
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Nuclear’s Resurrected Safety Lie of “Duck & Cover” – Bo Jacobs, Hiroshima Peace Institute – #345

Screen shot from the 1984 ABC-TV movie “The Day After” – Impact of atomic bomb detonation and resulting fireball on the human body. You can’t “duck and cover” from that.

This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Bo Jacobs is a Professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute and author of the recent article, “We Cannot Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse by Ducking and Covering.”  He discusses the recent spate of articles promoting the long-discredited “Duck and Cover” method for “surviving” a nuclear attack and analyzes the psychology behind this misleading bit of pro-nuclear propaganda.
  • Duck and Cover – see and hear the propaganda film we were talking about… 
  • And here’s the footage of the atomic canon being fired over the Nevada desert that Bo discussed.  The device exploded the same 15 kilotons as was dropped on Hiroshima…
(visit the page for videos)

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Do you actually need any other explanation of why transporting highly radioactive nuclear reactor waste over the roads is not a good idea?  (HINT:  No other transport method is much better.)

The Missing Links:

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