
Friday, June 24, 2022

Tell DOE: Follow the law and DON'T bend the rules for the nuclear industry

 The DOE wants your feedback on an outrageous and last-minute rule change that might enable ineligible nuclear reactors like Diablo Canyon NPP in California to illegally qualify for billions of dollars in subsidies. This would be a massive waste and a failure for climate action, in addition to being a blatant violation of the law. 

The CNC was created by the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to mitigate potential greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) increases due to the closure of unprofitable nuclear reactors that operate in competitive electricity markets. Now, the DOE is looking to change the rules in the eleventh hour, and give ineligible reactors a chance to qualify. 

This is a bad bailout. This multi-billion dollar program should instead be invested in clean, renewable energy, NOT dirty and expensive nuclear reactors. 

Stand Up for Clean Energy and Say NO To the DOE’s Latest Nuclear Bailout Scheme 

Comments DUE 6/27/22 

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