
Monday, March 26, 2018

Speaking Up Locally Against Nuclear War | Ploughshares Fund

Local communities can lead the way in reducing and eventually eliminating nuclear threats

[Yesterday,] on Tuesday March 20, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved a resolution introduced by supervisor Katy Tang, the San Francisco Resolution Against Nuclear War. The resolution was proposed to her by activists from Beyond the Bomb, a grassroots initiative to support public mobilization. We were proud to support Beyond the Bomb in this effort. As Emma Claire Foley of Global Zero says, "Activists across the country are pressing citizens and local lawmakers to engage on nuclear issues, and they have already seen results." We are seeing these results here in San Francisco.

San Francisco supervisor Katy Tang's resolution condemns President Trump's rhetorical recklessness around nuclear weapons and voices San Francisco's support for important national legislation restricting President Trump's, and all future presidents', unchecked authority to start a nuclear war. You can read the full resolution here
more: Speaking Up Locally Against Nuclear War | Ploughshares Fund

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