
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

abolish atomic - new art | news from Beyond Nuclear | TAKE ACTION

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News from Beyond Nuclear

Japan abandons future nuclear power plans

May 10, 2011:
Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, today announced that Japan will not pursue any new nuclear power plant construction. Japan had originally planned to construct 14 new reactors by 2030 but Kan's announcement officially scuttles that plan. The end of nuclear opens the door to renewables far wider in Japan where wind turbines continued to function and produce electricity during the earthquake and tsunami while the nuclear reactors themselves became resource-consuming liabilities adding greatly to the scale of the disaster. Just last week, Kan ordered that the Hamaoka nuclear plant be shut down until it could build stronger defenses against earthquakes and tsunamis.

US/Japan release radiological readings around Fukushima: Hot zones higher than those prompting 1986 Chernobyl evacuations
May 10, 2011:
With the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident now approaching the ninth week and still out of control, the situation remains grave as the Japanese government and industry desparately struggle to bring the severely damaged multi-unit reactor complex into cold shutdown in order to prevent more hydrogen gas explosions and even greater radioactive releases."


Greenpeace USA | Push for No New Nukes
TAKE ACTION (Send a letter to NRC Chairman Dr. Gregory Jaczko)
Any day now, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is deciding the fate of over a dozen aging nuclear reactors in this country. Some of which are of the very same design as those that exploded and melted down in Japan. The NRC has NEVER denied a nuclear industry application for renewal. That's not a legitimate licensing process; that's a radioactive rubber stamp!

It should not take a Chernobyl or a Fukushima on U.S. soil for government bureaucrats to regulate this dangerous technology. Please send a message right now to NRC Chairman Jaczko urging him to STOP re-licensing dangerous old nuclear reactors.

Friends of Earth | The nuclear crisis in Japan
Call for an immediate halt to reactor construction and ultimately, an end to nuclear power in the U.S.

Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to suspend its fast-tracked approval of an untested nuclear reactor design intended for South Carolina.

ACT NOW | Sign me up to receive a text message alert to call Congress when a vote is imminent on nuclear energy subsidies

Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

Spring Actions
This page will list actions for a nuclear-free world throughout the Spring. Let us know what your group is doing! E-mail info about your actions to us at

It's time: demand permanent shutdown of GE Mark I reactors!
There are 23 nuclear reactors currently operating in the United States using the same General Electric Mark I design as those that have failed so catastrophically at Fukushima.

The flaws in this design are fundamental, cannot be fixed, and have been documented for 40 years now. They have led to containment building explosions at three of the Fukushima reactors, the exposure of irradiated fuel pools to the environment and enormous radiation releases.

It is time to close them, permanently. Please take a moment to tell that to President Obama, your Congressmembers, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). You can do that with one letter below.

A Simple Statement On Nuclear Power and Climate Change
We're getting a little tired hearing nuclear industry lobbyists and pro-nuclear politicians allege that environmentalists are now supporting nuclear power as a means of addressing the climate crisis. We know that's not true, and we're sure you do too. In fact, using nuclear power would be counterproductive at reducing carbon emissions. As Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Institute points out, "every dollar invested in nuclear expansion will worsen climate change by buying less solution per dollar..."

The simple statement below will be sent to the media and politicians whenever they misstate the facts. We hope you and your organization will join us and sign on in support here.

"We do not support construction of new nuclear reactors as a means of addressing the climate crisis. Available renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies are faster, cheaper, safer and cleaner strategies for reducing greenhouse emissions than nuclear power."

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Petition to President Obama

See also
TOP OF BLOG for more recent posts
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>abolish atomic - new art | news from Beyond Nuclear | TAKE ACTION
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