
Friday, September 25, 2015

Raising CANE: the Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion | Friends of the Earth Adelaide

Australia –

The SA Government has launched a Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the hope of garnering support for an expansion of the nuclear industry. The terms of reference and the makeup of the commission and its experts are clearly biassed towards expanding the industry.

We believe this is an attempt to soften up the public for the creation of a nuclear waste dump for high-level waste from overseas.
FoE Adelaide are proud to announce the launch of the Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion
We believe that renewable energy is the best alternative to fossil fuels and SA is not the place for a nuclear waste dump, an enrichment facility or expansion of uranium mining...

more: Raising CANE: the Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion | Friends of the Earth Adelaide

Anti-nuclear & Clean Energy (ACE) Campaign

Friends of the Earth Australia •

Friends of the Earth has been campaigning against the nuclear industry - and promoting safer solutions - for 40 years. If you'd like to get involved, contact your local FoE group or contact your local anti-nuclear campaign group or contact FoE's national nuclear campaigner Jim Green 0417 318368[@]

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