
Friday, September 28, 2012

San Onofre Nuclear Plant (Sen. Boxer vs. The NRC) • DEL MAR & ENCINITAS CITY COUNCILS

San Onofre Nuclear Plant (Sen. Boxer vs. The NRC) - YouTube
Oversight Hearing on NRC's Implementation of Recommendations for Enhancing Nuclear Reactor Safety in the 21st Century September 12, 2012

MsMilkytheclown's Channel - YouTube
San Onofre: Bad Vibrations (Cause of Radioactive Emissions / Arnie Gundersen)
People & Power - Danger Zone: Ageing Nuclear Reactors
Arnie Gundersen/Fairewinds Associates: Japanese:
Nuclear Regulatory Commission daily reports (what's happening at nuclear plants near you):
Union of Concerned Scientists (watchdog over NRC):
Half Life Decay rates for radioactive nuclides 

10.9 CA: NRC public meeting re troubled San Onofre Nuke plant 

10.6 Nuclear Free California Conference #NFC Santa Cruz 

facebook groups

Millions in Southern California are in danger of radioactive leaks, or even a Fukushima-level event, unless the aging San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station plant is shut down permanently

Petition | California Coastal Commission: Protect Whales~ Stop Seismic Testing off the Coast of Central California! |
Central Coastal California Seismic Imaging Project–Whales Need Your Help NOW!
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is posed to conduct seismic testing in a grid pattern over a large area off the Central Coast of California from Cambria to the Santa Maria River. Tests could begin as early as September 2012 and last until the end of the year. The research ship would emit blasts of very loud noise into the ocean. Streamers four or five miles long would be towed behind the vessel, which would pick up the sound waves as they penetrate several miles into the Earth’s crust and reverberate back to the surface.
Tests would last for 24 hours and would kill or injure marine mammals, including whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals and otters. A deaf marine mammal is a dead one as this is the sense they rely on to communicate, navigate and find food. Seabirds and other species such as endangered sea turtles, could be affected as well, with little or no way of mitigating the impacts. Great potential harm is highly possible to the small population of harbor porpoises in the Morro Bay area. They are most sensitive to loud man-made sound and the mammal most vulnerable to habitat abandonment and to hearing loss. (more)

facebook group


Published on Sep 25, 2012 by 
San Onofre Nuclear (Waste) Generating Station was on the agenda; Dan Hirsch spoke first, then someone from Southern California Edison, who was questioned for a while by the council, then the public comment period opened up. Speakers during this period were (in order): Torgen Johnson, Cathy Iwane, Donna Gilmore, Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick, Ace Hoffman, Sharon Hoffman, Jeff Steinmetz, Martha Sullivan and Dr. Sue Arrigo, MD, PhD.

The city council unanimously adopted the following resolution:

"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Del Mar urges the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to require that Edison undergo a public, transparent license amendment hearing regarding the replacement steam generators, before the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is allowed to restart; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Del Mar strongly encourages the California Public Utilities Commission to: 1) expeditiously initiate and complete an Order Instituting Investigation regarding the costs and reliability of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and to compare the San Onofre facility to other energy sources used today and throughout the current licensing duration; and 2) protect ratepayers from being held responsible for errors and/or malfeasance by San Onofre Nuclear Generating Stations's operator, which led to faulty replacement steam generators being installed, ongoing outage expenses, and continuing repair costs; and 3) immediately take the San Onofre power plant out of the rate base; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that additional incentives and programs are urgently needed to support the rapid installation of new power generation, power savings, and grid stabilizing technologies, which together can serve as an alternative to San Onofre; and that these new electricity solutions should prioritize efficiency and renewable energy resources, per the State of California's load order and mandated targets, and should also prioritize local, distributed generation, per Governor Brown's Clean Energy Plan.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Del Mar, California, at a Regular Meeting held the 24 th day of September 2012."

Video by Ace Hoffman

Encinitas City Council meeting September 26th, 2012 - YouTube
Published on Sep 28, 2012 by 
A small amount of the placating IPC person starts off the video. After that, the activists speak in turn. The final vote -- unanimous

Ace Hoffman's Channel - YouTube |

Ace Hoffman: "Encinitas California city council, Wednesday, September 26th, 2012. This video includes all the activists who spoke against San Onofre, in order and uncut. What has been cut was a long and boring presentation by the IPC (a few seconds are included in the beginning) and a retired reactor operator who gave the usual line that the wind doesn't blow all the time and the sun doesn't shine, therefore San Onofre would never melt down. He was guaranteed safe egress and we even encouraged the mayor to let him finish his presentation when it ran over -- but I won't bore you with it! This is just the good stuff. Decommission San Onofre NOW!

see also: whats up: Anti-nuclear movement | California Nukes

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