
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


The first anniversary of Fukushima is rapidly approaching and groups around the U.S. and across the world are organizing protests and other actions. Not far behind are the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl anniversaries--traditionally times of action. And this year there is a also a call for support actions against Vermont Yankee on March 24, which was scheduled to close on March 21.

March 11 – Day of Remembrance and Warning | Georgia WAND: On March 11, 2011 the world's eyes were on Japan as the largest nuclear disaster in history began to unfold. Now, less then a year later, the world's eyes are on Georgia. On February 9, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, without reviewing new safety concerns resulting from the Fukushima disaster, approved plans for the first two nuclear reactors built in the U.S. in thirty years to be constructed at Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia.

much more - NIRS calendar > SPRING ANTI-NUCLEAR ACTIONS 2012 - NIRS | Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

Hot News and Actions - Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

March 5, 2012. Tell Energy Secretary Steven Chu to stop taxpayer loans for new reactors in Georgia! Act now.

February 15, 2012. Nuclear 911. A new campaign to expand emergency evacuation zones around U.S. nuclear reactors. Petition for Rulemaking submitted by 38 organizations and background materials.

Nuclear Crisis in Japan - NIRS

February 28, 2012. Lessons from Fukushima. New report from Greenpeace International prepared for the first anniversary of Fukushima disaster.

February 9, 2012. New Fairewinds video: New containment flaw identified in GE Mark I nuclear reactors.

Nuclear Crisis in Japan: Updates on Fukushima reactors and aftermath of Japan earthquake. Updated Thursday, December 8, 2011. Accident without end: More radioactive water leaks into Pacific Ocean, but fears of a new "China Syndrome" are unfounded.

October 7, 2011: Statement of NIRS' Michael Mariotte to NRC on petition to close GE Mark I reactors. Formatted pdf version here. Video of Michael Mariotte statement to NRC.

SEE ALSO: March Against Nuclear Madness

The March Against Nuclear Madness global events calendar has once again been updated. If you have not yet posted your events to the March Against Nuclear Madness Facebook page, please do so ASAP. If you don't do Facebook, you can email details to: It's an impressive array of events, on into April.



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