
Monday, July 31, 2017

SCANA, Santee Cooper pull plug on V.C. Summer !!!

As of April 2017, Construction at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Facility is 34 percent complete and billions of dollars over budget.

Efforts to build two state-of-the-art nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Plant in Fairfield County have gone inert.
Citing escalating costs, uncertainty over tax credits and the amount of Toshiba's recent financial pledge, SCANA Corp., the majority partner at V.C. Summer, said in a statement it plans to file a notice of abandonment with state regulators.
The decision follows a similar by minority partner Santee Cooper to suspend construction efforts. Santee Cooper said doing so would save its customers $7 billion...

...Green groups opposed to V.C. Summer declared victory shortly after news the reactors would be abandoned became public.
“We applaud Santee Cooper and SCE&G for making the right decision to protect their customers," Stephen Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, said in a statement.
"This project has been a multi-billion dollar disaster," Smith continued. "We also call on Georgia Power and their utility partners to protect their customers from the similarly risky, mismanaged project in Georgia at Southern Company’s Plant Vogtle.”
Representatives for Friends of the Earth, which has also called for a V.C. Summer shutdown, say consumers who helped pay for the reactors deserve refunds.
"The damage that this bungled project has caused to ratepayers and the state’s economy must be promptly addressed by SCE&G, Santee Cooper and regulators and all effort must be made to minimize that damage," Tom Clements, a senior advisor for Friends of the Earth, said in prepared comments.
"It’s time for money to be refunded as it was collected from them under the false pretense that advance payment for the nuclear project was sound," Clements said...
complete article: SCANA, Santee Cooper pull plug on V.C. Summer | News |

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Don't Let #DirtyEnergy Trump the #Climate | Crowdfunding and Petition

Help Us Mobilize to Save #CleanEnergy from Trump’s #DirtyEnergy Plan
The Trump administration is laying the groundwork for a massive dirty energy bailout to ensure America continues to rely on nuclear and coal for years to come. This is a fight for America’s clean energy future and everything that comes along with it--millions of good jobs, thriving communities, and safe, healthy food, air, and water. 
Despite renewable energy's benefits, President Trump is prioritizing coal and nuclear industries and their executives by funneling billions of dollars in subsidies to keep dirty, old, dangerous power plants going.

NIRS is organizing to stop them, and we need you to join us!  Over the next six months, we have to educate and mobilize the public across the country. It is going to take petitions, protests, and lots of grassroots organizing – and we have to start now.

If we can stop Trump’s Nuclear and Coal Bailout, more of the dirty radiation and soot factories will close, and demand for solar, wind, and other clean, safe, efficient, renewable energy sources will accelerate.

We’ve started this crowdfunding campaign to raise $40,000 to get this effort off the ground.  The good news is: Your donation will go twice as far toward making that happen. Another generous supporter is offering to match every dollar you contribute, so your support will be doubled. 
You might have already signed our petition against the Nuclear and Coal Bailout (if you haven’t, just click here)—that’s a great start!

But here’s the thing: we need to reach thousands more people, to make sure they know about Trump’s plans and can take action to stop it. We ask that you make a contribution to support the campaign, so we can reach more people like yourself. We also hope you will tell your friends about the petition, as well as this crowdfunding effort. 
The good news is, some generous donors have offered to match every donation, no matter how big or small, to help us get there. For every dollar you and your friends give, another donor will match it.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about our campaign and for whatever support you can give.

For a Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free World!
The NIRS TeamJasmine Bright – Communications Specialist
Diane D’Arrigo – Radioactive Waste Project Director
Lyn Griffith Taylor – Energy Democracy Specialist
Denise Jakobsberg – Administrative Coordinator
Tim Judson – Executive Director
Mary Olson – Director, NIRS Southeast
Don't Let #DirtyEnergy Trump the Climate

Friday, July 21, 2017

Stop Japanese Company From Dumping Nuclear Waste Into Ocean | #petition

Hundreds of thousands of tons of toxic waste from one of history’s worst nuclear disasters is about to be dumped into the ocean, if the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) gets its way. The company wants to dispose of around 777,000 tons of water contaminated with tritium off Japan’s coast, as part of broader efforts to clean up the site of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. The decision has been met with outrage from the Japanese fishing industry, along with environmentalists who fear the contaminated water could cause a marine disaster.

Stop Japanese Company From Dumping Nuclear Waste Into Ocean – ForceChange

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Don't Waste America! - NIRS | #petition

Our Don’t Waste America campaign focuses on preventing decades of massive and dangerous high-level radioactive waste—irradiated fuel from nuclear power reactors—transport across the United States on our rails, roads, and waterways.

Such large-scale transport, which could affect 100 million Americans who live within a mile or two of proposed transport routes, would occur if efforts to revive the proposed scientifically-indefensible Yucca Mountain, Nevada waste dump are accomplished, or if a Centralized or Consolidated “Interim” Storage (CIS) site for high-level radioactive waste is created.

more: Don't Waste America! - NIRS


Say NO to the "Nuclear Waste America" Bill!

Contact your US Representatives NOW to Vote NO on a nuclear waste bill being rushed through Congress—one of the most dangerous we have seen. U.S. Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) bill--H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017 threatens nearly every state with decades of nuclear waste shipments.  The bill passed the House Energy committee two weeks ago, and Congressional leaders are pushing for the House to approve it this month.
Rep. Shimkus' bill would launch thousands of shipments of the deadliest radioactive nuclear waste ever made via truck, train, and/or barge shipments through 45 states, including the hearts of many major cities and farmlands, all headed for Yucca Mountain, Nevada and supposedly “interim” parking lot dumps. These shipments would pass through 370 of the 435 congressional districts across the U.S.  
The bill aims to revive the cancelled, unsuitable Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump that is located on sacred Native American land and is incapable of isolating nuclear waste as it is located on high-risk earthquake fault lines and vital water systems.
The bill would legalize the opening of centralized interim storage sites for radioactive waste now proposed in Texas and New Mexico, ultimately creating de facto permanent parking lot dumps for nuclear waste.
This bill will not just put our nation’s nuclear waste policy on the wrong track--it will step on the gas and tear out the brakes. It ignores environmental concerns, Native American land rights and sovereignty, states’ rights to protect their residents and natural resources, and attempts to truncate public review in order to force failed, illusory solutions on the American people: Yucca Mountain and consolidated "interim" storage–both of which have proven to be unworkable. It does nothing to make storing and managing nuclear waste less dangerous, wherever it is.

Don't let Congress Waste America!


The campaign has four main components:  End YuccaStop Nuclear Waste TransportConsolidated Interim Storage, and Hardened On-Site Storage.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stop the Nuclear Tax Bailout -- End the “Nuclear Renaissance” | NIRS

Stop the Nuclear Tax Bailout -- End the “Nuclear Renaissance”

The nuclear industry is trying to ram through another multi-billion-dollar bailout to keep the fantasy/nightmare of nuclear power alive. This time, through Congress. Stopping this bill (HR 1551) could end the so-called “Nuclear Renaissance” once and for all.
Utilities in Georgia and South Carolina are building four new reactors that are all billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule. The problems were predicted before the utilities broke ground, but the extent of their failure is truly remarkable. The reactors are less than half-way built and have already bankrupted Westinghouse, the largest builder of reactors in the world – proving that nuclear power is a failed technology with no future.
HR 1551 would try to ensure these reactors get built by guaranteeing them $5.2 billion in federal tax breaks that are scheduled to expire in 2020. Because of the massive construction delays in building the reactors, none of them are expected to be online before then.
Please contact your Senators today and tell them to vote "NO" on HR 1551.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

In the Grand Canyon, uranium mining threatens a tribe's survival | Environment | The Guardian

The Havasupai are attempting to fight back against the operation of a uranium mine that they say could contaminate their sole water source

…called Canyon Mine, it sits 45 miles east of Supai Village as the crow flies, and six miles south of Grand Canyon national park, on National Forest land.
In 2012 the Obama administration banned new uranium claims around the Grand Canyon watershed for 20 years.
A coalition of local leaders in northern Arizona and southern Utah recently requested the Trump administration lift the ban and expand mining access in the region, to the further horror of the Havasupai. Meanwhile, Canyon Mine can forge ahead because it was already established in the mid-80s, although mothballed before operations truly began, when the uranium market tanked.
The main shaft was drilled last year and the company is getting ready to supply the nuclear weapons and power industries…

READ: In the Grand Canyon, uranium mining threatens a tribe's survival | Environment | The Guardian

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

UN Passes Nuclear Weapons Ban + Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada’s Nuclear Waste Insanity – Nuclear Hotseat #316

Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada's #ChalkRiver proposed/planned #Nuclear waste megadump upriver from Ottawa, Quebec drinking water supply. Heidi Hutner of Stony Brook calls #NuclearHotseat from inside the #UN minutes after passage of the Nuclear Weapons Ban! Historic audio!

Sign up for free weekly Nuclear Hotseat email with link to the latest show at
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#Nuclear #NuclearDiseases #NuclearReactor #Radiation #Fukushima #NRC #NuclearRegulatoryCommission #Radioactive #Cancer #IAEA #UNSCEAR #WHO #ThreeMileIsland #WestLakeLandfill #NuclearBomb, #Hanford #NuclearBan

Nuclear, Nuclear Diseases, Nuclear Reactor, Radiation, Fukushima, NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radioactive, Cancer, IAEA, UNSCEAR, WHO, Three Mile Island, West Lake Landfill, Nuclear Bomb, San Onofre, West Lake Landfill, Hanford
LISTEN NOW: UN Passes Nuclear Weapons Ban Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada’s Nuclear Waste Insanity – Nuclear Hotseat #316

Monday, July 10, 2017

Don't Waste America! National Telebriefing on July 13 | NIRS

Don't Waste America!

Don't Waste America is a national campaign that focuses on preventing decades of massive and dangerous high-level radioactive waste transport across the United States that would occur if efforts to revive the scientifically-indefensible Yucca Mountain, Nevada waste dump are accomplished, or if a Centralized or Consolidated “Interim” Storage (CIS) site for high-level radioactive waste is created.
Join us for a live national briefing, to learn more about the campaign, its significance, and the major fights we are gearing up for:

Thursday, July 13th at 8 pm Eastern
(5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central)

Register below to receive the details for calling in.

Presenters include:

Ian Zabarte (Principal Man, Western Bands Shoshone Nation Newe Sogobia) will present End Yucca!
Yucca is short-hand for the failed proposal for a deep geologic repository in Nevada, on treaty lands of the Western Shoshone. Ian Zabarte has been a Western Shoshone leader for decades and will speak about the impacts of this program on his community, why the site is not going to isolate waste and the need to finally END the Yucca project.

Diane D’Arrigo (Director, Radioactive Waste Project of NIRS) will present Stop CIS!
STOP CIS (consolidated interim storage) is short hand for two sites, WCS in Texas and Holtec in New Mexico, where corporations want to turn storing highly radioactive waste at sites that will either require relocation in the future, or will default to unqualified failure as permanent storage. Diane D’Arrigo, NIRS leader on radioactive waste for 30 years, will talk about this most-recent-version of nuclear waste “shell game” and what is being done to STOP it.
Deb Katz (Citizen Awareness Network) will present Implement HOSS!
HOSS is short-hand for Hardened On-Site Storage and refers to the urgent priority to reduce the load of the most highly radioactive waste (“spent”) fuel rods in liquid storage, and improving the on-site dry storage to better protect communities while the waste is in interim storage on-site. Deb Katz, the founder of Citizen Awareness Network, and the original advocate for HOSS will talk about new efforts to find and IMPLEMENT a demonstration or pilot site for HOSS.
Mary Olson (Director, NIRS Southeast) will moderate and reflect on how waste transport intersects with the above.

Don't let Congress Waste America!


Home - NIRS

Saturday, July 8, 2017

7/11 SF Speak Out Against Forced Return of Fukushima Families and Restart of More Nuclear Plants | No Nukes Action Committee

7/11 SF Speak Out Against Forced Return of Fukushima Families and Restart of More Nuclear Plants
Tuesday July 11, 2017 3:00 PM
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco

The Abe government continues to demand that the families who were evacuated from Fukushima return to the contaminated area. Despite the claims of the government that Fukushima has been “decontaminated” the opposite is the case and the radioactive material continues to leak into the Pacific ocean. Additionally the thousands of tanks filled with radioactive water are a serious threat to burst and leak when the next major earthquake hits the Fukushima area. The government is pushing ahead as well to re-open additional nuclear plants despite the continuing dangers.
The No Nuke Action Committee is also opposed to the increase repression in Japan through the “secrecy law”, the proposed “conspiracy law” and the revocation of Article 9 which would militarize Japan. The repression has also been used to arrest and harass anti-nuclear activists like Professor Shimoji in Osaka.
Please join the action and speak out to defend the families and oppose the continued restarting of Japan’s nuclear plants.
We all on to people to join us this coming  July  11, 2017 at 3:00 PM at 275 Battery St. near California at the Japanese Consulate. Make your voice heard.
Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee
− related articles −
US court: Sailors can sue in US over Japanese nuclear disaster…

7/11 SF Speak Out Against Forced Return of Fukushima Families and Restart of More Nuclear Plants | No Nukes Action Committee

Friday, July 7, 2017

BREAKING :: The United Nations prohibits nuclear weapons | ICAN

After a decade-long effort by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), and 72 years after their invention, today states at the United Nations formally adopted a treaty which categorically prohibits nuclear weapons.

Until now, nuclear weapons were the only weapons of mass destruction without a prohibition treaty, despite the widespread and catastrophic humanitarian consequences of their intentional or accidental detonation. Biological weapons were banned in 1972 and chemical weapons in 1992.

On adoption of the treaty, ICAN’s executive director, Beatrice Fihn, said: “We hope that today marks the beginning of the end of the nuclear age. It is beyond question that nuclear weapons violate the laws of war and pose a clear danger to global security…"
more: The United Nations prohibits nuclear weapons | ICAN

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Penn State study links Three Mile Island nuke accident to thyroid cancer

A new Penn State Medical Center study has found a link between the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident and thyroid cancer cases in south-central Pennsylvania.
The study marks the first time the partial meltdown of Unit 2's reactor can be connected to specific cancer cases, the researchers have said.
The findings may pose a dramatic challenge to the nuclear energy industry's position that the radiation released had no effect on human health.
The study was published Monday in the medical journal Laryngoscope, one day before Exelon Corp. (EXC) announced that Three Mile Island would close in 2019. It’s likely to come as another blow to a nuclear-power industry already struggling to stay profitable.
more: Penn State study links Three Mile Island nuke accident to thyroid cancer

Deconstructing the Concept of Security: What Do We Mean When We Talk About Security? | Pressenza

Alice Slater

Those of us laboring in the wasteland of nuclear arms control and countless thwarted attempts to abolish nuclear weapons have been witnessing one of the most striking shifts in the global paradigm of how the world thinks about nuclear weapons which has brought us to this present glorious moment. The world is now poised on the eve of actually completing negotiations for a treaty to ban the bomb! The shift, which has proceeded so rapidly, relative to other efforts to curb nuclear weapons, can largely be attributed to the transformation of the public conversation about nuclear weapons, from the same old, same old talk, about national “security” and its reliance on “nuclear deterrence”, to the widely promoted and publicized well-founded scientific evidence of the catastrophic humanitarian consequences which would result from the use of these lethal instruments of death and destruction…

more: Pressenza - Deconstructing the Concept of Security: What Do We Mean When We Talk About Security?
Alice Slater represents the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation at the UN and serves on the Coordinating Committee of World Beyond War.   

▶ High Level Nuclear Waste: Centralized 'Interim' Storage & Transport Dangers | NIRS & Beyond Nuclear

High Level Nuclear Waste: Centralized 'Interim' Storage & Transport Dangers - YouTube
Published on Feb 7, 2017 by firs
An overview of high level nuclear waste, the proposed "storage solutions," and the resulting dangers and environmental injustices.

Presented Thursday, November 10, 2016 from 8 pm to 9:30pm EST by Karen Hadden, SEED Coalition, TX; Arjun Makhijani, IEER; & Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear.

Nuclear Information and Resource Service​

SEE ALSO: Irradiated ‘Spent’ Nuclear Power Fuel: Characteristics and Storage - YouTube

#BustTheMyth ::  nukes are NOT green, clean, safe, or affordable!