
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Tell FERC One More Time: Stop the $100+ Billion Nuclear-Coal Bailout!

Make Your Voice Heard!
– Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary, Rick Perry, has proposed an unprecedented bailout for nuclear and coal power plants that will raise people’s energy bills and undermine renewable energy.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is fast-tracking the DOE’s radical proposal and plan to adopt it in 60 days. Public comments were due October 23rd, exactly three weeks after the plan was announced, and we delivered over 11, 420 comments to FERC.
The proposal calls for subsidies for old, outdated, and very polluting nuclear and coal plants under the guise that they promote electric grid reliability.
FERC is taking a final round of public comments until November 7. And we need to deliver thousands more comments to them! Even if you already signed a petition or sent a comment, please do so again for this final round.
It is still important to voice our opposition and the time to act is NOW! And after that, pass it on to your friends and to your contacts on facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc.
Stay tuned for more actions to take as we build this campaign to save our 100% Clean Energy Future!
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