
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are Your iPhone & Hybrid Nuclear Powered?

idea for an article (not sure of the title yet, but it might be the following): "Is Your iPhone Nuclear Powered?"

i might switch that to something about electric cars... maybe: "Is Your Hybrid Nuclear Powered?" ...maybe both

"sorry but these things worry me. if everyone thinks that they can just switch to hybrid or electric cars without changing the basic unsustainable lifestyle, then they will be justifying nukes and say we need them... i know, wind and solar! but the thinking that we need "all this" needs to change along with the system that enables over-use!"

will reference stuff like what percentage of electricity in "your area" is generated using nuclear power; and, what percentage of electricity used to manufacture the product is generated using nuclear power, etc.

anyone know how to pull up that kind of stuff using google maps, or google earth or something? - any other ideas?

please email me, or better yet, leave comments below :)


cross-posted to what next: RC'S NEWS & RANDOM BLOG

A new study from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology states that electric cars that receive energy from coal-fired power plants could potentially have a higher carbon footprint than some of their petrol or diesel-powered counterparts. However If electric cars derive their electricity from renewable, emission-free sources such as solar and wind power, then they remain among the greenest vehicles on the road. (October 2012)

see also

whats up: #OccupyNuclear

got nukes?
who is nuking in your back yard ???

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try a google map search, use the name of your state & see what comes up

follow links, email rc, comment below...

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