
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Forbes and others buy nuclear industry cookie cutter falsehoods | Beyond Nuclear - Just The Facts

Did the nuclear industry’s PR mavens suddenly issue a cheat sheet on reprocessing? It certainly looks like it. So far we’ve counted nine almost identical, and equally erroneous, articles under seven different by-lines, but we're still counting. Why they would choose to beat the reprocessing dead horse, however, is intriguing given that even the Department of Energy’s Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future rejected it. All of them spout the same falsities and all substitute the word “recycling” for “reprocessing”. There’s William F. Shugart II’s article in Forbes and Paul Steinmeyer in The Hartford Courant and The Day (10 “recyclings” each). Then there’s Henry B. Spitz in the Cincinnati Enquirer (five “recyclings”); Ivan Maldonado in The Tennessean (6 “recyclings”); Howard Shaffer in the Concord Monitor (7 “recyclings”); Barry Butterfield in the Lincoln Journal Star (only 3 “recyclings); William B. Reed in the Huntsville Times (10 "recyclings") and the Montgomery Advertiser get the picture. As the 2014 World Nuclear Industry Status Report (pg. 125) shows us, reprocessing has proven a costly burden on the French utility, EDF, and has thrown it into pitched battle with French nuclear corporation, Areva, also largely a government entity. The only thing getting “recycled” is this propaganda piece which newspapers and magazines everywhere are blithely lapping up. You can read our reply to the Forbes article here.

Beyond Nuclear - Just The Facts - Forbes and others buy nuclear industry cookie cutter falsehoods
^ see this page for links to the media outlets

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