
Friday, April 15, 2011

Deepak Chopra: Fukushima & Indian Point Nuke conversation

the conversation with deepak chopra;

paul gallay, executive director of riverkeeper;

arnold gundersen, nuclear engineer; and expert witness;

duane peterson, president of VPIRG & coordinator for the campaign to retire vermont yankee;

AND harvey wasserman, journalist & pioneer of global grassroots movement against nuclear power

Indian Point nuclear power plant dangerously parallels Fukushima Daiichi in age and technology with vulnerability to earthquake and terrorism. an evening to discuss critical questions.

the conversation

activating a critical mass where together we can create a peaceful, just, sustainable, healthy & happy world.

co-created by deepak chopra and abc carpet & home ceo paulette cole, deepak HomeBase is both a physical and a virtual salon; a vital, living, interactive, experiential platform; a multi media expanded classroom & a curated conversation, hosted by visionary futurist deepak chopra, with the iconic characters and luminaries of our time.

in a time where humanity is facing some difficult, painful and mysterious questions, deepak’s gift is more relevant than ever, as he is poised to ask the questions, create the inquiry, and host the solutions and the debate. the conversation raises the bar on integrity and intelligence.

See also:
• other Fukushima updates for background info and links -
Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
Fukushima a "Ticking Time Bomb"
Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan “Not Equal to Chernobyl, But Way Worse”
Nuclear Power = Crime Against Humanity
Obama: No Money for Nukes!
Pacifica Nuclear Teach-in | The Code Killers by Ace Hoffman
Nuclear Obama, Radioactive Boars & Frogs of Fukushima
fukushima plutonium
Fukushima still fuming - nuclear catastrophe update
March archive

news feeds on right, and links at top of previous posts
more news feeds below

-!- fukushima explosion fukushima nuclear plant japan nuclear crisis nuclear disaster radiation radioactive fallout nuclear energy safety -!-



  1. Thank you for posting this!
    What immediately lept out from this discussion was the absence of an activist/protester speaker.
    Having protested nuclear reactor construction as a unnecessary deadly hazard for electricity production it is unfair and delusional for professionals to assume these issues were not forewarned many decades ago!
    The medical doctor was very guilty of this stereotyping of psychosis (he uses the word "we need to act as grown-ups"; who is this we? Is it politicians or is it corporate executives or scientists & engineers?) but it is actually a profit motive over-ruling rational behaviour and safety. Here is the ultimatum: globally abolish nuclear reactors, period.
    Humanity can and will live without it.
    The only reason safe and abundant energy is not more commonly used is because the (monopolization) profit margins are not as huge as these more dangerous and toxic sources and because the elite execs have too much influence on public policy and regulatory authority.

  2. thanks! - i'm glad you found it of value. as for profit motives: it is really all supported with government subsidies as nukes are not insurable, and are in fact so costly that without government involvement and promotion and subsidy they would be far and few between - they are paid for in a huge way by taxes.

    if _all the true costs are included nukes are obviously a disaster economically and ecologically, from start to (what finish?); and as pointed out by author Mark Hertsgaard in the interview on his book "Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth" (see previous post), the investment it takes the make and run nukes would be something like seven times more profitable if they were instead directed towards safe and sustainable alternatives. unfortunately, it is going to be extremely costly to deal with the nukes and their waste - this will be taxing generation upon generation over the coming centuries.

    Yes - Humanity can and will live without it; or we will die from it.

  3. mentioned above: Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth -
    a Democracy Now! interview with Author Mark Hertsgaard on "Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth" -

  4. Oops, by the end everyone is an activist and will work to close Indian point nuclear reactor, but what about the other reactors in the USA and globally? Radioactivity is a global issue and hazard.
    I did not know that this was a hour long video.
    Though they all may speak against nuclear reactors they are still very mild mannered considering the global scope of the danger and hazards. Just say NO to Nukes!

  5. yes - absolutely - NO NUKES! - Harvey Wasserman in the video is, I think, possibly the one who could be credited with making that slogan popular.

    i really enjoyed the video because it was an intelligent, informed conversation with people who actually know what they are talking about.

    since anyone who says nukes are safe is either misinformed or lying, we find ourselves challenged by morons in powerful delusion, and it is going to take masses of people saying just what you are to make a difference. it is very important that people become informed on the issue - socially, economically, scientifically, even morally. then we can say no with force and speak to power with a positive effect.

  6. re "but what about the other reactors in the USA and globally?" - the question could be answered like this: close Indian Point. that is one down. close another, and another. get moratoriums placed into effect - NO MORE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW NUKES - one location, one economy, at a time. decommission every single one, one at a time, and clean up the mess one place at a time. thats what it comes down to, and we will need much resolve. it is going to take years, but it will be one of the best investments we could ever make in the future of this planet.

  7. A software glitch, for some reason my profile avatar will not display. Anyway, this is Ron here again to reply to your last comment.

    Re: It was a rhetorical question meaning that it would take too long and the risk dangers from older nuclear reactors (and many more reactors are being constructed and planned as we speak) are increasing exponentially as the years go by.
    Yes, you are correct, massive public unity is required for solving this and many related issues(food & safety; war & arms deals; global peace & prosperity). This is why I and many people globally are asking for global unity and non-compliance.
    For details visit
    or watch this video:

    This is a global problem and requires global unity.
    "The power is in the hands of the people they have only but to exercise it."
    LOVE & Peace

  8. Re: That was a rhetorical question, meaning that the public has to act with a sense of urgency and consider doing things differently.
    More nuclear reactors are being constructed as we speak and yet more have been approved for planned sites. Add the fact that aging plants are great risks to public and you begin to see my point that to do the slow process of protesting and filing legal pleadings as we have in the past may not be the appropriate public response. I think you have heard the new definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
    As to your statement about government subsidies yes government funds are the life blood of the entire nuclear industry, but when you research corporate-government you discover that government funding is the life blood of the entire global financial system. An amazing secret hidden in plain sight (law codes and statutes) for the researcher but publically denied.
    Here is but one example:

    Legal definition by the U.S. CODE (15) “United States” means—
    (A) a Federal corporation;
    (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
    (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

    Awareness of this global scheme needs to spread and when the global consciousness is united to create global peace and prosperity this era can be viewed as an opportunity for real change.
