
Monday, August 6, 2012

Nuclear power plants: A hidden world of untruths, unethical behavior

Nuclear power plants: A hidden world of untruths, unethical behavior
  • 8-6-2012
While this is terrible news, it is essential to point out that it happens everywhere. Japan is not the only country that has hidden radiation exposure levels. It is not the only country that has hired "jumpers," radiation workers that move from plant to plant to avoid revealing they are exceeding exposure levels. This problem is endemic in the industry. It must be stopped. In Japan it is made more poignant by the scale of the disaster. But, if fingers are being pointed, don't stop there.
The long and the short of it is this: Nuclear power plants probably would not operate properly in Japan if workers were not willing to sacrifice their health, and possibly their lives.
It emerges that workers at nuclear plants routinely resorted to ingenious ways to conceal the true levels of radiation to which they were exposed--simply to go on earning a living.
That is the disturbing picture that emerges from accounts given by more than 10 people, either working at nuclear power plants or now retired.

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