
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Boeing’s Meltdown Mess | Boeing ILLEGALLY Poisons Californians with Plutonium Waste Dumping

▶ Boeing ILLEGALLY Poisons Californian's with Plutonium Waste Dumping! - YouTube

Current owner of Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Boeing got the green light to secretly dismantle former nuclear structures including the plutonium fuel fabrication facility without environmental review and public input required by law. Then they are being dumped into hazardous waste Landfills and municipal dumps! 

Plutonium waste in a municipal landfill? PU-239 is by far the most dangerous radioisotope and one of the most toxic substances known to man. It deposits throughout the body, it exposes the blood, kidneys, liver and spleen to cancer causing alpha particle emissions. It's so lethal only a few millionths of an ounce being inhaled will produce with 100 percent certainty~LUNG CANCER! 

All this lands on the heels of the $41.5 million radiation study scandal by the EPA and California's Department of Toxic Substances Control. Where's the money? Where's the study?

see Boeing’s Meltdown Mess - 

Santa Susana Field Laboratory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
    The Santa Susana Field Laboratory is a complex of industrial research and development facilities located on a 2,668-acre (1,080 ha) portion of the Southern California Simi Hills in Simi Valley, California, used mainly for the testing and development of liquid-propellant rocket engines for the United States space program from 1949 to 2006, nuclear reactors from 1953 to 1980 and the operation of a U.S. government-sponsored liquid metals research center from 1966 to 1998. The site is located approximately 7 miles (11 km) northwest from the community of Canoga Park and approximately 30 miles (48 km) northwest of Downtown Los Angeles. Sage Ranch Park is adjacent on part of the northern boundary and the community of Bell Canyon along the entire southern boundary... 

..Throughout the years, approximately ten low-power nuclear reactors operated at SSFL, in addition to several "critical facilities": a sodium burn pit in which sodium-coated objects were burned in an open pit; a plutonium fuel fabrication facility; a uranium carbide fuel fabrication facility; and the purportedly largest "Hot Lab" facility in the United States at the time.[] (A Hot Lab is a facility used for remotely cutting up irradiated nuclear fuel.) Irradiated nuclear fuel from other Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) andDepartment of Energy (DOE) facilities from around the country were shipped to SSFL to be decladded and examined.

The Hot Lab suffered a number of fires involving radioactive materials. For example, in 1957, a fire in the Hot Cell "got out of control and ... massive contamination" resulted. (see: NAA-SR-1941, Sodium Graphite Reactor, Quarterly Progress Report, January–March 1957). In July, 1959, the site suffered a partial nuclear meltdown that has been named "the worst in U.S. history", releasing an undisclosed amount of radiation, but thought to be much more than the Three Mile Island disaster in 1979.  Another radioactive fire occurred in 1971, involving combustible primary reactor coolant (NaK) contaminated with mixed fission products.

At least four of the ten nuclear reactors suffered accidents. The AE6 reactor experienced a release of fission gases in March 1959, the SRE experienced a power excursion and partial meltdown in July 1959; the SNAP8ER in 1964 experienced damage to 80% of its fuel; and the SNAP8DR in 1969 experienced similar damage to one-third of its fuel.
The reactors located on the grounds of SSFL were considered experimental, and therefore had no containment structures. Reactors and highly radioactive components were housed without the large concrete domes that surround modern power reactors... [more]

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