
Sunday, September 27, 2015

What the EPA’s Clean Power Plan means for nuclear energy | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

For nuclear power, the good news and the bad news in EPA’s final Clean Power Plan are the same: The technology got pretty much what it deserved. The competitive position of all new low-carbon electricity sources will improve relative to fossil fuels. New reactors (including the five under construction) and expansions of existing plants will count toward state compliance with the plan’s requirements as new sources of low-carbon energy. Existing reactors, however, must sink or swim on their own prospective economic performance—the final plan includes no special carbon-reduction credits to help them. During the Clean Power Plan’s 15-year scope, a few will sink; most, especially those in states where existing generators need not compete, will swim...

more: What the EPA’s Clean Power Plan means for nuclear energy | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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