
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

55 or 60 km from #Fukushima: 22.97 microSv/h, Koriyama city, Sakabuta Park, housing area, Sep. 2013

▶ 22.97 microSv/h, Koriyama city, Sakabuta Park, housing area, Sep. 2013 via Birdhairjp - YouTube

On 7th of Sept 2013 , I measured radiation around Sakabuta Park, Koriyama city, Fukushima pref. Japan

I monitored 0.47 to 0.65 micro Sv/h at my chest height in air.

22.97 on road side sand, on gurter cover on a foot of a slope road.

The monitorinig place is 55 or 60 km from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant.

Housing area of Koriyama city. Koriyama city: popolation approx 330,000.

Measuring instrument ECOTEST MKS-05, Ukraine made and Air counter of ST Corp., Japan.

Kids have been endangered with external & internal radiation exposure risk

A map shown in the video is "Radiation counter map of the FUKUSHIMA Daiich nuclear accident" by frofessor Yukio HAYAKAWA of GUNMA university.

22.97μSv/h 郡山市酒蓋公園近く 側溝の蓋の上に溜まった砂 2013年9月

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