below)

Union of Concerned Scientists

Nuclear Reactor Crisis in Japan
The massive earthquake off the northeast coast of Japan has caused a potentially catastrophic situation at one of Japan’s nuclear power plants. The situation is still evolving, but we have linked to an assessment based on the facts as UCS experts understand them.

All Things Nuclear blog updates on the crisis
UCS Daily Press Briefings
ABCs of Japan's Nuclear Accident
Frequently Asked Questions
UCS Position on Nuclear Power

The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety in 2010, is the first in a series of annual reports. This report was prepared and scheduled for release before the crisis in Japan began to unfold, but the disaster makes the report’s conclusions more timely than ever.

Nuclear Power Solutions
Petition to NRC on Longstanding Radioactive Leaks
Petition to NRC on Containment Sump Problem at Indian Point
Safety Problems at Salem and Hope Creek

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies
Nuclear Power: A Resurgence We Can't Afford
Nuclear Power Subsidies: Report Recommendations (2011)
Nuclear Power Subsidies Will Shift Financial Risks to Taxpayers
Nuclear Power in a Warming World (2007)
Nuclear Loan Guarantees - Another Taxpayer Bailout Ahead? (2009)

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies (2011)
This UCS report offers a comprehensive analysis of public subsidies to the nuclear power industry and examines their economic impacts and policy implications.

Nuclear Power Subsidies Will Shift Financial Risks to Taxpayers (2010)
This UCS analysis is the first to quantify the most significant nuclear power subsidies proposed in the American Power Act (APA) and the American Clean Energy Leadership Act (ACELA). These massive new subsidies would disadvantage more cost-effective, less risky approaches to curb global warming.

Nuclear Power: A Resurgence We Can't Afford (2009)
A new UCS analysis finds that the U.S. does not need to significantly expand its reliance on nuclear power to make dramatic cuts in power plant carbon emissions through 2030—and that doing so would be uneconomical.

Nuclear Power in a Warming World (2007)
In Nuclear Power in a Warming World, UCS describes the risks of nuclear power and recommends practical steps to minimize those risks, which is essential if nuclear power expands to help reduce global warming.

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Resources on the Japan Nuclear Crisis

PSR Deeply Concerned About Reports of Increased Radioactivity in Food Supply
PSR expressed concern over recent reports that radioactivity from the ongoing Fukushima accident is present in the Japanese food supply. While all food contains radionuclides, whether from natural sources, nuclear testing or otherwise, the increased levels found in Japanese spinach and milk pose health risks to the population. PSR also expressed alarm over the level of misinformation circulating in press reports about the degree to which radiation exposure can be considered "safe."

PSR Calls for a US Moratorium on New Nuclear Reactors, Citing Medical Risks
PSR has called for a nationwide moratorium on new nuclear reactors in the United States and a suspension of operations at the nuclear reactors with a similar design as those involved in the disaster in Japan, as well as those on fault lines.

PSR Statement on Radiation Exposure in the United States from the Japan Nuclear Accident

In August 2007, musicians Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash, along with longtime energy activists and colleagues, Harvey Wasserman and Tom Campbell, helped organize as an on-going grassroots campaign and website working to defeat up to $50 billion in proposed loan guarantees for building new atomic reactors. Had these guarantees gone through, there would be virtually no chance of stopping the construction of dozens of new atomic reactors all over the United States.

Garnering support of scores of other artists/musicians and aligning with scientists and environmental groups, in just one month was able to gather over 120,000 signatures on a petition presented to Congress. In a stunning victory shared with grassroots non-profit safe energy organizations, the proposed loan guarantees were pulled from the 2007 Energy Bill.

But the fight isn't over. Today the nuclear power industry is desperately trying to build new reactors in the United States, and to prolong the operation of the 104 currently licensed to operate here. And since the nuclear industry can't get private financing, they continue to go after state and federal funding for new plants. It is our commitment to stop that from happening. Going forward, is committed to preventing the construction of new nuclear reactors and helping to pave the way for an energy economy based on renewables, efficiency and conservation. Toward that goal...
Mycle Schneider: Nuclear Cloud Comes with Aura of Arrogance
more News:
Workers Exposed to Radiation at Fukushima
WSJ: Radiation Extends Past Zone, Report Says
Daily Beast: Panic in the Nuclear Industry
Status Report on Six Fukushima Reactors

MAR 22, 2011
Kill Nuke Power Before it Kills Us All!
The Japanese people are now paying a horrific price for the impossible dream of the "Peaceful Atom." For a half-century they have been told that what's happening now at Fukushima would never occur.
Our hearts and souls must first and foremost go out to them. As fellow humans, we must do everything in our power to ease their wounds, their terrible losses and their unimaginable grief.

We are also obliged---for all our sakes---to make sure this never happens again.

related news articles, March 24 & 25

What's behind our conflicted feelings on nukes?

Inspector General Faults NRC for Not Enforcing Safety Regulations

It’s Time for the NRC to Require Transfers to Dry Casks

Closing old atom plants poses safety challenge: IAEA

German minister says nuclear U-turn "not rational": report

German nuclear lobby regroups for post-Fukushima fight

Radiation injuries hinder work at Japan's nuclear plant

"Nuclear Boy has a stomach ache"

See also
TOP OF BLOG for more recent posts
• recent Fukushima & related updates for nuclear news, background info, links and actions -
Three Nuclear Meltdowns, Radiation Leaked into Sea; U.S. Waste Poses Deadly Risks
Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe Update | Related News
Nuclear Safety is an Oxymoron | How will broken-melting-fuming-leaking Fukushima Daiichi weather Monster Typhoon?
What's going on at Japan's damaged nuclear power plant?
End the nuclear loan program now | Quaint Vermont fixer-upper
Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed
abolish atomic - new art | news from Beyond Nuclear | TAKE ACTION
Learning from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster? | Unsafe at Any Dose
We do not want atom!
Fallout? | Delay Licensing! | Evacutation? | Taxes?
Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 | Downwinders | Nuclear Law
25th Anniversary of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster | NUCLEAR "SAFTEY" = NUCLEAR THREAT
Anti-nuclear movement | California Nukes
Arnie Gundersen on Current Fukushima Daiichi Situation
Deepak Chopra homebase: Fukushima ~ Indian Point, NY
Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
Fukushima a "Ticking Time Bomb"
Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan “Not Equal to Chernobyl, But Way Worse”
Nuclear Power = Crime Against Humanity
Obama: No Money for Nukes!
Pacifica Nuclear Teach-in | The Code Killers by Ace Hoffman
Nuclear Obama, Radioactive Boars & Frogs of Fukushima
fukushima plutonium
>Fukushima still fuming - nuclear catastrophe update

google news ~ "Fukushima + nuclear"
news feeds below
-!- fukushima nuclear power plant japan nuclear crisis nuclear disaster radiation catastrophe radioactive fallout nuclear energy safety hazard environment ecology pollution -!-


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