
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Consequences of a Catastrophe: 31 Years of Chernobyl

BELARUS. Novinki Asylum. A young helpless multiple sclerosis victim is carried by an attendant. Photo by Paul Fusco

Today marks the 31st commemoration of the disastrous nuclear meltdown at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, originally located in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The atomic core exploded and then caught fire, burning for 9-days straight and spewing deadly amounts of radiation into the atmosphere over an area covering 58,000 square miles. For those of us living in the United States, that area is larger than the whole State of New York. Now, its radioactive legacy is left to the Ukraine to manage for thousands of years while the world waits for the intense radioactivity to decay away. The USSR official government toll claimed that only 30 people died in the immediate aftermath of the meltdown, but the disasters full impact on the health of the area’s residents is much worse than authorities are willing to admit.

As many as one million people are projected to die from cancer and other radiation induced illnesses according to Dr. Alexy Yablakov, originally the science advisor to former Russian President/Premier Boris Yeltsin. Dr. Yablakov analyzed existing scientific data to make these projections; see his book entitled Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, published by the New York Academy of Sciences. If you would like a copy, please contact us. We can put copies on special order.*
Because most forms of cancer take years to develop after exposure to radiation and paired with uncooperative governments hindering scientific research, we may never know the full extent of Chernobyl’s carnage, but we do know that the damage is very high…

more: Consequences of a Catastrophe: 31 Years of Chernobyl — Nuclear Energy Education

* for a free PDF download, please visit this page: whats up: PDF DOWNLOAD: #Chernobyl – Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment by Alexey V. YABLOKOV, Vassily B. NESTERENKO, and Alexey V. NESTERENKO

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

People's Climate Movement – #NuclearFreeCarbonFree Information Resources and Materials

from the Nuclear Free Carbon free pages of the People's Climate March –

Fact Sheets


Short paper details why nuclear power is neither renewable nor clean, and creates major environmental problems and risks (updated in 2014 for the People’s Climate March).
November 2016 report finding that the nationwide cost of proposed subsidies to prop up aging, uneconomical nuclear power plants could total $130 billion to $286 billion by 2030.
September 2014 NIRS report outlining the emerging nuclear industry demands for new subsidies for old reactors, and the implications for renewable energy and climate.

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Climate Solutions

Seminal 2007 report by Institute for Energy and Environmental Research showing that 100% renewable by 2050 is achievable and cost-effective.
2016 report on how Maryland can transition to 100% renewables, updating all of the research for Carbon Free and Nuclear Free. The most detailed, complete 100% renewable energy study to date.
Reports, fact sheets, and infographics from research on the feasibility of powering the US and the world with 100% renewable energy from wind, water and sun.
Greenpeace International report showing that a worldwide transition to 100% renewable energy would be more cost-effective than the cost of fossil fuels and nuclear power.
2016 report by Environment America surveying recent research showing that a nationwide transition to 100% renewables is feasible and cost-effective.

People's Climate Movement – Nuclear Free Carbon Free – Information Resources and Materials

see also: People's Climate Movement – Nuclear Free Carbon Free – Signs, Banners, and Graphics

thanks to Nuclear Information and Resource Service

UN’s Chernobyl Health Cover-Up Exposed: Alison Katz, Independent WHO – #305

Chernobyl "liquidators"

This Week’s Featured Interview:
Alison Katz, a psychologist and sociologist heads Independent WHO, the international watchdog group drawing attention to the World Health Organization’s failure in its duty to protect those populations who are victims of radioactive contamination.  The group has held a vigil in front of WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, five days a week, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., since April 26, 2007 – the 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.  Originally recorded for Nuclear Hotseat #118, September 17, 2013.

UPDATES to this week’s interview:

  • Dr. Margaret Chan is still Director General of the WHO.
  • In 2014, UN Special Reporteur on the Right to Health Anand Grover, referenced in the interview, was replaced by Dr. Dainius Pūras, whose specialty is mental health and, to date, has not published anything on nuclear matters.
  • The 2013 Arnie Gunderson interview for Nuclear Hotseat #117 on what he’d do if he were in charge at Fukushima is available HERE.

LISTEN NOW: UN’s Chernobyl Health Cover-Up Exposed: Alison Katz, Independent WHO – #305

Magical Thinking — Demystifing Nuclear Power | Fairewinds Nuclear Energy Education

The oxymoronic term “alternative facts” has recently taken root in American political conversation, but the alleged magical thinking by the nuclear power industry is nothing new to informed energy sector critics.
The nuclear power meltdowns at Three Mile Island (TMI) in the US, Chernobyl, now the contaminated legacy of the Ukraine, originally part of the USSR – now Russia, and the triple meltdowns in Japan at the Fukushima Daiichi atomic reactor site show that the various atomic power disaster scenarios created by the nuclear industry are far from what actually occurred during the last 38-years.
Inaptly named “maximum credible accidents” by the atomic power industry, these actual meltdowns are really more of the industry’s alleged magical thinking based on the projected maximum cash available in each country hosting the reactor.  Not surprisingly, nuclear reactors are simply incapable of withstanding the worst disaster imaginable. The proclamations made by nuclear power and nuclear weapon fixated governments have been designed to reduce costs to reactor owners, which are either corporations or governments, and then passing on the radioactive remains to local communities to sort out and protect for the next 25-mellenniums – until all the radioactivity decays away.
Before TMI, the magical thinking in the nuclear power industry assumed that failures would only occur one at a time: according to industry calculations, there was essentially a zero percent likelihood of multiple systems failing at once…
more: Magical Thinking — Nuclear Energy Education

Demystifing Nuclear Power

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


you can't nuke global warming!

Nuclear power is too dirty, dangerous, expensive and slow, in order to be a viable solution to climate change. 

The climate crisis is the defining issue of our time. It poses an existential threat to life on Earth in a manner civilization never before has faced. Immediate action is necessary to slash climate-changing emissions in all sectors of society.
On April 29, the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent will join the People’s Climate March in Washington, DC, to demand immediate action from the US government and all of the governments of the world. We are also a networking and support hub for people who want to organize nuclear-free, carbon-free contingents for local climate marches and events.

We are marching for a 100% renewable, nuclear-free, carbon-free world.

The solutions to the climate crisis are clear: A rapid, just transition to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system. It is an energy system that relies not on antiquated energy models of the 20th Century and their polluting nuclear power and fossil fuel technologies … but on the safe, clean, affordable and sustainable renewable energy, energy efficiency, and smart technologies of the 21st Century.
Nuclear power in particular cannot solve the climate crisis. Indeed, its continued use exacerbates global warming by preventing the deployment of clean energy systems.
Among a myriad of other problems, nuclear power is:
  • Too Dirty: nuclear reactors and the nuclear fuel chain produce vast amounts of lethal radioactive waste, which grow whenever nuclear power is used. The nuclear fuel chain is responsible for far more carbon emissions than renewable energy generation and improved energy efficiency. All reactors routinely emit toxic radiation–the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has confirmed that there is no “safe” level of radiation exposure.
  • Too Dangerous: expanded use of nuclear power would inevitably lead to more Fukushimas and Chernobyls.  The technology and materials needed to generate nuclear energy can be diverted to nuclear weapons programs.
  • Too Expensive: nuclear power is the costliest means possible of reducing carbon and methane emissions; its use crowds out investment in clean energy sources.
  • Too Slow: use of nuclear power to reduce fossil fuel emissions would require an unprecedented nuclear construction program, beyond the capability of the world’s manufacturers within an acceptable time frame.
  • PCM-2014_no-nuclear-laborRooted in environmental injustice and human rights violations: First Nations, people of color and low-income communities are targeted for uranium mining and radioactive waste. Radiation harms women and girls at twice the rate as their male counterparts. And radioactive pollution indiscriminately harms future generations, poisoning the environment for hundreds to thousands of years.
Clean energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, increased energy efficiency, distributed generation, electricity storage and other advanced technologies can meet the world’s energy needs without carbon and methane emissions, radiation releases, and other pollutants.
Please join us in organizing for the People’s Climate March, and in marching for a vision of a clean, safe, just CARBON-FREE and NUCLEAR-FREE world.
We urge you to join us in DC or a Climate March near you – find all of the details for Saturday and in cities around the U.S. on our Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free page on the People’s Climate March website. And organize with us on our Facebook page

see this page from the 2014 People's Climate March for more:whats up: WHY NUKES CAN'T SAVE THE PLANET FROM CLIMATE CHANGE

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent 
to the People's Climate March

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free page on the People’s Climate March website

Nuclear Power and Climate: Why Nukes Can't Save the Planet

 Nuclear Power and Climate: Why Nukes Can't Save the Planet. Two-page sheet suitable for downloading/printing on the basic reasons nuclear power is not a global warming solution and, in fact, would be counterproductive at addressing the climate crisis. / NIRS

see also:

a list of articles on nukes & climate

you can't nuke global warming!
(tag on this blog)

People's Climate Movement – Nuclear Free Carbon Free – Homepage

Chernobyl +31 Telebriefing From Nuclear Disaster to Renewable Energy Revolution | NIRS

The next major day of action for climate justice is happening in just four days – the People's Climate March on April 29! NIRS and grassroots groups across the country are organizing to bring the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free message to the forefront. 
But first – join us for a live national briefing tomorrow about why the climate crisis demands Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free solutions:
Chernobyl +31: From Nuclear Disaster to Renewable Energy Revolution
Wednesday, April 26
8pm Eastern (5pm Pacific)
This year’s Climate March is just three days after the 31st anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. So there is no better time to talk about why we need to raise our voices for a Nuclear-Free AND Carbon-Free World. 
The briefing is hosted by NIRS and Beyond Nuclear, and will include presenters with first-hand experience of Chernobyl's impact on Ukraine, as well as Germany energy expert Max Gruenig, of the Ecologic Institute US, on the way Chernobyl inspired Germany to begin the transition to renewable energies, laying the foundation for the global clean energy revolution. 
We hope you can join us tomorrow night – and then march with us in the streets on Saturday!

We urge you to join us in DC or a Climate March near you – find all of the details for Saturday and in cities around the U.S. on our Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free page on the People’s Climate March website. And organize with us on our Facebook page
We march for a Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free world to protect communities from the ravages of climate change … end the threats of radioactive contamination and nuclear catastrophe … to demand environmental and climate justice … promote a just and equitable transition to clean energy … break the dominance of dirty energy corporations … and build the sustainable, renewable, nuclear-free and carbon-free world we want and need.
Please invite your friends and spread the word on social media. You will find graphics and posts to share on our Facebook page, and signs, banners, and images you can print on our hub page
Thanks for all you do!

The NIRS Team

Chernobyl +31 Telebriefing From Nuclear Disaster to Renewable Energy Revolution | NIRS

Monday, April 24, 2017

'Last Gasp of Dying Industry': Nuclear Experts Decry First New US Reactor in 20 Years | Common Dreams

Watts Bar's launch is "a symbolic gesture. It's very sad that this is the last gasp of the industry because it looks like such an extraordinarily dumb one"

OCTOBER, 2016: The first new nuclear reactor in the United States in 20 years went live on Wednesday in Tennessee, in what at least one nuclear expert is calling the "last gasp of a dying industry."

The Watts Bar 2 reactor, which began construction decades ago but faltered, only picking up again in the last four years, is now producing electricity for 650,000 homes and businesses, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

At $4.7 billion, the project is "arguably one of the most expensive, most over-budget, oldest reactors to be started in human history," Friends of the Earth senior strategic adviser Damon Moglen told Common Dreams on Thursday. "It's a testament to the failure of the nuclear industry, rather than the resurgence."

"It's the last gasp of the nuclear industry trying to prove they are still alive in the sense of opening new reactors," Moglen said. "There is just absolutely no justification for the stunning sums of money and time and energy poured into this reactor" instead of renewable, cost-competitive energy…

"One can purchase lots of renewable energy sources for $6 billion"

more: 'Last Gasp of Dying Industry': Nuclear Experts Decry First New US Reactor in 20 Years | Common Dreams

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies (2011)

Government subsidies to the nuclear power industry over the past fifty years have been so large in proportion to the value of the energy produced that in some cases it would have cost taxpayers less to simply buy kilowatts on the open market and give them away, according to a February 2011 report by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
The report, Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies, looks at the economic impacts and policy implications of subsidies to the nuclear power industry—past, present, and proposed…

more: Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies (2011)

Nuclear Power Bums, Bailouts and Bankruptcy

You have to hand it to the nuclear industry for socializing costs and privatizing profits. Last year, lobbyists for operators of dirty, deadbeat old reactors won massive public subsidies — bailouts — in New York and Illinois that will keep decrepit, retirement-age reactors from shutting down.
Instead of turning off the rattle traps — and investing public funds in renewables – state-sponsored electric ratepayer handouts in the two states will total $10 billion over 12 years. Remember Reagan’s mythical “welfare queens”? These utilities are welfare gods, propping up decrepit reactors by buying entire state legislatures that in turn legalize monthly electric bill increases.
In New York, the FitzPatrick reactor (Entergy Corp) and Nine Mile Point station (Exelon Corp) join the Ginna reactor in foisting rate hikes on customers, giveaways that will keep the failed reactors spewing “allowable” radioactive emissions to the air and water indefinitely…

more: Nuclear Power Bums, Bailouts and Bankruptcy

Dying Nuclear Power Industry – Wealth Pump

“The nuclear power industry requires government help to stay afloat.”

Subsidies to nuclear power reactors are among the most obvious instances of the federal government acting as a wealth pump for large corporations. Now, companies that operate these expensive and dangerous power plants are looking for additional wealth pumping from state governments. If those of us who support cleaner, cheaper and much less dangerous power can’t stop them, our state governments will have less to invest in education, clean energy and other beneficial work because more will go to extending the life of a failing nuclear power industry.
We might start by looking at the Price-Anderson Act. It was first passed in 1957 and has been renewed as needed since. It puts a cap on the amount of damages for which a commercial reactor can be held liable. For 2017, that amount is $450 million per reactor. (Read the linked Wikipedia article for details.)
It seems like a big number, but it is pretty small when compared to what is possible. In December of 2016, the Japanese government estimated the cleanup costs for the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster at $190 billion. That’s “billion,” not “million.” For an equivalent disaster in the United States, insurance would cover $0.45 billion, leaving the government to cover the other $189.55 billion.
The Fukushima reactors are located in a thinly populated area of Japan. Something like 185,000 people were evacuated. In the United States, reactors that might melt down are located upwind of New York City (metro area population over 20 million), Chicago (9-1/2 million) and Detroit (4.3 million in 6 counties, 5.3 million in 9 counties), to cite just 3 examples in which fallout would be orders of magnitude more damaging than at Fukushima…
more: Dying Nuclear Power Industry – Wealth Pump

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

#NuclearHotseat :: San Onofre Radwaste Insanity vs. Google Earth: Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick & The Trauma of Fukushima Kids

LISTEN NOW ::: San Onofre Radwaste Insanity vs. Google Earth: Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick The Trauma of Fukushima Kids

This Week’s Featured Interviews –

San Onofre Radwaste Insanity vs. Google Earth: Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick

San Onofre Update with two activists working on legal and public protest against storage of highly radioactive waste in 5/8″ steel canisters only 100 feet from the Pacific Ocean:
• Engineer Ray Lutz of Citizens Oversight Project
• Gary Headrick of San Clemente Green

Ray Lutz with San Onofre protest kite

Kerry Anne O’Connor provides an intimate report on bullying of children from Fukushima, their unresolved trauma, and the breakdown of Japan’s usual social order.   Exclusive to Nuclear Hottest.

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Nuclear delusions and semantic manipulations from Takashi Imai, chair of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum.  I guess they pay him to say that ridiculous stuff…

LISTEN NOW ::::: San Onofre Radwaste Insanity vs. Google Earth: Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick The Trauma of Fukushima Kids

PSR's Prescription for North Korea: Send diplomats before you send warships | PSR | petition

Take a chemical weapon attack in Syria, a cruise-missile strike, military exercises in South Korea, ballistic missile tests and an aircraft carrier battle group moving into striking position. Mix in threats and counter-threats from American, Russian and North Korean leaders, all of whom are nuclear-armed and consider themselves to be "larger than life." The resulting deadly cocktail has set the world on edge—and the danger is real. What's more, all this has been playing out against the backdrop of the ever-present threat that a conflict could lead to nuclear war. This is another very real danger that PSR is working to remove...

more: PSR's Prescription for North Korea: Send diplomats before you send warships | PSR


Worried about North Korea? Tell your senators

PSR's motto: Prevention is the only cure. Now—before another war starts—is the time for concerned citizens to speak out to elected officials. Here are three ways to tell your senators that you are opposed to war with North Korea.
In person: Attend a Town Hall meeting in your community, if there is one. Search for a Town Hall in your community here.
On the phone: Using your zip code, you can look up phone numbers for the DC offices for your senators
Via email: Please use the sample text below to craft a message in your own words. Personalized e-mails from constituents are more impactful...
Sign now: Take Action | PSR 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Westinghouse bankruptcy could grind US nuclear sector to a halt | Utility Dive

The fallout from Westinghouse Electric’s chapter 11 bankruptcy filing is multi-faceted and still unfolding.
At the least, it is toxic news for the fate of the only nuclear projects to begin construction in the United States in three decades: the addition of two 1,100 MW reactors to Georgia Power’s Vogtle nuclear plant near Waynesboro, Ga., and the addition of two reactors of the same design to the V.C. Summer plant in Jenkinsville, S.C.
At the worst, Westinghouse’s collapse could spell the end of any nuclear build-out in the United States — at least under current designs — and lead to the abandonment of those two projects... 
more: Westinghouse bankruptcy could grind US nuclear sector to a halt | Utility Dive

As the industry struggles, is it 'time to recognize the nuclear show’s over'? - LA Times

There was a time when nuclear power was considered to be the bulwark of America's energy future.
Now the titan appears to be teetering.
Westinghouse Electric Co. — long considered the leader in nuclear power development — filed for bankruptcy protection in late March. The move puts in jeopardy the completion of two nuclear plants in the Southeast that had been heralded as proof the industry’s future was still vibrant.
The news added to a long list of nuclear’s woes...

more: As the industry struggles, is it 'time to recognize the nuclear show’s over'? - LA Times

The False Promise of Nuclear Power

In a December 1953 speech to the United Nations, President Dwight D. Eisenhower launched the ‘Atoms for Peace’ programme, saying:
“The miraculous inventiveness of man shall not be dedicated to his death but consecrated to his life.”
He claimed that “peaceful power from atomic energy is not a dream of the future. That capability, already proved, is here – now – today.” And the USA would help to ensure it could be used worldwide.
However, his advisors soon told him that it wasn’t viable. A classified internal State Department Intelligence Report, circulated in January 1954, ‘Economic Implications of Nuclear Power in Foreign Countries‘, warned that the introduction of nuclear power would "… not usher in a new era of plenty and rapid economic development as is commonly believed. Nuclear power plants may cost twice as much to operate and as much as 50 percent more to build and equip than conventional thermal plants.”

more: The False Promise of Nuclear Power

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The New Arms Race | Ploughshares Fund

Nuclear weapons do nothing to protect us from 21st century threats. Yet the US government is planning to spend $1 trillion over the next 30 years to rebuild its arsenal – plans that could push Russia, China and other countries to build even more nuclear weapons. In short, the world is on the brink of a new nuclear arms race that will only accelerate if current plans stay on track. 

Every dollar spent on re-building our arsenal is a dollar less for our true defense needs. We need to end wasteful nuclear programs and to realign our spending priorities with today’s threats…

more: The New Arms Race | Ploughshares Fund
see also:

Profoundly Dangerous Times


Friday, April 7, 2017

#NuclearFreeCarbonFree #PeoplesClimate #ClimateMarch team; April 29 Washington, DC


This is the Facebook group page for the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Hub to the People's Climate march 2017. Whether you are mobilizing for the major march in Washington, DC, or organizing for an event close to home, this page is for you!

Please join our weekly planning calls for the march - contact Tim Judson at NIRS* for the details:

You will find old postings and photos from previous nuclear-free, carbon-free mobilizations. This page is used as the Facebook site for the nuclear-free, carbon-free contingents to climate and clean energy marches since the September 21 2014 People's Climate March in NYC. It was an organizing tool for the nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent to the massive international climate rally in Paris in December 2015 at the critical COP 21 conference. And for the July 2016 March for a Clean Energy Revolution.

We will continue to post, and accept relevant posts, related to building a safe, sustainable, clean, and affordable energy system.

you can't nuke global warming!

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to the People's Climate March on Facebook

Nuclear Information and Resource Center (NIRS)

St. Louis Nuke Waste Protests Erupt Radiation in 2020 Olympics Food? Nuclear Hotseat #302

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

  • A focus on Bequerel Awareness Day (Bqs are a measurement of radiation in food) and the impact on Japan’s food supply, especially in light of the impact on athletes and fans at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, with events scheduled only 12-1/2 miles from the triple meltdown <!>.   Three, count them, three genuine nuclear experts:
    • Kimberly Roberson, founder of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, and the brains behind Bequerel Awareness Day.
    • Cindy Folkers, the Radiation and Health Specialist at Beyond Nuclear
    • Nancy Foust, Communications manager & research team member  at Simply Info
From Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network:
Around the world children who are currently adolescent and possibly younger are in training to compete at the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Japan.  Their parents most likely have no idea that some of the venues are being planned near the most devastating and ongoing nuclear and industrial disaster in world history, Fukushima Daiichi.  SIGN and SHARE IT here:
FFAN’s Food Petition – access links for individuals and organizations HERE.

  • Activist Alex Cohen on a successful series of non-violent civil disobedient action he helped plan at the West Lake Landfill and elsewhere in St. Louis to push awareness of the illegally buried World War II nuclear weapons waste and the underground, unstoppable fire barreling towards it from the adjacent Bridgeton Landfill.  More to come!

LISTEN NOW: St. Louis Nuke Waste Protests Erupt Radiation in 2020 Olympics Food? Nuclear Hotseat #302