
Friday, February 15, 2013

My honest assessment/opinion | Residents Organized for a Safe Environment

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To all who are working so hard to keep San Onofre SHUTDOWN...

- of where we are now. I believe with Sen. Boxer and Congressman Markey’s help and all that activity from the wonderful people that are taking the time to get involved to keep San Onofre SHUTDOWN and to start the DECOMMISSIONING process NOW. This is were we are.
With all the work that has and is going on we have put the NRC and Edison between a rock and hard place, actually they put themselves there. But the result is that I think if we keep up our work with an increased volume the NRC WILL NOT be able to give the okay to restart in May or June (which I believe was the plan) and will hold off for some number of months hoping that we will slow down our activities, or lose interest. Then at some point in the future they will quietly try to restart (which has been their MO in the past). We must keep this in the public’s mind.
Will we let that happen? The answer is HELL NO. This is not the time to slow down. Now is the time to drive them back even further with more creative tactics and a louder voice putting more pressure on them than ever before.
What is certain is we must KEEP IT UP, KEEP IT SHUTDOWN. We need your support & voices now more than ever. This of course is just my opinion we will have to wait to see how it goes, because their is nothing ever certain with the NRC & Edison.

My honest assessment/opinion | Residents Organized for a Safe Environment

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