
Saturday, July 8, 2017

7/11 SF Speak Out Against Forced Return of Fukushima Families and Restart of More Nuclear Plants | No Nukes Action Committee

7/11 SF Speak Out Against Forced Return of Fukushima Families and Restart of More Nuclear Plants
Tuesday July 11, 2017 3:00 PM
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco

The Abe government continues to demand that the families who were evacuated from Fukushima return to the contaminated area. Despite the claims of the government that Fukushima has been “decontaminated” the opposite is the case and the radioactive material continues to leak into the Pacific ocean. Additionally the thousands of tanks filled with radioactive water are a serious threat to burst and leak when the next major earthquake hits the Fukushima area. The government is pushing ahead as well to re-open additional nuclear plants despite the continuing dangers.
The No Nuke Action Committee is also opposed to the increase repression in Japan through the “secrecy law”, the proposed “conspiracy law” and the revocation of Article 9 which would militarize Japan. The repression has also been used to arrest and harass anti-nuclear activists like Professor Shimoji in Osaka.
Please join the action and speak out to defend the families and oppose the continued restarting of Japan’s nuclear plants.
We all on to people to join us this coming  July  11, 2017 at 3:00 PM at 275 Battery St. near California at the Japanese Consulate. Make your voice heard.
Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee
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7/11 SF Speak Out Against Forced Return of Fukushima Families and Restart of More Nuclear Plants | No Nukes Action Committee

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