
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Stop the latest push to deregulate and disperse nuclear power waste: “VLLW”

Stop the latest push to deregulate and disperse nuclear power waste: “VLLW”    SIGN NOW

The NRC wants public input on a “scoping study” intended to justify calling some nuclear waste “very low level waste” or VLLW. We call it “Very Large Loophole Waste.” 
Massive amounts of radioactive nuclear waste would be allowed into regular garbage dumps, industrial or hazardous waste sites, incinerators and recycling facilities that reuse materials to make everyday household and personal-use items.
Huge amounts of dangerous but hard-to-detect nuclear wastes would no longer be regulated as radioactive and would have “alternative methods of disposal," not at licensed radioactive waste sites.
The simple message to the NRC is:
  • Keep all nuclear waste under radioactive regulatory control-no VLLW!
  • Don’t mix it with hazardous waste or regular trash—isolate it!
  • Don't pretend it's not radioactive!
Keep nuclear waste under control--not in landfills, incinerators, consumer goods, zippers, baby toys.
Help protect us, our communities and future generations!

Email comments by May 15th 2018, by:

  1. Simply using the form below
  2. Email address: 
    Subject Line-  Comment on Very Low-Level Radioactive Waste (VLLW) Scoping Study, Docket ID: NRC-2018-0026-0001


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