
Thursday, May 30, 2013

6.4 SAN DIEGO: Fukushima: Lessons for #SanOnofre [Seminar]

> Fukushima: Lessons for San Onofre [Seminar] 

see updates -
• whats up: The Fukushima Daiichi disaster: Ongoing lessons for California (#SanOnofre) | FOE  - Friends of the Earth press release and video of Kendra Ulrich at the event
 • whats up: Naoto Kan, Gregory Jaczko & Arnie Gundersen – Fukushima Lessons for CA

Former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who held office during the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, will speak at a seminar on nuclear safety Tuesday, June 4, in San Diego. Come hear Kan and ex-NRC Chair Gregory Jackzo, or listen online.  DETAILS: on facebook

FROM FUKUSHIMA TO SAN ONOFRE:Former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan to visit Southern California – joins ex-NRC Chair Jackzo at San Diego panel on lessons from nuclear catastrophe
News conference June 4 at S.D. County offices – webcast available
Concerned citizens of Southern California are honored to announce that the former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, will visit the region June 3-5 to share his perspectives on nuclear safety and the future of nuclear power.
Kan was prime minister in March 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami triggered the catastrophe at the Fukushima-daiichi nuclear plant. He was confronted by three reactor meltdowns and a nuclear crisis that persists to this day.
On Tuesday, June 4, Kan will speak in San Diego at a seminar, The Fukushima-daiichi Nuclear Accident: Lessons for California, starting at 9 a.m. in the chambers of the San Diego County Supervisors, 1600 Pacific Highway. He will be joined by former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chair Gregory Jackzo, who led the commission during the Fukushima-daiichi accident.
CONTACT: Bill Walker, (510) 759-9911; Annie Eddey, (619) 955-5285 x102

> Fukushima: Lessons for San Onofre [Seminar] 


Dear Friends,

On 11 June 2012, a large number of people from Fukushima formed a united front as Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Plaintiffs and collectively filed a case against 33 people for the immense damage resulting from the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The accused are executives from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the Nuclear Safety Commission, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, officials from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), academics, and the Radiation Risk and Health Management Advisors for Fukushima Prefecture.

As reported in recent Asahi Shinbun and Japan Times articles, the Japan High Court has REJECTED the plaintiff's demand to evacuate Fukushima children, even while admitting that the children were being exposed to radiation levels above the government total annual threshold of 1 millisievert/year:

In Japanese, "The Women of Fukushima" explain the plight of farmers unable to farm, of their fight to evacuate the children and of the negligence of the Japanese government. This video was produced a year after the disaster began. Yet nothing has changed.

Finally, over 40% of children tested in Fukushima for thyroid irregularities, have tested positive. Ian Thomas Ash, a documentary film maker living in Tokyo, has directed "A2", a movie about these thyroid examinations. His film was submitted as evidence for the ongoing Fukushima Evacuation Trials. See the trailer for "A2", with English subtitles:

In summation, now that UN Special Reporteur Anand Grover's report on Fukushima is out: , many activists and citizens of the world are acutely aware of the ongoing atrocities being inflicted upon the Japanese people inside and outside Fukushima. And yet, the voice of Japanese citizens protesting the government's negligence of the children in Fukushima, protesting nuclear restart, protesting the burning of radioactive debris.... is being silenced. Furthermore, the international community's cry for bringing these issues to justice is being ignored by the political establishment in Tokyo.

We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to bring the issue of Fukushima and nuclear power to the Japanese people at large and by extension, to the world. Southern California will host "Fukushima Ongoing Lessons for Japan and California Summit with Naoto Kan", a meeting of leading world thinkers, scientists and policy makers at The San Diego County Government Center on June 4, 2013. Among those attending: ex-Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, Arnie Gundersen, chief engineer of energy consulting company Fairewinds Associates and a former nuclear power industry executive, former Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko, former NRC Commissioner, Peter Bradford (during Three Mile Island Accident), California Lieutenant Governor, Gavin Newsom and many other Mayors and City Council members of Southern California.

Naoto Kan is the only politician who has gone on the record as "anti-nuclear", espousing the horrendous facts of nuclear power gone terribly wrong, as in the case of Fukushima. He has started an "Anti-Nuclear Political Party" in Japan with elections for Parliamentary seats to be held in late July, 2013. He is traveling to California to listen to the people. We have the opportunity to bypass mainstream media inside and outside of Japan by utilizing social media to promote this event, to show the Japanese community that the world supports them. This is a chance for the people of Japan to set Naoto Kan's agenda; in lieu of the present, impotent national government so captured by the nuclear industry, setting Kan's agenda. Even more, this is our opportunity to demand of Naoto Kan to act on behalf of the people, vis a vis Fukushima. More on those demands in the coming days!

In solidarity with Japan,

Cathy Iwane

Fukushima: Lessons for San Onofre [Seminar - facebook page]


Keep San Onofre Shut Down - Friends of the Earth facebook page
Friends of the Earth

The Fukushima-daiichi Nuclear Accident: Lessons for California from former Prime Minister Kan |  San Clemente Green on facebook

see also

whats up: Manifesto for Our Children, Our Future by Cathy Iwane

see updates -
 - Friends of the Earth press release and video of Kendra Ulrich at the event

a compete collection of videos - the entire seminar in 5 parts:
M1359 < Common < Copswiki

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