
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nuclear Hotseat #123: Nuclear Halloween Fright House!

What’s spookier than Nuclear?  Hear what almost two dozen activists from both caosts name as their worst nightmares about nuclear.  Then, Donna Gilmore of, Dr. Arjun Makhijani, Dr. Marvin Renikoff and Dr. Don Mosher share the scariest information of all about nuclear waste at San Onofre as a preview of what the human race faces everywhere there’s been a nuclear reactor.  You’d think somebody would have told that industry to take out its garbage…


  • World Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2014 is a pro-nuclear international forum for the discussion of issues affecting the commercial nuclear fuel cycle — not one word about Fukushima!  (of course…)  When is it taking place?  Less than one month after Fukushima’s 3rd anniversary, two weeks after Three Mile Island’s 35th anniversary, two weeks before Chernobyl’s 27th anniversary and just in time for the Pacific Ocean radiation plume to hit the host city, San Francisco.  Can you say, “Demonstrations?”  


  • 7.3 Quake damage at Fukushima suspected;
  • TEPCO resorts to slave labor to get workers into the danger zone;
  • Content of Caldicott/Gundersen/Yablokov (+ 14 other experts) letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon – it’s been delivered, but response not yet given;

  • Pacific Ocean rad-plume predicted to hit west coast of North America in 2014;
  • and for those who can’t wrap their heads around the ongoing damage to human health from Fukushima radiation, how about them dead horses? 

LISTEN > Nuclear Hotseat #123: Nuclear Halloween Fright House! | Nuclear Hotseat

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