
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

People's Climate Movement – #NuclearFreeCarbonFree Information Resources and Materials

from the Nuclear Free Carbon free pages of the People's Climate March –

Fact Sheets


Short paper details why nuclear power is neither renewable nor clean, and creates major environmental problems and risks (updated in 2014 for the People’s Climate March).
November 2016 report finding that the nationwide cost of proposed subsidies to prop up aging, uneconomical nuclear power plants could total $130 billion to $286 billion by 2030.
September 2014 NIRS report outlining the emerging nuclear industry demands for new subsidies for old reactors, and the implications for renewable energy and climate.

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Climate Solutions

Seminal 2007 report by Institute for Energy and Environmental Research showing that 100% renewable by 2050 is achievable and cost-effective.
2016 report on how Maryland can transition to 100% renewables, updating all of the research for Carbon Free and Nuclear Free. The most detailed, complete 100% renewable energy study to date.
Reports, fact sheets, and infographics from research on the feasibility of powering the US and the world with 100% renewable energy from wind, water and sun.
Greenpeace International report showing that a worldwide transition to 100% renewable energy would be more cost-effective than the cost of fossil fuels and nuclear power.
2016 report by Environment America surveying recent research showing that a nationwide transition to 100% renewables is feasible and cost-effective.

People's Climate Movement – Nuclear Free Carbon Free – Information Resources and Materials

see also: People's Climate Movement – Nuclear Free Carbon Free – Signs, Banners, and Graphics

thanks to Nuclear Information and Resource Service

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