
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

NUCLEAR HOTSEAT :: Citizen Scientists! Build Monitors, Map Global Radiation! - Sean Bonner of Safecast Massive Indian Nuke Protests Against Westinghouse Planned: Kumar Sundaram | NH #349

Safecast workshop in Japan — building radiation monitors

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Kumar Sundaram (l) and Libbe HaLevy

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

  • Sean Bonner is co-founder and global director of Safecast, an international, volunteer-centered organization devoted to open citizen science for the environment.  It teaches how to build your own radiation monitor and connect it with the Safecast database of real-time, automatically uploaded radiation readings.  (Featured image above is of a Safecast monitor-building workshop.)
  • Kumar Sundaram is an Indian anti-nuclear activist and the Editor of  He fills us in on upcoming protests in that country against a proposed build of six new reactors – and why those protests will be against Westinghouse and French President Emmanuel Macron.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
The President of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Tomoaki Kobayakawa,  actually thinks that his company’s “main mission” is the delivery of electricity to customers?  NOOOOO! – your “main mission” needs to be cleaning up the nuclear disaster and radioactive mess at Fukushima Daiichi! 

Activist Opportunities – The Missing Links:

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Citizen Scientists! Build Monitors, Map Global Radiation! - Sean Bonner of Safecast Massive Indian Nuke Protests Against Westinghouse Planned: Kumar Sundaram NH #349 - Nuclear Hotseat

Please sign and circulate this international statement against the Kovvada nuclear plant launched as Westinghouse officials visit India next week. Organisations/groups are welcome to send their endorsement to us by email on

SIGN NOW: Westinghouse, Quit India! [Sign Statement Against Kovvada Nuclear Project] |

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