
Monday, August 6, 2012

Rock the Bomb ~ No Nukes Y'all Jamboree

Give peace a dance with live music by the EX-P.A.N.D Band,
 Aviva & the Flying Penguins and more!

Proceeds benefit Stop Plant Vogtle and Nuclear Watch South


NUCLEAR WATCH SOUTH | Stop Plant Vogtle (facebook)

Rock the Bomb ~ No Nukes Y'all Jamboree (facebook event)

Stop Plant Vogtle
For thirty years, no nuclear power plants have been built in the United States because of the enormous cost and extreme danger to the environment and human health.

Now, Southern Company is constructing two new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia, thirty miles from Augusta and 150 miles from Atlanta. This comes in the wake of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, which displaced more than 100,000 people, left miles of land uninhabitable and taught us new lessons about the dangers of nuclear power.

This is a grassroots coalition working to shut down Plant Vogtle. We are working to prevent the new reactors from going online. Whether you’re near or far this is a nation wide issue so let’s work together!

If you’re near: join the Atlanta-based Stop Vogtle group, attend meetings to strategize and organize in the fight to Stop Vogtle, connect with other activists and lend your time and talents to the movement in Georgia. Check out the events page for more information.

If you’re far: connect with Georgia activists, get updates on and materials about Vogtle, sign on to the Stop Vogtle Campaign and organize your own communities.
Contact to find out how you can get involved.


Nuclear Watch South ~ "Better Active Today than Radioactive Tomorrow!"

Nuclear Watch South engages the nuclear issue through direct action from meetings and hearings to protests and civil disobedience.Nuclear Watch South was started as Georgians Against Nuclear Energy (GANE) in 1977 in opposition to Georgia Power plans to build nuclear reactors Vogtle and Hatch. In 2006, the name was changed to Nuclear Watch South to better reflect direct action campaigns on broader issues such as the Savannah River Site nuclear weapons complex on Georgia's border in South Carolina. Today, the mostly volunteer, grassroots environmental group is still on the job working to shape nuclear policies and raise public awareness of nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, and nuclear waste.
Nuclear Watch South is engaged in many significant campaigns, including stopping MOX plutonium reactor fuel and opposing new nuclear reactors at Southern Company's Vogtle site. Many tangible victories have been attained through the years resulting from the tough, savvy brand of direct action which is the Nuclear Watch South hallmark. Through public education, public testimony, citizen lobbying, legal intervention, street protest and civil disobedience Nuclear Watch South continues to spread the life-affirming message "NO NUKES Y'ALL!"
> go to for links!

Democracy Now! on Tax-funded Loans for Vogtle

DEMOCRACY NOW! (2/24/10) The news in Vermont follows Obama’s announcement last week of $8.3 billion in loan guarantees for the construction of the first new nuclear power plants in the United States in close to three decades. The loan guarantees will help the Atlanta-based Southern Company build two more nuclear reactors in Burke County, Georgia, near the city of Augusta. We speak to Nuclear Watch South coordinator Glenn Carroll, who has been leading efforts against the construction of the new plants.


~ Phase out nuclear power and promote conservation and sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar
~ Halt the proliferation of nuclear materials and abolish the global threat of nuclear weapons
~ Promote the formation of ethical environmental policies for nuclear waste handling and containment


~ Currently leading multi-organization MOX legal intervention before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in opposition to the MOX plutonium fuel factory at Savannah River Site (SRS). This citizen initiative has attained a public hearing about radioactive MOX waste which will be held next year.
~ Rocked the Bombplex at public hearings on building new nuclear weapons in Savannah River Site and Oak Ridge. Nuclear Watch South with other groups all over the country inspired an Environmental Impact Statement record — 120,000 public comments were submitted calling for nuclear disarmament!
~ Elicited Atomic Safety & Licensing Board ruling on nuclear terrorism (in 2001) which provided cornerstone for the Ninth Circuit precedent requiring the effects of terrorism or insider sabotage to be analyzed in an Environmental Impact Statement.
~ Organized “Plutonium Beach Watch” action camp on Sullivan’s Island, SC, with students from nearby College of Charleston to track and document barges and trucks transporting weapons-grade plutonium MOX fuel from France to the U.S.
~ Permanently shut the Georgia Tech research reactor in downtown Atlanta. After GANE raised the issue prior to the 1996 Olympic Games, Georgia Tech's subsequent decision to permanently shut the reactor pre-shadowed the shutdown of 30 other campus research reactors around the country. The Georgia Tech reactor has now been decommissioned and shipped as radioactive waste to South Carolina and Utah.

> go to for links!

Cool stickers FREE withFREE membership in
Nuclear Watch South!



Get these cool No Nukes Y'all stickers absolutely free when you sign up for FREE membership in Nuclear Watch South!

Cool stickers FREE withFREE membership in
Nuclear Watch South!



Carbon Free and Nuclear Free
Breakthrough study by IEERproves we can get off coal, oil and nuclear by 2040





• Stop Plant Vogtle (facebook)

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