
Sunday, September 30, 2012

10/06 – Nuclear Free California Statewide Meeting • NFC

California Statewide Conference
Nuclear Free California NFC
Saturday October 6, 2012
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Resource Center For Nonviolence
612 Ocean St.
Santa Cruz, California

Join activists, educators, labor and community people meeting to discuss and plan the efforts to close the two nuclear plants in California at San Onofre and Diablo Canyon. We will have reports and updates from Japan and around California as well as plans for future actions.
Screening And Presentation
How Nukes Got To Japan and Daniel O. Hirsch
7:00 PM
First Screening in Santa Cruz of
How Nuke Plants Got To Japan by NHK
Guest Speaker  Daniel O. Hirsch Lecturer UCSC
Donation Requested
$7.00 (no one turned away due to lack of funds)
Nuclear Free California
To get more information call (415)867-0628 or 510-843-2322.

10/06 – Nuclear Free California Statewide Meeting • NFC | #nukefreecal

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