
Monday, July 10, 2017

Don't Waste America! National Telebriefing on July 13 | NIRS

Don't Waste America!

Don't Waste America is a national campaign that focuses on preventing decades of massive and dangerous high-level radioactive waste transport across the United States that would occur if efforts to revive the scientifically-indefensible Yucca Mountain, Nevada waste dump are accomplished, or if a Centralized or Consolidated “Interim” Storage (CIS) site for high-level radioactive waste is created.
Join us for a live national briefing, to learn more about the campaign, its significance, and the major fights we are gearing up for:

Thursday, July 13th at 8 pm Eastern
(5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central)

Register below to receive the details for calling in.

Presenters include:

Ian Zabarte (Principal Man, Western Bands Shoshone Nation Newe Sogobia) will present End Yucca!
Yucca is short-hand for the failed proposal for a deep geologic repository in Nevada, on treaty lands of the Western Shoshone. Ian Zabarte has been a Western Shoshone leader for decades and will speak about the impacts of this program on his community, why the site is not going to isolate waste and the need to finally END the Yucca project.

Diane D’Arrigo (Director, Radioactive Waste Project of NIRS) will present Stop CIS!
STOP CIS (consolidated interim storage) is short hand for two sites, WCS in Texas and Holtec in New Mexico, where corporations want to turn storing highly radioactive waste at sites that will either require relocation in the future, or will default to unqualified failure as permanent storage. Diane D’Arrigo, NIRS leader on radioactive waste for 30 years, will talk about this most-recent-version of nuclear waste “shell game” and what is being done to STOP it.
Deb Katz (Citizen Awareness Network) will present Implement HOSS!
HOSS is short-hand for Hardened On-Site Storage and refers to the urgent priority to reduce the load of the most highly radioactive waste (“spent”) fuel rods in liquid storage, and improving the on-site dry storage to better protect communities while the waste is in interim storage on-site. Deb Katz, the founder of Citizen Awareness Network, and the original advocate for HOSS will talk about new efforts to find and IMPLEMENT a demonstration or pilot site for HOSS.
Mary Olson (Director, NIRS Southeast) will moderate and reflect on how waste transport intersects with the above.

Don't let Congress Waste America!


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