
Monday, July 4, 2016

PETITION TO EPA: Don't Allow Radiation in Drinking Water! - Food & Water Watch

Despite nearly 50,000 Food & Water Watch supporters writing to the administration, urging them not to move forward a dangerous nuclear industry giveaway, the EPA's new guidance would allow for increased levels of radiation in your drinking water in the case of an emergency.

The Safe Drinking Water Act sets clear limits to protect your health and safety from radiation in the event of a disaster for a reason— because high levels of radiation are dangerous. For the EPA to even consider an increase is not only irresponsible, 
it's dangerous.

People should get clean drinking water in an emergency and should not be forced to drink water with a vastly higher concentration of radioactivity than is considered acceptable under the Safe Drinking Water Act.Sign below to urge the EPA to withdraw its proposal to increase the amount of radiation allowed in your drinking water. Your message will be sent to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and submitted as an official public comment.

SIGN NOW: EPA: Don't Allow Radiation in Drinking Water! - Food & Water Watch

see also:

7.13 NIRS National Telebriefing: Dangerous Drinking Water

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