
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

▶ Naomi Klein Disagrees with James Hansen on Nuclear Power

Published on Oct 4, 2014 by myla reson

Naomi Klein does not agree with James Hansen's belief that nuclear power is an important component in our collective effort to avert climate catastrophe.

I went to the Hammer Museum on September 30th to hear Naomi Klein speak about her new climate change book *This Changes Everything*

Klein brought up NASA's James Hansen a number of times, so I filled out a 3x5 index card with this question: "Do you agree or disagree with James Hansen's advise that nuclear power is an essential component in our effort to avert climate catastrophe?"

The Q&A was coming to a close - Klein brought up Hansen yet another time when talking about how scientists had responded to the climate crisis - that's where this video begins - and then Robert Greenwald finally asks my question.
I loved Naomi Klein's answer. She started by saying that she loves James Hansen & she hates to disagree with him. She made a brilliant case against nuclear power and when she finished the auditorium exploded in applause - in fact it was the only time during the Q&A that the audience applauded an answer. Does this change everything? I certainly hope so.

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

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