
Saturday, June 22, 2013

8.6 Hiroshima Commemoration and Action at Livermore Lab

Theme this year is "Unfinished Business and Our Most Urgent Responsibility; Banning the Bomb at the Livermore Lab and Globally." We will gather at the northwest corner of the Lab (Vasco Road and Patterson Pass Road in Livermore) on Tue, August 6, at 7am.

Update: Keynote speaker is Daniel Ellsberg!

Sixty-eight years after the United States dropped atomic bombs on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, the threat of nuclear annihilation remains. Nuclear devastation could come by accident, miscalculation, madness or malevolent intent. Events like Fukushima demonstrate the dangers of nuclear technologies derived from the bomb. And, while instructions on how to “duck and cover” to survive a nuclear bomb may seem quaint, modern propaganda still blinds many to our most urgent and unfinished business: the total abolition of nuclear weapons.

We ask all who seek peace and justice to come to Livermore Lab on August 6 for a rally with musicians, speakers, Taiko drummers and more. Immediately following will be a short march and nonviolent direct action at the West Gate. We will gather at the location where U.S. nuclear weapons scientists are developing the world’s first so-­‐called “interoperable” warhead to deliver annihilation interchangeably from land or sea. Those who choose will peacefully risk arrest, while others will provide legal witness and support.

Initial sponsors include American Friends Service Committee, Asian Americans for Peace and Justice, Ecumenical Peace Institute, Livermore Conversion Project, Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, No Nukes Action Committee, Peace Action West, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Bay Area Chapter, Tri-Valley CAREs, and Western States Legal Foundation.

WHAT: Hirosima Commemoration, Ralley and Action

WHEN: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 7AM program, 8:15AM march

WHERE: Gather at Livermore Lab northwest corner, at Vasco & Patterson Pass Roads

PARKING: There will be parking set up along Patterson Pass Road

BART: Van pickups at the Dublin-Pleasanton BART Station. Must call to reserve a spot.

DETAILS: (925) 443-7148 or (510) 839-5877, or

August 6 Hiroshima Commemoration and Action at Livermore Lab (facebook event page)

see also
whats up: 8.6 & 9: Hiroshima & Nagasaki Events by PSR

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