
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

#SanOnofre News from San Clemente Green | NO TRUST. NO RESTART.

As the decision about restarting a defective reactor at San Onofre gets closer and closer, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Division IV, who is responsible for scheduling hearings on this matter, continues a recent trend to minimize public oversight. On Friday they announced the next meeting would be held on December 18th on the East Coast. For those of us closest to the danger, that is totally unacceptable. We must insist that this trend be reversed. I am asking you to please help us override this abuse of public trust. Here is the message our coalition is sending out for action first thing Monday morning before your workday begins.


As the decision about restarting a defective reactor at San Onofre gets closer and closer, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Division IV, who is responsible for scheduling hearings on this matter, continues a recent trend to minimize public oversight. On Friday they announced the next meeting would be held on December 18th on the East Coast. For those of us closest to the danger, that is totally unacceptable. We must insist that this trend be reversed. I am asking you to please help us override this abuse of public trust. Here is the message our coalition is sending out for action first thing Monday morning before your workday begins.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff recently announced that the next "public meeting" on Edison's proposal to restart the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant will be on December 18, 2012, in Rockville, MARYLAND -- not here in Orange or San Diego Counties, where the plant is located.  This is unacceptable -- and we need to tell our California Senators Boxer and Feinstein and the 5 Nuclear Regulatory Commissioners so!

SO -- cut and paste any or all of the following Message into your own Email Sender, as well as the email addresses listed at the end of this message (note you need to use a Webform to email the Senators).  AND/OR

On Monday, use this abbreviated message to Phone each of the Senators' and Commissioners' offices in DC (also listed at the end of this message):

"The 12/18/12 NRC public meeting regarding Edison's proposed restart of its defective San Onofre nuclear reactor should NOT be held in Maryland. It should be re-scheduled for next year in a location near the public and media most impacted by the NRC's decision.

Thank You for your Support --

The Coalition to Decommission San Onofre

Dear Senators Boxer and Feinstein, and NRC Commissioners,

As one of almost 9 million residents, parents, business owners, workers and/or students within 50 miles of the defective nuclear reactors at San Onofre in Southern California, I am very disappointed and angry that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff is holding a "public meeting" on the operator's proposed restart of one of these defective reactors one week before Christmas at NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, NOT in the vicinity of the plant, where those of us most impacted by the NRC's decision on this proposal can attend in person.

I accept the fact that not everyone who attends an NRC public meeting in person and wants to speak will have a chance to do so, but at least those who do speak are in a forum where local citizens are present, as well as our local media.  Limiting us and our local media to indirect, one-way access to the meeting via Webcast is NOT in the public's best interest.  The NRC has an obligation to put our needs before NRC staff's convenience.  While Webcasting and a Telephone Bridge may be appropriate for those who live far from the plant under discussion or could not physically attend the meeting, it is certainly a disservice to those of us who stand directly in harm's way if things go terribly wrong.

I demand that the NRC Staff reschedule this "Category 1 Public Meeting" until after the New Year to a location readily accessible to the public impacted by the NRC's decision on Edison's proposal to restart this defective nuclear reactor in our midst.

On the NRC's website, "Important Information for Meeting Attendees,"  describes "Category 1 Public Meetings" (such as this one) in the NRC's open meeting policy as:  'The public is invited to observe these meetings and will have one or more opportunities to communicate with the NRC after the business portions, but before the meetings are adjourned."

How are the "opportunities to communicate with the NRC after the business portions, but before the meetings are adjourned" afforded when public access is primarly via one-way Webcast and/or Telephone Bridge?  EFFECTIVE "open public meetings" must be held in the area impacted by the action or decision being contemplated by the NRC.

My trust in the NRC, and that of many others in the vicinity of San Onofre, can only be restored by our personal witness of the NRC in action and the ability to ask questions interactively.



(Your Name)
(Your City)

Send the foregoing message to:

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.  Tel:  (202) 224-3553/ E-Mail:  via Webform at

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein.  Tel:  (202) 224-3841/ E-mail:  via Webform at

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane. Tel: (301) 415-1750/ E-Mail:

Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki. Tel: (301) 415-1855/ E-Mail:  (She is on Facebook, too: Kristine Svinicki -- you can Message her w/o being Friends.)

Commissioner George Apostolakis. Tel: (301) 415-1810/ E-Mail:

Commissioner William D. Magwood. Tel: (301) 415-8420/ E-Mail:

Commissioner William C. Ostendorff. Tel: (301) 415-1800/ E-Mail:

News from San Clemente Green

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