
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Nuclear Power Advocates Claim Cheap Renewable Energy Is A Bad Thing | ThinkProgress

Nuclear power advocates are trying a new line of attack on solar and wind energy — it’s too darn cheap! 
In the real world, however, the unexpectedly rapid drop in the price of cleantech, especially renewable power and batteries, is a doubly miraculous game-changer that is already cutting greenhouse gas emissions globally and dramatically increasing the chances we can avoid catastrophic climate change.
As I detailed on Monday, the New York Times in particular keeps running slanted articles talking up nuclear and talking down renewables — articles that totally miss the forest for the trees. That culminated in a truly absurd piece last week, “How Renewable Energy Is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course,” which is the exact opposite of reality, as Goldman Sachs has detailed in its recent reports on “The Low Carbon Economy.”
This post will focus primarily on the big picture, the forest. I will deal in later posts with a few of the more interesting trees, such as whether, the U.S. should consider give existing nukes some sort of short-term carbon credit so they are not shut down prematurely and replaced by natural gas...

more: Nuclear Power Advocates Claim Cheap Renewable Energy Is A Bad Thing | ThinkProgress

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tell the DOE: We Say NO to Nuclear Waste!

The US federal Department of Energy (DOE) asked for our comments on a deceptive process for siting nuclear waste facilities. After decades of trying to force-feed the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear dump down the throats of Nevadans and the Western Shoshone Nation, the DOE and nuclear proponents now want to know what it will take to get people to “consent”--or at least appear to consent--to take nuclear waste in their communities.

Tell the DOE: We Say NO to Nuclear Waste!

August 9, 2016 Action at Livermore Lab 8 AM

On Tuesday, August 9, 2016, participants will gather at the northwest corner of the Livermore Lab (Vasco Road and Patterson Pass Road in Livermore). The program will begin at 8:00 AM.  

A Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor) speaker has been invited. Expect great speakers, music, drummers, art and hundreds of peace advocates. Together, we will commemorate the past and change the future. More than 16,000 nuclear weapons in the world today continue to pose an unacceptable threat to life on Earth, and we will call for their abolition.  

At 8:15 AM, there will be a solemn moment of silence to honor radiation victims worldwide. The U.S. dropped the first nuclear bomb used in war on Hiroshima at 8:15 AM local time, August 6, 1945. 

Immediately following the program will be a "call to action," in which participants will be invited to march a short distance to the Livermore Lab West Gate. Those who choose will nonviolently risk arrest. Others will conduct a legal witness and support. 

This event is co-sponsored by the Livermore Conversion Project, Tri-Valley CAREs, Ecumenical Peace Institute, Western States Legal Foundation, No Nukes Action, Asian Americans for Peace and Justice, American Friends Service Committee, Jane Addams Peace Association, Peace Action West, Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, and others. For more information, contact Tri-Valley CAREs at 925-443-7148.

August 9, 2016 Action at Livermore Lab 8 AM (Facebook page)

Monday, July 25, 2016

NY Times Pushes Nukes While Claiming Renewables Fail to Fight Climate Change - EcoWatch

The New York Times published an astonishing article last week that blames green power for difficulties countries are facing to mitigate climate change
The article by Eduardo Porter, How Renewable Energy is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course, serves as a flagship for an on-going attack on the growth of renewables. It is so convoluted and inaccurate that it requires a detailed response...

READ: NY Times Pushes Nukes While Claiming Renewables Fail to Fight Climate Change - EcoWatch

see also: New York Times Shills For Moribund Nuclear Power, Disses Renewables Revolution via Climate Progress –: Why does The New York Times keep pushing nuclear power, whose prices keep rising even as demand has collapsed in every market economy? And why do they keep dissing renewables, whose prices have dropped precipitously while demand has grown beyond expectation here and around the world? This month alone, the Times managed to publish two pieces whining that the poor, neglected nuclear power industry is having trouble competing with renewables because solar and wind have become … so darn cheap...

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Poison In The Heart: The Nuclear Wasting Of South Australia | Countercurrents

“Nuclear weapons and nuclear power are both leading instances of the irrationalities 
that result from a social world that has been constructed to concentrate power 
in the hands of tiny minorities, and to make it possible for them 
to maintain and defend their power.”
“. . . because a few, by fate’s economy, shall seem to move the world
the way it goes.”
Our planet is deeply burdened. It presently harbours 390,000 tons of high level nuclear waste produced by nuclear reactors and weapons programs over the past 70 years. Spent nuclear fuel is one of the most dangerous materials on earth. Most of it is stored underwater in numerous cooling ponds throughout the world. High level nuclear waste is dangerous to all life for unthinkable periods of time. Plutonium, which is produced in every nuclear fuel rod, has a toxic lifespan of 240,000 years. With each passing year, a further 10,000 tons of spent fuel is added to the world’s accumulated stores of deadly waste. In addition to the spent fuel from nuclear reactors, vast amounts of lower-level radioactive waste lie scattered in mining sites, tailings dams, undersea dumps and soil-borne contamination on every continent.
We have no idea what to do with the stuff. The Americans sank over $13 billion into the construction of a massive underground repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. It was closed down in 2010 without taking in a single gram of nuclear waste. The Soviets didn’t bother with such elaborate schemes and until recently, simply dumped much of their waste – including obsolete submarines complete with nuclear reactors – into the Kara Sea and elsewhere in the Arctic Circle where they slowly corrode, leaching their lethal contents into the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean...

more: Poison In The Heart: The Nuclear Wasting Of South Australia – Countercurrents

Kazakhstan and Chain Reaction 2016 | Kazakhstan Embassy in USA

On 29 August 1949, the Soviet Union detonated their first nuclear weapon, code-named First Lightning, a nuclear chain reaction that caused radioactive contamination over a large area of Kazakhstan. Over the next 40 years, the Soviet Union detonated another 455 nuclear weapons in Kazakhstan, 115 above ground and 340 underground.
The damage to the people and environment of Kazakhstan has been extreme – with the health of nearly 2 million people severely affected by the initial radioactive fallout, as well as by long-term radioactive toxicity and by the trans-generational impact of radiation on human genes.
Now, a chain reaction of a different sort has emerged from Kazakhstan.
Earlier this year, Tolegen Mukhamejanov, one of the leaders of the civil society movement that closed down the Soviet nuclear test site in Kazakhstan in 1991, proposed a chain reaction of civil society actions around the world. The actions would highlight the inhumanity and insecurity of nuclear weapons, oppose the institutions and policies perpetuating the nuclear arms race, and support initiatives by governments and the United Nations to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world.
Mukhamejanov made the proposal to UNFOLD ZERO, which has now launched Chain Reaction 2016 with the support of a number of other international civil society organisations.
Chain Reaction 2016 kicked off on July 8, the 20th anniversary of the historic International Court of Justice case on the illegality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, with over 200 events around the world.
The chain reaction will continue until October 2, the International Day of Nonviolence (Gandhi’s birthday), with events on other key days in-between including on August 6 and 9 (anniversaries of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), September 21 (International Day for Peace) and September 26 (International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons).  
One of the key events for Chain Reaction 2016 is a special international conference to be held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, on August 29, the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. This is also the 25th anniversary of the closure of the nuclear test-site in Kazakhstan and the 67th anniversary of the first Soviet nuclear test.
The conference, which will be opened by Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, will bring religious leaders, parliamentarians, mayors, government officials, representatives of international organisations and civil society leaders together to amplify the chain reaction for a nuclear weapon-free world.
The conference hopes to generate momentum that will impact on the nuclear-armed states, the new Secretary-General of the United Nations (to be elected in October), and on other world leaders as they gather for the United Nations General Assembly in September. Indeed, U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to announce a new policy this year to strengthen the norm of non-use of nuclear weapons, and the UN General Assembly is likely to launch multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations. The Astana conference could build support for these and other nuclear disarmament measures.
The authors - Alyn Ware is UNFOLD ZERO Cofounder and Global Coordinator for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament; Jonathan Granoff is United Nations Representative for the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Kazakhstan and Chain Reaction 2016 | Kazakhstan Embassy in USA

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

You won't believe how much the NY nuclear bailout will cost.... speak up today!

It's Time to Hit the Brakes on Governor Cuomo's Extravagant 12-Year Nuclear Bailout 

The push for a massive nuclear power bailout in New York just got a lot worse -- and the state agency pushing it doesn't want to consider other options or give the public any time to make our voices heard.

After saying for months that the proposed nuclear subsides would cost only $270 million over 12 years, a new proposal released just a few days ago raised the projected price to almost $8 billion. Yes, you read that right, Governor Cuomo and the New York Public Service Commission now want to spend $8 billion of New Yorkers’ money on bailing out the nuclear industry, and in particular, one company: Exelon. The cost will be paid by every electricity consumer in New York -- residents, businesses, and municipalities -- with higher energy bills.

This may be the largest corporate bailout or subsidy to one company in New York history. And the public has been given only 10 business days to comment on this new expensive plan. They are rushing to try to make a decision by August 1.

If we want to stop this, we need thousands of people to comment by Friday, July 22. So I am writing to ask you to please raise your voice.

Click here to comment today. 

more: You won't believe how much the NY nuclear bailout will cost.... speak up today!

Monday, July 18, 2016

7.21 ACTION ALERT: Public Hearing on Expired Pilgrim Permit | Protect Cape Cod Bay from More Pollution!

Public Hearing on Expired Pilgrim Permit: Thursday, July 21
Comment Deadline: Monday, July 25

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is updating Pilgrim's long-expired Clean Water Act permit.

It is important that you attend the public hearing on Thursday, July 21 at the Plymouth Public Library beginning at 6:15 PM, and submit comments via email by Monday, July 25.

Pilgrim has operated under an expired "NPDES" (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit for 20+ years – one of the longest expired such permits in the country. The NPDES permit limits the discharge of toxic substances, and requires monitoring for impacts to marine life.

For 42 years, Pilgrim has used a "once-through cooling system," allowed under its NPDES permit, taking massive amounts of seawater and killing billions of marine organisms, while also dumping hot and chemically polluted water into the bay.

NPDES permits are meant to protect our waterways, and are supposed to be updated every 5 years to ensure the most protective requirements and technologies are being used to do so.

We have urged regulators to update Pilgrim's permit – and they finally listened! The new draft permit was recently issued, but it will allow Pilgrim to keep operating with the same outdated cooling system for three more years – until the planned shutdown in 2019. The permit also sets limits on water intake and pollutants discharged to Cape Cod Bay after shutdown and during site clean-up and decommissioning activities.

Pilgrim's NPDES permit should not allow the continued use of antiquated "once-through cooling system" technology. The new permit should require any power production activities that harm Cape Cod Bay to cease prior to any re-fueling in 2017, and focus entirely on controlling and monitoring pollution and marine impacts related to post-power production activities.

 June 20, 2016 at Elm Street Dam
EPA will hold a public hearing on July 21 at the Plymouth Public Library (132 South Street). The agency will provide information about the new draft NPDES permit, and accept public input. The informational session is from 6:15 - 7:00 PM, and the public hearing will begin at 7:15 PM. Even if you are not planning to offer verbal comments, your attendance is still very important to show the EPA that you care about the issue, and learn more about it.
EPA is also seeking written comments until July 25. Address comments to Mr. George Papadopoulos and email to This is so very important to influence the EPA's final permit. Feel free to use the text in the yellow box above, or visit our website for more detailed talking points →

The EPA will use public comments and input to develop the FINAL permit, so it is critical to be engaged in this issue while this narrow window of opportunity is open! EPA needs to know that people are concerned. Please show your support for the local environment – get involved and take action. Thank you!

Any questions, please email us:

ACTION ALERT: Protect Cape Cod Bay from More Pollution!

Stop Perpetuating the Myth of the Nuclear Renaissance | US News Opinion

Desperate times for the nuclear industry call for desperate rhetoric. Hence the reach, once again, for "renaissance," even though the facts support no such thing and the industry itself dare not even resurrect the mythological moniker. ["The New Nuclear Renaissance," 6/11/2016]
With nuclear power priced out of the market – not only by natural gas but, more importantly for climate, by renewables – die-hard nuclear proponents are dressing up old reactors in new propaganda...

more: Stop Perpetuating the Myth of the Nuclear Renaissance | US News Opinion

Thursday, July 14, 2016

List of #BustTheMyth articles

whats up: #BustTheMyth – nukes are NOT carbon-free, clean, safe, green, or affordable!

 Is nuclear power the answer to climate change?

•  False solution: Nuclear power is not 'low carbon' - The Ecologist

•  New Study: 95% Renewable Power-Mix Cheaper Than Nuclear And Gas

•  Goodbye fossil fuels, goodbye nuclear. We can 'Get it from the Sun' - all of it!

•  Mark Jacobson to James Hansen: Nukes Are Not Needed to Solve World’s Climate Crisis

•  nuclear industry’s COP21 dilemma: 100% renewables is attainable

•  Nuclear Power Is a Losing Proposition @GreenpeaceUSA

•  A Big Fat Radioactive Lie

•  Gunter: Cheap? Clean? Nuclear power is neither

•  Can nukes slow down climatechange? – analysis of GHG emissions

•  Nuclear power a losing proposition

•  Six reasons to oppose nuclear power | @Fukushima_Watch

•  Make nuclear history! Our EPIC Future! Create it with CleanEnergy –"There is a better way"

•  James Hansen’s Nuclear Fantasies

•  "Radiation is Good For You!" & Other TallTales of the Nuclear Industry

•  Dear John (Hansen)– you don’t know what you’re talking about!

•  100% CleanEnergy is 100% Possible

•  Demystifying Nuclear Power: Nuclear IS Atomic

•  NuclearPower sags in safety relevance/misleads as "climate help"

•  The Myth of Clean & Safe Nuclear Technologies– Holding the Nuclear Industry Responsible

•  Clean Energy Beats the Market

•  Wind Power Guru: Nukes Fail to Gain Traction in Monumental Paris Accord

•  SA: 8 reasons why building new nuclear power plants is a bad idea

•  Nuclear shouldn't be the future of energy

•  Nuclear Energy Dangerous to Your Wallet, Not Only the #Environment

•  Carbon-Free & Nuclear-Free: A ROADMAP FOR U.S. ENERGY POLICY

•  Nuclear power carries extreme, persistent risks

•  The verdict is in: solar & wind have won the technology race

•  Nuclear renaissance? Failing industry is running flat out to stand still

•  No Bill Gates We Don’t Need Energy Miracles To Solve Climate Change

•  Nuclear Energy Is a Huge Security Risk - Fortune

•  nuclear power reactors cannot be operated without major accidents

•  Nuclear disasters waiting to happen

•  Renewable energy versus nuclear: dispelling the myths

•  We need to stop using natural gas & nuclear on our way to truly clean power.

•  The Myth of the Nuclear Renaissance

Amid climate concerns, nuclear plants feel the heat of warming water

Nuclear Power Is Not "Green Energy:" It Is a Fount of Atomic Waste

– videos –

• thanks to Fairewinds Energy Education - Nuclear Energy Education!

Smokescreen from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.
The Fairewinds Crew created this special 2-minute animation to show you why building new nukes is a lost opportunity for humankind with precious time and money wasted on the wrong choice. At least $8.2 Trillion would be needed to build the 1,000 atomic reactors the nuclear industry wants – that’s 1 reactor every 12-days for 35-years. Watch the animation to see what it means and why!

• thanks to Myla Reson!

Published on Mar 6, 2015

Published on Aug 1, 2016
Jaczko: Hansen Doesn't Know Jack About Nuclear Power - YouTube
This video is dedicated to Michael Mariotte (1952 - 2016) tireless advocate for clean and safe alternatives to nuclear power - and champion of the "Don't Nuke the Climate" movement.

– at rc's "whats up" nuclear blog –

nuclear? dirty•dangerous•expensive•too_slow!
#BustTheMyth – nukes are NOT green clean safe or affordable!



 Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to the Clean Energy Revolution March
!!! July 24 in Philadelphia !!!

– at NIRS –


•  ClimateChange & Nuclear Power

•  Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free

•  on New Nuclear Reactor Designs



– on greenworld –

•  Too cheap to meter? Not nuclear– SOLAR!

•  nukes and climate - tag at GreenWorld

#OccupyNuclear :)

•  Facebook
•  twitter
•  YouTube

whats up: #BustTheMyth – nukes are NOT carbon-free,
clean, safe, green, or affordable!

Nuclear Power – No Solution to ClimateChange!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What Do We Mean When We Say "Clean Energy"? | Co.Exist | ideas impact

We need to stop using natural gas and nuclear on our way to truly clean power.

Nobody wants dirty fossil fuels, and given that coal plants are closing all across this country, the energy industry is scrambling to present it’s next in line: natural gas and nuclear power. They’re claiming that it’s clean. And while we desperately need to get off dirty coal and oil, this bait and switch is dangerous...

read: What Do We Mean When We Say "Clean Energy"? | Co.Exist | ideas impact

on this blog –
whats up: #BustTheMyth :: nukes are NOT carbon-free, clean, safe, green, or affordable!

#NuclearHotseat :: "Nuclear plants are crime scenes" - Nuclear racketeering & Snap! Crackle! Pop! as investigative journalist Greg Palast busts nuke fraud, conspiracy and lies in his interview w/Libbe HaLevy on Nuclear Hotseat #264.

 Nuclear racketeering & Snap! Crackle! Pop!

Greg Palast

This Week’s Featured Interview:

Greg Palast is an investigative reporter whose news-breaking stories appear on BBC Television, The Guardian, Al Jazeera and Rolling Stone Magazine, and is author of the New York Times bestsellers Billionaires & Ballot BanditsThe Best Democracy Money Can BuyArmed Madhouse and the highly acclaimed Vultures’ Picnic, which is cited in our interview.  He is best known in the US for uncovering Katherine Harris’ purge of black votersfrom Florida’s voter rolls in 2000.  He is currently finishing the final frames of his new film on the upcoming theft of the 2016 election: “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits.”

Numnutz of the Week:

It’s a trifecta of Numnutzery – nuclear reactor “safety” practices ignored at three separate nuclear reactors.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What Radionuclides are at Drigg Nuclear Waste Dump Near the Irish Sea? Many Still Lethal After Natural Erosion Expected to Undermine It (Still Time to Oppose Drigg-Decision 15th July) | Mining Awareness

"low level doesn’t mean low risk. Nor does it mean short-lived, as is seen below. Many have half-lives of thousands and even millions of years. Rather, this is a dilute to deceive scam so popular with illegal polluters, but this is condoned by the UK Government (as well as by the US govt)..."

read: What Radionuclides are at Drigg Nuclear Waste Dump Near the Irish Sea? Many Still Lethal After Natural Erosion Expected to Undermine It (Still Time to Oppose Drigg-Decision 15th July) | Mining Awareness

Still Time to Oppose Drigg-Decision by 15th July –Information on how to oppose Drigg found here

Sunday, July 10, 2016

As Public Service Commission Revises Its Plan to Subsidize Nuclear Plants in the NYS Clean Energy Standard, AGREE & NIRS File Legal Memorandum Challenging the Executive Overreach, Legal Problems, and Soaring Costs of the Proposal | AGREE

As Public Service Commission Revises Its Plan To Subsidize Nuclear Plants In The NYS Clean Energy Standard, AGREE & NIRS File Legal Memorandum Challenging The Executive Overreach, Legal Problems, And Soaring Costs Of The Proposal

For immediate release
Contacts: Jessica Azulay cell  (917) 697-4472 office 315.480.1515;  
Stephen Kent,, 914-589-5988

[Albany, NY – July 8]  On Friday afternoon, July 8, the Department of Public Service issued a new proposal for how the state should subsidize unprofitable nuclear power plants in Upstate New York. The proposal would dramatically change the formula – and the price tag – for the nuclear bailout program under consideration this summer by the Public Service Commission at the request of Governor Cuomo.

Instead of taking into account nuclear reactors’ individual costs and targeting subsidies to help them break even, as had been previously proposed, the new proposal bases subsidies on the “social cost of carbon.” The new formula is simpler to calculate, but likely much more expensive.

The new proposal is likely an attempt for the Department of Public Service to address some of the legal issues with the nuclear tier that parties have been raising in the case.

But in a legal memorandum also filed in the case today by Alliance for a Green Economy and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, the nuclear tier suffers from multiple legal deficiencies that are unlikely to be remedied from superficial changes to the policy. 

The memorandum raises concerns that the Governor overreached his authority in directing the Public Service Commission to create a program to save financially struggling nuclear reactors. It also points out how vulnerable the policy is to legal challenge by Entergy Corporation, the owner of Indian Point. The Indian Point reactors are being carved out of the policy, which is meant only to benefit upstate reactors. The Governor wants to shut the Indian Point reactors, while keeping upstate reactors open. Entergy has threatened to sue over the policy, claiming the proposal to leave out its facility is arbitrary and capricious.

In a statement issued today, Alliance for a Green Economy and Nuclear Information and Resource Service said:

“The new proposal filed today by the Department of Public Service seems like an ill-conceived attempt to salvage a legally questionable policy that suffers from no technical or policy rationale.

“This new proposal doesn’t change the fact that the Public Service Commission and the Governor are still intending to throw away billions of dollars on uneconomical dirty nuclear plants, when that money should be going toward renewables and efficiency. What New York needs is a plan for real long term decarbonization of our energy system, not short-sighted bailouts for an industry that has proven economically and environmentally disastrous. 

“Every time we turn around the price tag of the nuclear subsidies keeps going up. This new proposal will cost more over the first 2 years than the Department of Public Service estimated the first 7 years of their previous proposal would cost.”

Sources:  Alliance for a Green Economy,
Nuclear Information and Resource Service,

NOTE TO EDITORS AND PRODUCERS:  Copies of the legal memorandum are available on request.   Sources are available for interviews, including over the weekend.  They include Jessica Azulay, Program Director ,Alliance for a Green Economy; Richard Brodsky, attorney, former State Assemblyman, author of legal memorandum; and Tim Judson, Executive Director, Nuclear Information & Resource Service.  To request a copy of the memorandum or to arrange an interview, please use the media contacts listed above

As Public Service Commission Revises Its Plan to Subsidize Nuclear Plants in the NYS Clean Energy Standard, AGREE & NIRS File Legal Memorandum Challenging the Executive Overreach, Legal Problems, and Soaring Costs of the Proposal | AGREE

Saturday, July 9, 2016

7.13 NIRS National Telebriefing: Dangerous Drinking Water

Register to join NIRS's next national telebriefing:

Dangerous Drinking Water
Wednesday, July 13 @ 8pm Eastern
(7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific)
The program will focus on US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance that massively increases the permitted levels of radioactivity in drinking water for years after any nuclear incident that requires consideration of “protective action” ranging from a spill, leak or transport accident to a dirty bomb or nuclear meltdown—a nuclear  accident of any kind big or small. Allowable concentrations of radioactive elements allowed to come out of your tap would rise hundreds or even thousands of times above the current Maximum Concentration Levels allowed under the Safe Drinking Water Act regulations.
The briefing will include the following presenters, and will be followed by questions and answers with the audience:
  • Diane D’Arrigo, Radioactive Waste Project Director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service
  • Emily Wurth, Water Program Director at Food and Watch
  • Daniel Hirsch, Director, Program on Environmental and Nuclear Policy, University of California Santa Cruz
  • Moderator: NIRS Executive Director, Tim Judson
After you register you will receive an email with the call-in number. The briefing will run for an hour to an hour-and-a-half.

NIRS National Telebriefing: Dangerous Drinking Water

Monday, July 4, 2016

PETITION TO EPA: Don't Allow Radiation in Drinking Water! - Food & Water Watch

Despite nearly 50,000 Food & Water Watch supporters writing to the administration, urging them not to move forward a dangerous nuclear industry giveaway, the EPA's new guidance would allow for increased levels of radiation in your drinking water in the case of an emergency.

The Safe Drinking Water Act sets clear limits to protect your health and safety from radiation in the event of a disaster for a reason— because high levels of radiation are dangerous. For the EPA to even consider an increase is not only irresponsible, 
it's dangerous.

People should get clean drinking water in an emergency and should not be forced to drink water with a vastly higher concentration of radioactivity than is considered acceptable under the Safe Drinking Water Act.Sign below to urge the EPA to withdraw its proposal to increase the amount of radiation allowed in your drinking water. Your message will be sent to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and submitted as an official public comment.

SIGN NOW: EPA: Don't Allow Radiation in Drinking Water! - Food & Water Watch

see also:

7.13 NIRS National Telebriefing: Dangerous Drinking Water

Zombies, giant sea god join large anti-nuclear protest at Olympic Dam | Adelaide Now | #LizardBitesBack

MORE than 100 anti-uranium protesters from across the nation dressed as zombies and marched to the “gates of hell” outside Olympic Dam on Friday. It marked the start of a three-day protest by the Desert Liberation Front outside the BHP mine at Roxby Downs, bringing with them a heavy police presence. STAR Group officers, sniffer dogs, mounted police, dirt bike patrols, a helicopter and a drone were all visible at the mine site during the event’s first day. About half of the 200 protesters, including children, walked 2km to the mine’s front gates chanting “leave it in the ground, Roxby’s going down”...

more: Zombies, giant sea god join large anti-nuclear protest at Olympic Dam | Adelaide Now

The biggest Conflict of Interests of all time – mutantdaisys

And so it comes to pass. We have now reached the point where ‘neutrality’ or an ‘unbiased’ viewpoint can be bought, edited or suppressed with agreements made between two public agencies. One of the best example of this is the agreement struck on 28 May 1959 between the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The effect of this agreement has been to give the IAEA an effective veto on any actions by the WHO that relate in any way to nuclear power, and so prevent the WHO from doing their proper job in investigating and warning of the dangers of nuclear radiation on human health...

more: The biggest Conflict of Interests of all time – mutantdaisys