
Friday, February 15, 2013

2.17 #BustTheMyth :: Forward on Climate Rally

UPDATE 2/17: SEE PHOTOS whats up: photos: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C. | PRESS RELEASE: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C.

#BustTheMyth –
Join Coalition Against Nukes
at #ForwardOnClimate Rally

We want you to take part in the Forward on Climate Rally, in Washington, DC, on Sunday, Feb. 17, from 11:30 am – 4 pm.
It is time to bust nuclear power myths starting with the myth that nuclear power is climate-friendly! This rally provides an incredible opportunity to educate the 20,000+ rally attendees. Many are unaware that nuclear power contributes to climate change and devastates the environment!
Help spread the word about the rally and the bust nuclear power myths campaign to your anti-nuclear groups and contacts. Encourage all to take part in this historic event!
Please attend the Forward on Climate Rally! We need a huge turn-out to get our message across. —> There are buses from many parts of the country. <—
Let’s make a bold statement using creative signs and costumes. Bust nuclear power myths with fact sheets and conversation with other rally-goers.

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