
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Westinghouse, Quit India! [Sign Statement Against Kovvada Nuclear Project] |

Please sign and circulate this international statement against the Kovvada nuclear plant launched as Westinghouse officials visit India next week. Organisations/groups are welcome to send their endorsement to us by email on

SIGN NOW: Westinghouse, Quit India! [Sign Statement Against Kovvada Nuclear Project] |

NUCLEAR HOTSEAT :: Citizen Scientists! Build Monitors, Map Global Radiation! - Sean Bonner of Safecast Massive Indian Nuke Protests Against Westinghouse Planned: Kumar Sundaram | NH #349

Safecast workshop in Japan — building radiation monitors

Click Here to Listen

Kumar Sundaram (l) and Libbe HaLevy

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

  • Sean Bonner is co-founder and global director of Safecast, an international, volunteer-centered organization devoted to open citizen science for the environment.  It teaches how to build your own radiation monitor and connect it with the Safecast database of real-time, automatically uploaded radiation readings.  (Featured image above is of a Safecast monitor-building workshop.)
  • Kumar Sundaram is an Indian anti-nuclear activist and the Editor of  He fills us in on upcoming protests in that country against a proposed build of six new reactors – and why those protests will be against Westinghouse and French President Emmanuel Macron.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
The President of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Tomoaki Kobayakawa,  actually thinks that his company’s “main mission” is the delivery of electricity to customers?  NOOOOO! – your “main mission” needs to be cleaning up the nuclear disaster and radioactive mess at Fukushima Daiichi! 

Activist Opportunities – The Missing Links:

Click Here to Listen

Citizen Scientists! Build Monitors, Map Global Radiation! - Sean Bonner of Safecast Massive Indian Nuke Protests Against Westinghouse Planned: Kumar Sundaram NH #349 - Nuclear Hotseat

Please sign and circulate this international statement against the Kovvada nuclear plant launched as Westinghouse officials visit India next week. Organisations/groups are welcome to send their endorsement to us by email on

SIGN NOW: Westinghouse, Quit India! [Sign Statement Against Kovvada Nuclear Project] |

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Daniel Ellsberg: Preventing Extermination Of Humanity By Nukes | August 6, 2018 Hiroshima-Nagasaki Action at Livermore Lab 8 AM

"…The chart in my book, which I reproduce from memory—a very simple chart. I’m sure I have it right. [The chart] indicated that they expected to kill with our own first strike some 325 million people in the U.S.S.R. and China. Since they had an answer to that so quickly, they clearly had a model to go on, and I asked for how many would be killed altogether. And that figure added up to 600 million, a hundred Holocausts as I saw it."


podcast ---- Click here to LISTEN! – Daniel Ellsberg is best known as the whistleblower who released the Pentagon Papers, which exposed what United States government officials really knew and thought about the Vietnam War. But he also worked as a nuclear war planner when he was a RAND Corporation researcher and consultant for the Defense Department.

In a recently published book, “Doomsday Machine: Confessions Of a Nuclear War Planner,” Ellsberg recounts his journey as he discovered how close a nuclear strike by the United States government or a war between the U.S. and Soviet government could bring the Earth’s population to near-extinction.

From the late 1950s to the 1960s, he uncovered several traits of U.S. nuclear war plans that would produce quite devastating results for humanity. He attempted to persuade U.S. officials to address them and achieved rather mixed results.

On the “Unauthorized Disclosure” weekly podcast, Ellsberg highlights how he came to learn the military’s estimate for how many hundreds of millions of people would die if a nuclear attack was launched. He describes how there was no way to call back pilots if an execute order was given. He shares how his father refused to be part of the production of the H-bomb and talks about how he had classified documents on nuclear matters, which he planned to release until they were tragically lost.

Click here to listen: Daniel Ellsberg: Preventing Extermination Of Humanity By Nukes

ANNOUNCEMENT: Daniel Ellsberg will be a keynote speaker at the August 6, 2018 Hiroshima-Nagasaki action at Livermore Lab 8am. Please spread the word - and visit this page for updates soon.

August 6, 2018 Action at Livermore Lab 8 AM

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Congress: Say No to More "Usable" Nuclear Weapons Union of Concerned Scientists

The Trump administration recently released its new "Nuclear Posture Review" outlining radical, dangerous, and costly changes in US nuclear weapons policy that will make nuclear war more likely and the United States—and the entire world—less safe.
This truly is an all-hands-on-deck moment. We need Congress to help stop this potential disaster.
They want to:
• develop two types of new more usable nuclear weapons on top of the seven we already have;
• make it easier to use US nuclear weapons;
• spend some $1.7 trillion over the next 30 years to re-build the entire US nuclear arsenal; and
• continue the absurd policy giving one person—the president—sole, unchecked authority to launch nuclear weapons.
Over the years we've defeated similarly dangerous proposals. With your help, we'll do it again.
Write to your members of Congress today and tell them to just say no to the Trump administration's new nuclear weapons policies. Urge them to speak out publicly and to actively oppose plans and spending for new nuclear weapons.
Nothing is more important than our safety and security. Nuclear weapons don't make us safe and we must do everything we can to prevent nuclear war.
SIGN NOW: Congress: Say No to More "Usable" Nuclear Weapons Union of Concerned Scientists

Monday, February 5, 2018

3.11 Seventh Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Accident, Events and Actions (Facebook group) & Fukushima 7th Anniversary Events List – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs | #Fukushima311

Facebook group

so far: 

In New York – March 10
In San Francisco – March 11
The 68th Every 11th of Month No Nukes Rally in San Francisco, in front of the S.F. Japanese Consulate
In Taunton, Somerset – February 17
In London – March 9 – March 11 – March 14
In Lyon – February 25
In Nanterre – March 3
In Paris – March 11
In Flamanville – March 15
In Namur – March 8
In Saint Petersburg – March 11
In Nuremberg – March 7
In Regensburg – April 26
In Sydney – February 17
In New South wales – March 11
In Tokyo – February 24
February 25 in Nerima
February 25 in Shibuya
March 3
March 9
In Osaka – March 17
In Kyoto – March 11
In Fujimi – February 18

CHECK FOR UPDATES:  Fukushima 7th Anniversary Events List – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs

Head of Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Group: Trump’s Nuclear Policy “Puts Us on Path Toward Nuclear War” | Democracy Now!

A treaty intended to limit the United States and Russia’s long-range nuclear arsenals officially takes effect today. But the once-promising treaty, signed eight years ago by President Obama, is overshadowed by a new nuclear arms race sparked by President Trump. On Friday, the Trump administration unveiled its new nuclear weapons strategy, which involves spending at least $1.2 trillion to upgrade the United States’ nuclear arsenal, including developing some completely new nuclear weapons. Prominent anti-nuclear advocates have denounced the Pentagon’s plan as “radical” and “extreme.” For more, we speak with Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

AMY GOODMAN: Prominent anti-nuclear advocates have denounced the Pentagon’s plan as “radical” and “extreme.” World leaders have also criticized the plan. Russia said it risked provoking a renewed nuclear arms race. China accused Trump of engaging in a new Cold War. Iran’s foreign minister said the plan brings the world “closer to annihilation.”

This comes as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the Doomsday Clock 30 seconds closer to midnight. The clock is a symbolic timekeeper that tracks the likelihood of nuclear war and other existential threats. It now stands closer to midnight than at any time since 1953. The scientists directly cited President Trump’s nuclear policies as one of the reasons for advancing the clock.

For more, we go to Geneva, Switzerland, where we’re joined by Beatrice Fihn, the executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. It is the latest organization to win the Nobel Peace Prize. It won in December.

Beatrice Fihn, well, first of all, congratulations on the Nobel Peace Prize. And talk about what this, what’s called the NPR, the Nuclear Posture Review, the Trump administration’s plans for nuclear weapons, what it means for world peace.

BEATRICE FIHN: It’s a really dangerous new policy. We have already had a very dangerous status quo for many years. And this just increases, really, the risk of nuclear war. It is a policy that lowers the threshold for using nuclear weapons and develops new types of nuclear weapons that would be easier for President Trump to use. It’s dangerous, and it puts us on the path towards nuclear war, if we don’t act now.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Beatrice Fihn, what are the commitments right now of the United States in terms of lowering or reducing its nuclear arsenal?

BEATRICE FIHN: Well, the United States has signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which commits it to negotiating good-faith nuclear disarmament. But so far, that has not taken place. But it’s not just the United States. All nuclear-armed states, including Russia and China, France, U.K., are modernizing their nuclear arsenals, upgrading instead of reducing their arsenals.

AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go to a clip of President Trump giving his State of the Union last week. He said he would beef up the U.S. nuclear arsenal and dismiss global efforts to ban nuclear weapons…

Head of Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Group: Trump’s Nuclear Policy “Puts Us on Path Toward Nuclear War” | Democracy Now!
Democracy Now!
