
Friday, November 1, 2013

#PETITION: Fukushima: A Global Solution to a Global Threat - PetitionBuzz

Take action today to tell the United Nations and the Japanese Government that the crisis at Fukushima is a global threat that requires an international intervention.

"There is no excuse for deploying anything less than a coordinated team of the planet's best scientiests and engineers. We have two months or less to act" ~ Harvey Wasserman, Energy Secretary for the Green Shadow Cabinet.
"We call for the following actions to be taken immediately:

- That the government of Japan transfer responsibility for the Fukushima reactor site to an international engineering firm overseen by a civil society panel and an international group of nuclear experts independent from TEPCO and the IAEA as outlined in this open letter to the United Nations [See].

- That the global media be permitted around-the-clock access to accurate information throughout the entire process of removal of the spent fuel rods so that the international community can be informed of any risks to its health."

Join the three days of global actions on November 9 through 11 to coincide with Armistice Day and the 32 month anniversary of the disaster calling for an independent international effort to clean up Fukushima.

For more information visit and

SIGN NOW > Fukushima: A Global Solution to a Global Threat - PetitionBuzz

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