
Monday, March 12, 2012

World Wide Rallies Against Nuclear Power

one-year anniversary of 3/11 - the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and beginning of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

a selection of photos and videos via Beyond Nuclear


Beyond Nuclear - Thousands rally across the globe to rememberFukushima | Beyond Nuclear - Cary, North Carolina; Italians in France | Beyond Nuclear - More photos from Fukushima rallies around the world

Cary, NC

Italians in France

Teachers - Fukushima

San Onofre, CA


L to R; French Green Party presidential candidate, Eva Joly; Dominique Voynet, Jose Bove

du coté de Valence, France,un maillon de la chaîne humaine Avignon-Lyo

Sunderland, NH

PeaceWalkers - Weehawken

Rally Against Nuclear Power in Osaka, Japan

James Corbett of reports live from the rally against nuclear power in Osaka, Japan in commemoration of the first anniversary of the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis. For more information on Fukushima and nuclear power in Japan, please visit

20 seconds of March 11 rally in India against Jaitapur massive French nuke project

UK: Fukushima anniversary demo at Hinkley C nuclear power station - Jonathon Porritt

via various sources

Moscow, Russia

Antinuclear rally in Moscow , March 11, 2012
By: Andrey Ozharovsky

Video from a tiny rally in Moscow <Rosatom, close your Fukusimas!>. Main message: <Physisists demand to close old NPPs in Russia>

poster for rally in France

Walking for a Nuclear Free World

"If we believe that this whole universe is a manifestation of God, manifestation of the Buddha, manifestation of the Divine Self, then this whole world is so precious," says Japanese Buddhist monk Gyoway Kato. "Who has the right" he asks, to create an environmental burden for "generations after generations?" The Venerable Kato, Japanese American Buddhist nun Jun Yasuda, and other walkers -- including a survivor of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami-- talk about the reasons for their participation in a peace walk at the Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York State.

see also

FukushimaActionDay's Channel - YouTube

Beyond Nuclear - A great roundup of videos from Fukushima remembrance day: The YouTube Channel, "Global Day of Action Fukushima 2012" has posted a great roundup of videos. Watch actions from around the world in remembrance of the now one-year long and still unfolding Fukushima nuclear diaster.

as of 3/14: AUSTRALIA - 1 video; SWEDEN - 1 video; CHINA - 1 video; ARGENTINA - 1 video; ENGLAND - 3 videos; BELGIUM - 2 videos; INDIA - 1 video; UNITED STATES - 10 videos; JAPAN - 30 videos; FRANCE - 25 videos; GERMANY - 37 videos; POLAND - 1 video; SPAIN - 16 videos; BRAZIL - 2 videos; INTERNATIONAL - 4 videos; Anti-nuclear Movement - 1 video

here is the playlist for Japan -


Beyond Nuclear - FREEZE OUR FUKUSHIMAS | Beyond Nuclear

March Against Nuclear Madness (Beyond Nuclear campaign on facebook)

SPRING ANTI-NUCLEAR ACTIONS 2012 - NIRS | Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS


Articula o Antinuclear Brasileira: March 11 - Global Fukushima Action Day 2012 - Calendar of Events

whats up: #OccupyNuclear
< #OccupyNuclear #fukushima #nuclear #nukes #nonukes #occupy
nuclear protest | anti-nuclear rally | Fukushima anniversary | Tsunami remembrance | buddhism

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