
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12.18 #StopPlantVogtle PACK THE PCS - No More Money For New Nukes in Georgia



PACK THE PCS Part II | Stop Plant Vogtle
facebook event: "Pack the PSC- Part 2!" 

The Public Service Commission is in charge of approving Southern Company's costs for Voglte 3 and 4, two nuclear reactors they're building in Burke County, Georgia.

At the last PSC meeting, Southern Companysaid that the project is behind schedule, and they have no limit on the nuclear tax (nuclear construction cost recovery fee) they charge us each month on our bills.
On December 18, the Public Service Commissioners will weigh in on the Voglte project.
Let's show them that we aren't just outraged, we're organized! We won't pay for dirty, dangerous energy with our money or our lives!
On November 27, we packed the PSC with 20 people speaking out against Plant Vogtle and the PSC's approval of Southern Company's costs on the project. Let's build on this momentum and increase our numbers! Join us at the meeting, where we'll show up in strong force and with a unified message in our public comments.
Planning Meeting:Tuesday, December 11, 7 pm, Georgia WAND office, 250 Georgia Ave. Suite 202
Public Comments Rehearsal: Monday, December 17, 7 pm, Georgia WAND office, 250 Georgia Ave. Suite 202
PSC Meeting: Tuesday December 18, 9:30 am, 244 Washington Street

TAKE ACTION Pack the PSC – Part 2! | Georgia WAND

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