
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

select articles May 2012 | OcNuke Daily

Urgent Request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon | Fukushima Update
An Urgent Request on UN Intervention to Stabilize the Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Nuclear Fuel signed by 72 Japanese organizations

60 Minutes Report: Fukushima Now Radiating Everyone: Will Impact All Of Humanity - YouTube

Buddhist Monks Sit-in, Calling Christians to Join Them; Ultra-Right Joined by Ultra-Left in Hunger Strike Against Nuclear Power Plants |

PMANE to resume protests against KNPP from May 1 - India - DNA: Kudankulam
whats up: Kudankulam protests | Jaitapur

Stop Nuclear Power Network: The Big Six Energy Bash

Stop Nuclear Power Network: Campaign Links

Use citizen-led democracy to VETO nuclear power! - UK Indymedia

UK Indymedia | anti-nuclear posts

How we can make the EU nuclear free
About: Fossil fuels and nuclear power are putting our health and the environment at risk - we want to leave them behind and turn to renewable energies and energy efficiency.
Our European citizens' initiative will directly influence European legislation. The goal is for the European anti-nuclear movement to join forces, and also show the solution to the nuclear crisis through energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy. Organisations within the Friends of the Earth network, Sortir du nucleaire and WISE will launch the first European citizens' initiative for pan-European nuclear power phase-out and the advancement of renewable energies on June 1 2012.

Worldwide map of nuclear power stations and earthquake zones | maptd

Study Supports Communities’ Claims Against Nuclear Fuel Plants CBS Pittsburgh

Why is safety a divisive issue for Nuclear Regulatory Commission? -

The infighting that threatens to undermine US nuclear safety | Environment |

Ill. nuclear reactor loses power, venting steam - Yahoo! News - January 30 2012
DON'T YOU JUST LOVE HOW THEY ALWAYS SAY "but federal and plant officials insisted the levels were safe for workers and the public" WHEN THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE DOSE?

2012 Olympic Games to be nuclear powered - Business News - Business - The Independent

Anti-nuke groups urge Mass. gov. to stall NRC - BusinessWeek

also of note

Occupy the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) page on facebook

LISTEN: Arnie Gundersen & Helen Caldicott: FUKUSHIMA (FULL) - YouTube (from November)

Occupy Nuclear Daily (#OccupyNuclear)
on twitter: #OccupyNuclear

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