
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Anti-Nuclear Groups in Georgia Seek to Block First New Nuclear Plants in U.S. in Decades

On this Super Tuesday in Georgia, one issue where the Republican candidates fully agree with President Obama is nuclear power. The nation’s first reactors since 1978 recently won federal approval. Atlanta-based Southern Company is attempting to build two new reactors at the Vogtle plant in eastern Georgia. We speak with Stephen Smith of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, one of nine groups seeking to block the project, who notes that nuclear power plants rely on federal loan guarantees because Wall Street is not interested in investing. "You would think that the conservative party would be conservatively approaching use of both ratepayer money and taxpayer money and that they would want transparency and openness," Smith says. "Yet we’ve heard virtually nothing from anyone in the Republican Party." [includes rush transcript]

Anti-Nuclear Groups in Georgia Seek to Block First New Nuclear Plants in U.S. in Decades | Democracy Now!


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